


Association of Innovation, Training and Employment for Sustainable Development (AIFED)

Member since 21 October 2019 @ 12:29pm in developing a professional orientation program to support young migrant women. - The educational programm...lude gender equality. - Developing several methodologies to work on women’s empowering within the frame...


Humanity Diaspo

Member since 23 May 2019 @ 6:15pm

...orts a project in Morocco. It is a local structure that supports migrant, refugee and Moroccan women in vulnerable situations, wit...girls. Humanity Diaspo is a member of the Steering Committee of Women 7 Movement

Khadija Ismailí Alaoui

Socio-cultural centre for women in action

Member since 16 February 2018 @ 12:45pm

...ops • Conferences • Seminars • Create meeting spaces between migrant and indigenous women to facilitate integration and m...o reduce inequalities • Make proposals that helps to visualize migrant women in society. • Work with wome...

Mireia Estrada Gelabert

Jiwar Creation & Society

Member since 16 March 2017 @ 7:17pm

...ated an equality space around sewing between Catalan old women from Gràcia's neighbourhood and Pakistani young migrant women (Raval, neighbourhood of Barc...he Making N. project, we worked the intimate identity of women mothers, how their dreams are...

Michèle Vianes

Regards de Femmes

Member since 25 May 2015 @ 12:24pm

International Forum Participatory Democracy, Women's Participation in Decision-Making. Palais des Congrès Lyon; Conference "secularism an asset for women"; Mothers for Peace Congress; Promotion of the rights of migrant women, etc.

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Center (ACT)
Badr Eltawayel
Mobilising for Rights Associates (MRA)
Women Helping Women Network-Jordan
Women'    s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC)
Femmes et Leadership
Permanent Peace Movement (PPM)
Femme Action - Woman Action (A.F.A - A.W.A)
Association Irtikaa
Elmehwar Association for Developing the Egyptian Family
Bulgarian School of Politics  Dimitry Panitza
Zhour Bouzidi
Tafoukt Souss Association for Women Development
Tunisian Association of Development Law - ATDD
Committee for the Follow-Up on women' s Issues (CFUWI)
هلدا عواد
RUSEMEG - Réseau Universitaire et Scientifique Euro-Méditerranéen
Journalists Without Borders (JWB)
Tunisie pionnieres
Anouar Association
RIHAN ASSOCIATION for Youth and Development
ASURIF Feminist Association
Vision Communication Consultancy
Association Neama for Development
Peace and friendship international organization. P4all
Kings Road Association
University of Manouba Tunisia
Maysa Hajjaj
University of Sousse
Cooperation Association
Amal Wazan for women football
Saba Hamlet for Gender Equality
Bothoor Alkhaer Human Organization
National Association for Youth Exchange

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Shared practices

Strengthening the political participation of Palestinian women

Although Palestinian women have always had an effective role in the Palestinian struggle on the ground, their political...

Campaign - Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it.

In partnership with several organisations, the Council of Europe has put together a series of recommendations and documents to...

Bringing Young Mothers Back to Education in six European countries

The problem of young mothers dropping out of education and facing difficulties in going back to education or training or entering...

Access to justice for women victimes of violence

The program “Access to justice for women victimes of violence” focuses on coordination and partnership with...

Respect: "Gommons les préjugés sexistes"

Il nous est apparu important, dans ce dvd pédagogique “gommons les préjugés sexistes”, de développer une série d'activités qui...

Symposium ‘Gender diversity in early childhood’

A conference on professional gender diversity in early childhood under the patronage of the Ministry of Childhood, Families and...

Call for social, cultural and health rights for young street mothers

The practice focuses on the case of young street mothers aged 14 to 22 who are often victims of violence and are pregnant after...

Equality for local development: gender mainstreaming in municipalities

The project aimed at increasing analytical and practical capacities of local authorities in order to implement real gender...

AFIF: Literacy, Training and Employment for Women in Algeria

In 1962, when Algeria became independent, it set up a huge literacy programme. More than 85 percent of the population was...

The Wednesdays of CREDIF

The practice consists of sessions aimed at raising awareness of and mobilising a large and diverse public (academics,...