

Belen Gonzalez Alvarez

Libyan Women ORG

Member since 10 December 2020 @ 2:02pm

...• Empowering the Libyan women and girls to be what they want to be. • Vindicate the role of Libyan women. • Employment and migration. • Peace and security. The entity works to positio...

سليمة مصباح الفاخري

Youth & Women Empowerment Forum

Member since 26 November 2017 @ 11:23am

...ell as several campaigns against violence against women. The Forum also implemented a project to promote the role of women in peace, mediation, conflict resolution, security and social leadership.

Inas Miloud

Tamazight Women Movement

Member since 20 August 2017 @ 6:12pm

...edia. Currently (2017-2020), TWM is co-leading "Youth and Women as Peace Bridge Builders" program with...e resilience of civil society organizations working on women, youth, peace and security agenda. The program is funded...


Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center (CMC) continues its work in advocating for the rights and issues of women and youth during the year 2023

Created by Andalib Adwan 721 days ago

...e women’s access to justice and security, promoting a culture of re...launch the "Women’s Voices for Peace and Security" project in partnership with...women in Promoting security and peace, as well as launching the CMC Cl...g this year. Regarding digital security, CMC accumulates its work in...

Foundation's Team

The Euromed Feminist Initiative calls for a stop in the killing and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

Created by Foundation's Team 1369 days ago

...;  The international community has yielded to US pressure in the Security Council, covering the mass...vilian people, including women and children. EFI states once more that peace across the Middle East can only...

Maria Àngels Roque

EuroMeSCo's Annual conference on post-covid Euro-Med relations

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1421 days ago

...n with the main issues addressed in the Communication (Human development and good governance; Resilience, prosperity and digital transition; Peace and security; Migration and mobility; Gree...


Foundation's Team

Conversation Circle: Anti-Racism

Created by Foundation's Team 1427 days ago

"Let’s talk about Anti-Racism" is a place to raise issues and exchange ideas on 10 different topics in a semi-structured space during CSW6...

Foundation's Team

The Women Peace and Security Agenda Under Occupation

Created by Foundation's Team 1464 days ago

...ian Women in partnership with Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) woul...dered impacts of the Israeli occupation in Palestine, and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda #WPS under occupation....

Foundation's Team

Meeting and debate on women's rights in the MENA region

Created by Foundation's Team 2268 days ago

...sforming gender relations in relation to current international conferences, particularly in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, and peace and security. The event, linked to the Hu...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Grassroots Activists for Just Peace and Gender Equality

Created by Foundation's Team 3506 days ago

...ole in contributing to greater peace and security through media campaigns an...trainings, many data on women, peace and security needs and priorities of affec...mproved the competences of 300 peace activists with regards to promot...ole in strengthening peace and security. This practice has been iden...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Call for Proposals: COVID-19 Emergency Response Funding - WPHF

Created by Foundation's Team 1771 days ago

The Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund is accepting applications for the WPHF COVID...ional funding to local civil society organizations working on women, peace and security and humanitarian issues to en...

Foundation's Team

UNDP is looking for Sustainable Development Goals Expert in Yemen

Created by Foundation's Team 1779 days ago

...mainstreaming throughout the Peace Support Facility, to ensure t...romoting the Women, Peace and Security agenda represents a key pr...he peace process in line with Security Council resolution 1325; the context of crisis and peacebuilding is a distinguished advan...

Foundation's Team

UN WOMEN Programme Associate in Jerusalem, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES - Job Offer

Created by Foundation's Team 1798 days ago

...neficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rig...increasing the effective leadership and participation of women in peace and security; Supporting women’s inc...


Foundation's Team

School for a Culture of Peace's report on conflicts, human rights and peacebuilding from a gender perspective

Created by Foundation's Team 1629 days ago

...ies related to the culture of peace, conflict analysis, prevention and transformation, peace education, disarmament and th...crises and gender, peace and security. Chapter 3, entitled "Gender, Peace and Security", analyses the gender impa...

Foundation's Team

UNSCR 1325'National Action Plan Map

Created by Foundation's Team 2503 days ago

...l and legal document from the Security Council that required part...rsquo;s participation in peace negotiations and in post-co...the first United Nations Security Council resolution to works for sustainable peace through cooperative governance.&...

Foundation's Team

Women's Security Index

Created by Foundation's Team 3128 days ago

...The Index, compiled by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security and the Peace Research Institute of Oslo, draw...adly. It is the first index to capture women’s inclusion, security, and access to justice in the...


Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 721 days ago

...Ministerial Conference in Barcelona in 1995 it was declared, for the first time, that civil society was one of the main actors for achieving peace, security and development on both Medit...

Monia Braham

Implementing the 2030 Agenda in the Arab Region with a Gender and Green Local Development perspective

Created by Monia Braham 1106 days ago

...tion to ensure livelihoods and achieve food security should be recognized as fu...tes, protracted conflicts and serious human security threats, uncertainty to ensur...n preparing the regional strategy on women, peace and security, and its related action plan....

Foundation's Team

Occupation, conflict and patriarchy: Impacts on Palestinian women

Created by Foundation's Team 1232 days ago

...tion and worrying manifestations of gender-based violence persist. This guide is the companion to another report entitled Gender/Women, peace and security: implementation, challengesan...


Foundation's Team

Women, Peace and Security. The Role of Institutions in Times of Peace and War in the Arab Region / / Femmes, paix et sécurité. Le rôle des institutions en temps de paix et de guerre dans la région arabe

Created by Foundation's Team 1259 days ago

The present publication explores the women, peace and security agenda, and how the Arab region is responding to it. It discusses the roles of national women’s machineries, national human rights institutions, security sector institutions, and civil society organizations in ti...

Foundation's Team

Alert 2021! Report on conflicts, human rights and peacebuilding / / Alert 2021 ! Le rapport sur les conflits, les droits humains et la consolidation de la paix

Created by Foundation's Team 1296 days ago

Alert 2021! Report on conflicts, human rights and peacebuilding is an annual report analysing the state ofthe world in terms of conflict and peacebuilding basedon three main axes: armed conflict, tensions, gender and peace and security. The analysis of the most relevant events in 2020 a...

Foundation's Team

Bullets are Cheaper than Sugar: The Need for New Approaches to the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the MENA Region

Created by Foundation's Team 1475 days ago

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 of 2000 (UNSCR 1325) and the nine subsequent resolutions adopted under the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WIL...