

Foundation's Team

Rapid Gender Analysis: COVID-19 Middle East and North Africa Region

Created by Foundation's Team 1202 days ago

...s, other more fragile and conflict-affected countries are seeing spikes in the number of people infected. Widespread conflict, displacement, and migration in the region significantly c...

Foundation's Team

Mind the Gap Report: COALESCE for Support in Cyprus

Created by Foundation's Team 1269 days ago

...ct EC AMIF:958133). COALESCE is funded by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) a...the AMIF1, the project focuses on the implications of developments in migration, especially within the contex...

Foundation's Team

Guidelines on how to include the gender perspective in the analysis of migration narratives

Created by Foundation's Team 1294 days ago

...How is gender involved in the migration process? What are the effects of migration on gender relations? And how...impact the representation of migration in turn? How do media and pol...ct dealing with narratives or migration issues, and willing to includ...

Foundation's Team

No Borders to Equality: Global Mapping of Organizations Working on Gender and Migration

Created by Foundation's Team 1405 days ago

...and gender‐responsive national and regional migration policies. To begin addressing this challenge, the Women in Migration Network (WIMN) partnered an intersectional feminist lens to global migration policy, drawing on internatio...

Maria Alabdeh

The disproportionate impact of Covid 19 crisis on women and adolescent girls in middle Bekaa and Women Now for Development's response

Created by Maria Alabdeh 1476 days ago

...nd Lebanon, where past and ongoing conflicts generate ethnic and sectarian schisms, and cause economic and humanitarian crises manifested in the migration and refuge of millions, mostl...

Milena Kadieva

No Gaps Handbook and Toolbox for professionals in integral intervention with young female asylum seekers and refugees

Created by Milena Kadieva 1492 days ago

...eve the European Qualification Framework (EQF) level 61 upon having accomplished the respective training. Professionals working in the field of migration processes and the integration...

Foundation's Team

Gaps in the EU Labour Market Participation Rates: an intersectional assessment of the role of gender and migrant status

Created by Foundation's Team 1510 days ago

This Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography study uses data from the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) to analyse how intersecting social statuses shape labour market par...

Foundation's Team

Women's Political Presence in the Arab Mediterranean Region: Governance, Contentious Politics, and Agency

Created by Foundation's Team 1531 days ago

...Arab uprisings, Occupy Wall Street, and European anti-austerity protests; the NATO assault on Libya and external intervention in Syria; the 2015 migration crisis; the global expansion...

Foundation's Team

EU Approach to Gender Equality in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region

Created by Foundation's Team 1545 days ago

...tent and not responsive. MEDRESET papers indicate that gender equality was notsystematically or effectively addressed in sectors of agriculture, migration, industry and energy.The mism...

Foundation's Team

EIGE Sectoral Brief : Gender and Migration

Created by Foundation's Team 1563 days ago

...when looking into the policy area of migration. The lack of a gender perspective in migration, asylum and integration polic...voluntary basis or their reasons for migration are a combination of the two,...gender identity, sexual orientation, migration status, age and class. The m...