Created by Foundation's Team 2627 days ago
“Religious fundamentalism” has become one of those scary terms that evokes a range of intimidating images in people’s heads. Some imagine it as the threat of anger and violence and destruction, driven by a religion that we don’t understand. When these people happ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: christian community, muslim community, religion, violent extremism, sexual orientation, diversity, homophobia, transphobia, gender identity, lgbt, transgender, homosexuality, commu...
Created by Foundation's Team 2647 days ago
Societal indifference regarding this abuse is unacceptable. Is it with the argument of tolerance or cultural relativism, by cowardice or racism, that little girls of Muslim descent would not be untitled the right to State protection? Regards de femmes denounces the abuse of those with a...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: religion, muslim community, religion, communauté musulmane, دين, الجالية المسلمة
Created by Foundation's Team 3057 days ago
This paper focuses on the role of the leisure and recreation events and the effects of women decision-makers on their fellow women. The research is expected to give new ideas to the National Olympic Committees (NOCs), academic ınstitutions, local governments and private sectors who are in the aim...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: muslim community, religion, tradition, sport, communauté musulmane, religion, tradition, sport, المجتمع المسلم, دين, تقاليد, رياضة
Created by Foundation's Team 3060 days ago
This report presents the findings of a quantitative and qualitative examination, of early marriage practices among Jordanians, as well as Palestinians and Syrians currently living in Jordan, it covers mainly the time period between 2005- 2012. The study focuses on cases of early marriage for girl...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: forced marriage, early marriage, muslim community, migrant and refugee women's rights, mariage forcé, mariage précoce, communauté musulmane, droits des femmes migrantes et réfugiées, الزواج المبكر, الزواج القسري, المجتمع المسلم, حقوق النساء المهاجرات و اللاجئات
Created by Foundation's Team 3151 days ago
This book analyses the struggle and resistance deployed by Muslim women in sports and their claim to full and equal participation and rights. It evinces the various ways women in sport negotiate political and ideological boundaries, in order to bring about gender equitable opportunities, while at...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: equal opportunities, muslim community, sport, religion, égalités des chances, communauté musulmane, sport, religion, فرص متساوية, مجتمع مسلم, رياضة, دين
Created by Foundation's Team 3296 days ago
La Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée est une publication de sciences humaines et sociales qui présente, dans des livraisons thématiques, des études sur l’ensemble du monde musulman. Cette revue, fondée en 1966, publiait &agr...
Contenu type : Resources
Tags : Tags: media, research, history, religion, muslim community, médias, recherche, histoire, religion, communauté musulmane
Created by Foundation's Team 3410 days ago
This booklet is intended to help social workers to provide proper legal information in their interviews with women. Written both in English and French, it aims to enrich social workers’ legal background, enabling them to answer women’s simple legal questions in cases of emergencies un...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: christian community, muslim community, divorce, human rights, childcare, marriage, communauté chrétienne, communauté musulmane, divorce, droits humains, garde d’enfants, mariage, طائفة مسيحية, طائفة مسلمة, طلاق, حقوق الإنسان, رعاية الطفل, زواج
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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