

Riham Faqih

MIFTAH caps off four training workshops within its protection and promotion of women's human rights project

Created by Riham Faqih 1575 days ago

...reiterated the importance of working to reverse the sense of participate for the first time. Furthermore, the four groups support...out within the project “Working Together as Agents for Change...MIFTAH’s team said the organization was completing a series...

Foundation's Team

Fighting against female school dropouts in Areas C in Bethlehem and Hebron

Created by Foundation's Team 2328 days ago

...thlehem and Yatta, and community organizations such as village councils specific months (i.e. harvest time of cucumbers ). Lack of parents& for large families and working in agricultural and grazing a...ination of short videos, and the organization of raising awareness...

Esther Fouchier

Workshop on income generating activities in Sousse

Created by Esther Fouchier 2686 days ago

...e guest houses and accommodation places. This could also include the organization of thematic weeks, routes to...ion coordinated with Sousse Tomorrow to test product development and working time. Test the restaurants for th...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

UNDP is looking for Sustainable Development Goals Expert in Yemen

Created by Foundation's Team 1772 days ago

...cials and various stakeholders; Time management skills; Ability to work w...g ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents; Building suppo...s; Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture o...required;  Experience working on issues of vulnerable gr...


Foundation's Team

Twelve Small Actions with big impact for Generation Equality - UN Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1800 days ago

...o;s true: women take on three times more unpaid care and domestic work than men. That’s time and energy taken away from women...n the facts, so that the next time someone makes statements like th...n expected to devote far more time, energy and money to their ap...


Foundation's Team

Women in Poverty and Employment in London -2016 Report / Femmes démunies et sans emploi à Londres – Rapport 2016 / النساء في الفقر و العمالة في لندن- تقرير 2016

Created by Foundation's Team 3080 days ago

This report examines the situation of women in poverty and employment in London, one of the world´s largest and most expensive and diverse cities.The report examines the effects of inequality on women, particularly with regard to the following factors: Poverty, London, Spending and Employme...

Foundation's Team

Reconciliation of work, family and private life in the European Union Policy review / Conciliation vie professionnelle-vie privée et familiale dans la révision de la politique de l'Union européenne / التوفيق بين العمل و الحياة العائلية و الخاصة في الإتحاد الأوربي, استطلاع السياسات

Created by Foundation's Team 3288 days ago

The study focuses on policies and good practices in the field of reconciliation of work, family and private life in the European Union.It includes a policy and literature review in this field, which casts light on various issues, such as: participation of men and women in employment, leave arrang...

Foundation's Team

Enhancing parenthood among male wage earners: a professional equality challenge / Promouvoir la parentalité auprès des salariés masculins: un enjeu d' égalité professionnelle / تعزيز الأبوة بين كاسبي الأجر من الذكور: تحدي للنوعية المهنية

Created by Foundation's Team 3539 days ago

This guide was conceived to promote parenthood among male wage earners based on practices developed within corporations in France and in other countries. From an educational approach, the guide addresses the following issues: the challenges for enterprises to promote parenthood among male wage ea...