


Madame Leila TOUBEL will bring to the stage YAKOUTA, a powerful plea for all women who are victims of violence

Created by Hend M’HAMDI 1084 days ago

Dear partners, and friends + As part of the "Tunisie en Mouvements" program supported by Wallonia...o death by her companion. Beatings, insults and injuries are part of her daily life, but this time he has sworn to end her life,...


WEBINAR - Women's inheritance and economic rights: between discrimination and equality

Created by Samira MUHEYA 1318 days ago

As part of the countdown events of the Generation...ce on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at 2:30 p.m Rabat time (3:30 p.m. Paris time). Fouzia Assouli, presiden...o-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation, will participate in the event. ...

Foundation's Team

Fighting Gender Stereotypes: EuroMed Women for Dialogue

Created by Foundation's Team 1324 days ago

...program of civil society and partner-led activities, a series o...Date: 23/06/21 Time: 3pm – 5pm CET Du...ypes that hamper women’s full participation and potential in the...s This event is organized as part of a series of events in the...

Foundation's Team

Discussing the empowerment of female refugees and migrants for a socially inclusive Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 1331 days ago

...sp;and inadequate healthcare. Female refugees and migrants in particular face heightened discrimination, violence and forced displacement at a time when support services are lacking. As part of the occasion of the World...

Foundation's Team

Palestinian Mai Masri tailors the classic section of the Arab and Mediterranean Film festival of Catalonia

Created by Foundation's Team 1473 days ago

...ams and Fears, will inaugurate the section. The filmmaker will also take part in a virtual forum that will...realities of two generations of women at a prince’s palace at the time of the French protectorate in...

Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

The prevention of Gender-Based Violence at University: From Knowledge to Action for Change

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1533 days ago

As part of the 16 Days of Activism against G...zing in close collaboration with its partners a virtual seminar (zoom)...November 26 from 1pm local Tunisian time until 3 pm. The aim of the s...13:00 UTC+01 to 15:00 UTC+01 (Tunis time)...

Foundation's Team

European Gender Equality Week 2020 - October 26-29

Created by Foundation's Team 1568 days ago equality. Therefore, the European Parliament is holding for the first time its European Gender Equality...ion to gender mainstreaming in all policy areas. Most committees taking part in the Gender Equality Week a...

Alexia CM

9th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education (and Research)

Created by Alexia CM 3142 days ago

.... France is hosting this event for the first time. Gender research, including research on women in academia in particular, is well developed in F...of society and in higher education and research particularly. Its institutions, as...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Equity, Parity and Gender Mainstreaming Commission of Guelmim
Nahda Association
Union Nationale de la Femme Tunisienne (UNFT)
Moroccan Association of Reproductive Health
Nahda Association for Relief and development
Venus Association for the culture and arts
Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes (FLDDF) de Ouarzazate
Alèxia Carrasco
Arab Women Parlamentarian Network
Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration
Association AGIR pour le Developpement et l'Epanouissement de la Jeunesse
Forsaan Al-Ghad Youth Association
Aman Society Centre for counseling, development and community health
Souad Slaoui
Business Women Forum-Palestine (BWF)
Wojoud for Empowering Civil Society
Tunisian Association of Women Judges- TAWJ
Bidaya Association
Civic Forum Institute (CFI)
Master genre et droits des femmes des deux rives de la meditérranée
Turkey Disable'   s Education and Solidarity Foundation
Ensan Aid
Women'  s Alliance for Virtual Exchange (WAVE)
Mother's School Association
Portuguese Platform for Women'   s Rights - PpDM (Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres)
Organization of Backing Liberal and Social Development (OBLSD)
Youth Empowerment Society - YES
AMANE – Association Meilleur Avenir pour Nos Enfants
Palestinian Businesswomen's Association ASALA
Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Center (ACT)
Mafraq Youth Gathering for Civil Society Development
Tunisian Association for Cultural Action
Egyptian Feminist Union – EFU
Faculté de droit et de science politique Aix Marseille Université
Portuguese Association of Women in Legal Careers

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Shared practices

The street belongs to us - Campaign against sexual harassment: Making Egypt' s streets safer for women

The practice was initiated in 2004 with the aim of breaking the taboo that existed at that time, of sexual harassment. The...

16 days of activism - Qanun Nashaz (wrong notes of the law)

The “16 days of activism”is an international campaign conducted by different organizations in different countries....

Migrant Women: A Resource

This practice began in 2014 and it was supported by the European Commission Representation in Italy, Provincia di Roma and...

'Let’s erase sexist prejudices'

A teaching DVD called « Let’s erase sexist prejudices » provides a serie of activities to promote non-sexist...

Social Change through Women's Cinema

SHASHAT promotes women’s cinema as an agent of social transformation in the Palestinian society, and women as creative...

International Consortium for Gender Equality on Campus

The International Consortium for Gender Equality on Campus was created by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) as...

Equality for local development: gender mainstreaming in municipalities

The project aimed at increasing analytical and practical capacities of local authorities in order to implement real gender...

How to report a harassment, simplified guide to fight sexual harassment in Egypt

In the recent years, the magnitude of sexual violence in Egypt increased significantly, especially following the 2011 popular...

Strengthening the political participation of Palestinian women

Although Palestinian women have always had an effective role in the Palestinian struggle on the ground, their political...

Soap making to support unemployed women in Lebanon

Women make up only 28% of the total labour force in Lebanon According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index 2018,...