

Foundation's Team

Opening of the Generation Equality Forum: 100 feminist associations call for mobilisation for the universal rights of women

Created by Foundation's Team 1316 days ago

...he movements and struggles of women and of their feminist associati...Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby), National Coun...(Ciams), European Network Of Migrant Women (ENOMW), European Gro...Peace, Business Professional Women (Bpw France), Burkina Biiga,...

Esther Fouchier

FFM supports migrant women in the framework of the project FORUM for intercultural dialogue

Created by Esther Fouchier 1386 days ago

...ticipation against the stigmatisation of migrants and refugees. Several activi...carried out with the European Network of Migrant Women with the young women’s group, RadicalGirlsss, as w...FFM will participate in a roundtable on migrant women in the context of the COVID19...

Milena Kadieva

Handbook and Toolbox for Professionals in Integral Intervention with Young Women Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Created by Milena Kadieva 1517 days ago

...labor intervention with young women asylum seekers and refugees. Th...with professionals and young women asylum seekers and refugees t...ook to groups of women with a migrant background from the four co...egral Intervention with Young Women Asylum Seekers and Refugees i...

Milena Kadieva

Innovations for Social and Labour Inclusion for Migrant Women

Created by Milena Kadieva 1750 days ago

...ocial and labour inclusion of women with a migrant background, by means of empow...nd enhance the competences of women with a migrant background for their self and...Up. Empowering and Upskilling women with a migrant background to foster their...

Esther Fouchier

European Women's Lobby declaration on COVID-19

Created by Esther Fouchier 1778 days ago

...Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby, publishes the the current pandemic, many women and girls are even further ex...societies such as Roma women, migrant women, women with precariou...reminded about how invaluable women’s care work is to the w...

Esther Fouchier

Coeur de Femmes - 4 and 5 March 2020 in Marseille

Created by Esther Fouchier 1801 days ago

...or debate on the situation of women in the world. A citizen’s...ramework of the International Women’s Day will be highlighted...awa: workshop on the place of women in the public space 9:30 - 1...m and the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoW) on prostitutio...

Milena Kadieva

NO GAPS: Good practices on socio-labor intervention with young women and vulnerable groups

Created by Milena Kadieva 1954 days ago

...logy for socio-labor intervention with young women, asylum-seekers and refugees&rd...Europe for professionals working with young migrant women, asylum-seekers and refugees....professional work with vulnerable groups of women. It is available in English,...

Ana Sofia Fernandes

Training in Portugal on youth engagement against the system of prostitution

Created by Ana Sofia Fernandes 1998 days ago

...’ (Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights) organized a tra...eoliberalism, commodification of women’s bodies, globalization a...ssion by the European Network of Migrant Women, was also present, to establi...ution and its predatory abuse of migrant women and girls. After the...

Maria Àngels Roque

FEM EU campaign: gender equality in the context of the European elections

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2135 days ago

...n in May 2018, aspires to put women’s rights at the core of E...l on the circumstances of old women and the challenges they face...o ensure better protection to migrant women. The session measures aiming to improve women’ rights in the EU. It a...

Foundation's Team

Nanterre Congress: RUSEMEG's contributions to the collective feminist debate

Created by Foundation's Team 2312 days ago

...entific Network on Gender and Women (RUSEMEG) organized the symposium "Stories and Woes of Women in the Euro-Mediterranean Reg...n victims of gender violence, migrant women and prostituted partnership with the Arab Women’s Center for Training a...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction (ATSR)
Institute for Women's Studies in the Arab World (IWSAW)
Turkey Disable'   s Education and Solidarity Foundation
Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF)
Elham Ibrahim Younis Abdelaal
International Alliance of Women (IAW)
Soroptimist Club Marrakech
Social Association for Media Profession
Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS)
Alèxia Carrasco
Salama's Friends
Women'  s Studies Center (WSC)
Jerusalem Center for Women
University of Sousse
Ensan Aid
Istar Montull Mussach
Associació Catalana de Dones Directives i Empresaries
Genre Culture Diversité et Développement (GCDD)
Nahda Association
RIHAN ASSOCIATION for Youth and Development
هلدا عواد
The Moroccan Human Rights Forum
Mixité et Gouvernance en Méditerranée
Faize Foundation
Yaich Elarbi
Women On Top
Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
NGOs Today
Association AGIR pour le Developpement et l'Epanouissement de la Jeunesse
Al Karam
Association Tahadi pour l'Environnement
People’ Rights  Center - Sidi kacem

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More women in the leadership on the Euro- Mediterranean level

Maria Helena de Felipe, The Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME)’s President has been...

Selection of 8 associations that will be advocating for women's rights

After the advocacy training held in Barcelona from the 4th to the 9th April 2016, 24 association of the Southern Mediterranean...

Policy dialogue for more gender-sensitive municipal actions in Sfax

Following its advocacy campaign for parity in municipal councils, which contributed, along with other initiatives, to increasing...

CMC launched a training on digital marketing for women academics

The CMC (Community Media Center) has concluded a training to develop the networking skills and digital marketing capabilities of...

Global Citizenship Education Fund: citizenship education with a long-term vision

Values such as non-violence and equality can be improved thanks to a formative offer that enables teachers and students to face...

In the spotlight: mobilizing local actors and authorities for gender equality

Last 8th December 2016, the kick-off seminar for the initiative 'Strengthening the capacities of equality actors”, funded...

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Manresa: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

From 13-27 June 2023, Biblioteca del Centre Cultural el Casino hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...

60 deputies support a bill to help imprisoned female debtors in Egypt

The Care of the Children of Female Prisoners Association, represented by its President Nawal Mustafa, managed to collect the...

CFPA organizes recreational activities for kids

The Children of Female Prisoners’ Care Association (CFPA) organized a trip to the village of Arabian Nights (Fayoum...

Infographie : Aperçu - Le Forum Génération Égalité 2021

Retrouvez en images un résumé du Forum Génération Egalité ! Le Forum...