

سوزان حمي

The Libyan Network to Support and Empower Women

Member since 11 October 2018 @ 2:24pm

...situation of Libyan women and increase their political participation - Participate and organize campaigns to demand a quota for Libyan women in parliament and elected councils - Parti...

Claudine Aoun Roukoz

National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW)

Member since 11 June 2018 @ 2:36pm

...developed strong partnerships with local, regional and international organizations, and became a key contributor to the Lebanese government and Parliament in regard to women and gender...

Aswat Nissa

Aswat Nissa

Member since 27 July 2017 @ 4:18pm

...parity on the electoral lists of political parties. • Women, Peace and Security to facilitate an inclusive dialogue between civil society and parliament (with MPs) to adopt a NAP ref...


Rabha Fathi

A National Call to Protect Children's Rights and Criminalize Early Marriage

Created by Rabha Fathi 1149 days ago

...wyers (AEFL) calls the Egyptian Parliament to rapidly issue the law that...ld marriage. AEFL denounces the Parliament’s failure to discuss an...arriage, although many CSOs and Parliament’s members have submitte...various members of the Egyptian Parliament. There was a social dialogue...

Rabha Fathi

AEFL kicks off its project Social Initiative to Combat Early Marriage

Created by Rabha Fathi 1173 days ago of the project are CSOs, the National Council for Women, the parliament and senate. In the context of.... 22 experts participated in this roundtable including members of the parliament and senate in addition to the...

Foundation's Team

The abortion ban in Poland is an attack on women's and fundamental rights

Created by Foundation's Team 1477 days ago

...illegally and puts lives at risk. In November 2020, the European Parliament “strongly condemned&rdq...titutional Tribunal, which is no longer independent. In addition, the Parliament has repeatedly demanded that...


Foundation's Team

The EU Parliament holds its 3rd Gender Equality Week

Created by Foundation's Team 847 days ago

The European Parliament’s Committee on Women&rsquo...quality Index (FEMM). The aim of Parliament’s European Gender Equal...change still needs to happen and Parliament is keen to advance legislatio...t suited to women’s needs. Parliament is championing greater partic...

Foundation's Team

The Conference on the Future of Europe. Why a Gender Perspective is needed

Created by Foundation's Team 1236 days ago, to discuss some of the issues in this first of a series of planned webinars. The panelists will be: ~Gabi BISCHOFF, Member of the European Parliament.“State of play, partici...

Esther Fouchier

Online debate: Women of the Mediterranean, between violence and strategies for freedom

Created by Esther Fouchier 1541 days ago

Wthin the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women celebrated on 25 November, the European Parliament’s office in Marseille is organisi...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Croatia: Lobbying in support of women survivors of wartime sexual violence

Created by Foundation's Team 1922 days ago

...ization, culminated in the adoption, in 2015, of a law granting compensation to rape victims in the 1991-95 war of independence, by the Croatian parliament. This law was considered a f...

Foundation's Team

Because they are my children, my nationality is their right

Created by Foundation's Team 3502 days ago

...banon and from all religious faiths was launched as well as a petition, collecting 300,000 signatures in 8 months, was presented to the Lebanese parliament in a draft national law. A hu...

Foundation's Team

Establishing a coalition and advocacy for the introduction of the quota policy in Algeria

Created by Foundation's Team 3502 days ago

...the establishment of the quota system was effective. The law was passed on 12 January 2012, which led to the election of 147 women (31%) in the parliament. This practice has been sele...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Consultant on contestations and backlashes to gender equality in the MENA

Created by Foundation's Team 1248 days ago

...ality in inheritance, crushing hopes forged since the presentation in Parliament of a draft law on equality in...r initiating the backlash: heads of state, ministers, members of Parliament, political party, GONGOs, rel...


Foundation's Team

COVID-19 Resources: Articles, Essays, News and Press Releases

Created by Foundation's Team 1772 days ago

...he Guardian, April 3, 2020. Deutsche Welle, Coronavirus fuels domestic violence in the Middle East, EGYPT INDEPENDENT, April 3, 2020. European Parliament, PRESS RELEASE: COVID-19: Sto...

Foundation's Team

Powerful campaign by Kafa against sexual violence in Lebanon

Created by Foundation's Team 2276 days ago

...roved by the Council of Ministers in March 2017, and submitted to the Chamber of Deputies, but which has since been placed in the drawers of the Parliament. Kafa had then encouraged gi...

Foundation's Team

Measuring Gender-Sensitivity in the EU: a tool for national Parliaments

Created by Foundation's Team 2419 days ago

...Less than a third of all parliamentarians in the EU are women. Wi...chieve gender-balanced national parliaments. The European Institute for...ges. It helps to identify where parliaments stand on their way to gender...hich has statistics on women in parliamentary bureaus and committees in...


Foundation's Team

Union of Equality: LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025

Created by Foundation's Team 1334 days ago

Equal opportunities is one of the key pillarsof the European Pillar of Social Rights. The European Commission, the Parliament and the Council, together with Member States, a...

Foundation's Team

Precarious work from a gender and intersectionality perspective, and ways to combat it

Created by Foundation's Team 1502 days ago

This study, commissioned by theEuropean Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee, e...

Foundation's Team

Women's Political Participation in Jordan: Barriers, Opportunities and Gender Sensitivity of select Political Institutions

Created by Foundation's Team 1582 days ago

...faced by Jordanian women candidates: both the enabling factors and obstacles in the election of more women to parliament and municipal councils. A second assessment analysed the parliament’s workplace operations,...


Foundation's Team

Women in politics: 2019 / Les femmes en politique: 2019 / المرأة في السياسة: 2019

Created by Foundation's Team 2129 days ago

The “Women in politics: 2019” map, created by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UN Women, depicts global rankings for women in the executive and parliamentary branches of government as of 1 January 2019. The map shows progress towards gender equality in these areas at ...

Foundation's Team

Badr impulse un dialogue politique au Caire pour appliquer la loi sur l'héritage / جمعية بدر تقود حواراً سياسياً في القاهرة لتعزيز إنفاذ قانون الميراث / Badr leads a policy dialogue in Cairo to foster the inheritance law enforcement

Created by Foundation's Team 2178 days ago

En 2017, le Parlement égyptien a adopté une nouvelle loi relative à l’héritage, la loi 219, accordant aux femmes leur droit légitime à l’héritage pour mettre fin à une coutume très répandue, en particulier...

Foundation's Team

Sexism, harassment and violence against women in parliaments in Europe / Sexisme, harcèlement et violence à l'égard des femmes dans les parlements d'Europe / التمييز على أساس الجنس والتحرش والعنف ضد النساء في البرلمانات في أوروبا

Created by Foundation's Team 2312 days ago

This study is based on interviews with 123 female MPs and parliamentary staff in Council of Europe member States. It provided figures and document a range of sexist and violent behaviour against women in parliaments. It also seeks to assess the extent and highlight the particular forms ...