Created by Leandra Hettenbach 2134 days ago
...from the fact that Arab Palestinian women in Israel are an indigenous minority that suffers from systematic...lusion from political decision-making positions, and as a result, this minority is also excluded from the pub...
Contenu type : News
Created by Milena Kadieva 2390 days ago
...ory techniques, the project aims to construct alternative stories of and by women whose voices are traditionally unheard, especially rural, poor, minority and elderly women, as well as...
Contenu type : News
Created by Foundation's Team 820 days ago
...(engineering, computing, physics, mathematics)—and in which there continue to be shortages of skilled laborers—women are still in the minority. Female-friendly start-ups st...
Contenu type : Events
Created by Foundation's Team 1180 days ago
...ity and justice services are particularly at risk of violence. This includes women with disabilities, women deprived of their liberty, women from minority backgrounds, such as Roma and...
Contenu type : Events
Created by Foundation's Team 1186 days ago
...ity and justice services are particularly at risk of violence. This includes women with disabilities, women deprived of their liberty, women from minority backgrounds, such as Roma and...
Contenu type : Events
Created by Foundation's Team 3496 days ago
...g domestic abuse and harmful practices, such as forced marriage, honour based violence and Female Genital Mutilation, within BAMER (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee) communiti...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Created by Foundation's Team 1382 days ago
...r working in comparable fields, with a very good level of English and not older than 50 years of age. Members of ethnic, religious, or other minority groups will be given special...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Created by Foundation's Team 1769 days ago of Arabic is an advantage. UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2397 days ago
...upporting the ENoMW’s Brussels office in project and administrative tasks. Priority among applicants will be given to migrant, refugee and ethnic minority women. Submit your applic...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Created by Foundation's Team 3424 days ago
Adalah is an independent legal center for human rights, registered in Israel as a non-profit organization. Founded in 1996, Adalah promotes the rights of Pales...
Contenu type : Resources
Created by Foundation's Team 3555 days ago
Within the Ministry of Justice and for Minority Rights of Montenegro, the Gender Equality Department is the body responsible for achieving gender equality in the country. To...
Contenu type : Resources
Created by Silvia Gagliardi 2039 days ago
...existing literature, as it specifically focuses on women’s rights and minority and indigenous peoples’ right...ging as a controversial and divisive issue. The concluding section on ‘Minority rights theories and critiques...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Silvia Gagliardi 2159 days ago
...) alongside Arabic. However, despite apparent progress in the areas of minority groups’ and indigenous...graft on larger international approaches when looking at the issue of minority and indigenous women....
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2223 days ago
...research and highlights the significant gaps in our knowledge and understanding, including the experiences of women with a disability and ethnic minority women. The review also compri...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2223 days ago
Le rapport fournit une revue d’un ensemble des données et des recherches au niveau de l’UE et souligne les lacunes importantes dans nos connaissances et notre compréhension, y compris les expériences des femmes handicapées et des femmes appartenant &agr...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: sexual violence, harassment, education, minority, women's right, minorities' rights, eu, gender, violence sexuelle, harcèlement, union européenne, minorité, droits fes femmes, education, genre, العنف الحنسي, تحرش, الاتحاد الأوروبي, سياسان, جندر, تعليم عالي, أقلية, حقوق المرأة
Created by Foundation's Team 2313 days ago
Sonia Cortés and Jennifer Amador are responsible for the two most important programmes of the Gypsy Secretarial Foundation in Malaga, working towards the development and integration of the "gitano" community and the acceptance of their culture. Both women have university degrees,...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: minority, gender equality, stereotypes, gypsies, education, empowerment, minorité, égalité, gitanes, education, autonomisation, droits des femmes, أقلية, حقوق المرأة, النساء الغجريات, مساواة, تمكين, تعليم
Created by Foundation's Team 2327 days ago
The Brussels Binder est une ressource pour les organisateurs/organisatrices de conférences et les médias qui cherchent à inclure des voix de femmes expertes dans leurs débats politiques. Il vise à améliorer l’équilibre entre femmes ...
Contenu type : Resources
Tags : Tags: customs and tradition, citizenship, parliament, minority, parity, decision-making, policy dialogue, advovacy, tradition, citoyenneté, égalité des chances, partage du pouvoir de d...
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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