

Helena González Fernández

Third edition of the cycle Talking about gender and genres: a conversation with Ale Oseguera and Laura Casielles

Created by Helena González Fernández 1414 days ago

...organised by the UNESCO Chair Women, Development and Culture (led by Mò...activity is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); specifically goal number 5: achieve gender equality. T...Agenda and are a continuation of the Millennium Development Goals. Those interest...


Foundation's Team

The gender impact assessment and monitoring tool - GIM Tool

Created by Foundation's Team 1914 days ago implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with a particular focus on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5. The 2030 Agenda was built on the foundation of and expands upon the Millennium Development Goals by promoting sustainable dev...


Foundation's Team

Resource guide on gender and climate change / Guide Climat et égalité des sexes / التغير المناخي و المساواة الجندرية

Created by Foundation's Team 2998 days ago

This guide casts light on the relationship between gender equality and climate change, and its importance in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. It presents principal conceptual and methodological advances on gender relations in the context of climate change, with the overall objective of...

Foundation's Team

Supporting Women´s Empowerment and Gender Equality in Fragile States -Lebanon / Soutenir l'autonomisation des femmes et l'égalité entre les sexes dans les États fragiles - Liban / دعم تمكين المرأة و المساواة بين الجنسين في الدول الهشة-لبنان

Created by Foundation's Team 3206 days ago

This report summarizes a research that focuses on the gender dimension of fragility. It highlights the current opportunities and barriers to women’s economic empowerment in fragile contexts, including what is working and not working and what is needed to help women realize greater empowerme...

Foundation's Team

«The Devil is in the Details»: At the Nexus of Development, Women´s Rights, and Religious Fundamentalisms / « Le diable est dans les détails » : le lien entre développement, droits des femmes et fondamentalismes religieux / «الشيطان يكمن في التفاصيل»: في نيكزس التنمية وحقوق المرأة، والأصوليات الد...

Created by Foundation's Team 3206 days ago

This study draws on religious fundamentalism as a significant impediment of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the goal 5 “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls’’. It considers that religious fundamentalism along with other structura...