

Foundation's Team

Training on the rights of migrant women / Formation sur les droits des femmes migrantes / التدريب على حقوق المهاجرات

Created by Foundation's Team 980 days ago

As part of the project FORUM Intercultural dialogue and citizen participation against the stigmatization of migrants and refugees initiated by the University of Granada, the Forum Femmes Méditerranée and the Olympe association are organizing a training course on the r...

Foundation's Team

Covid-19 and Economic Challenges for Migrant Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1437 days ago

The Spring Budget 2021 Pre-Budget Briefings on Covid-19 and economic challenges for migrant women highlights the experiences and difficulties that migrant women are facing, and proposes some public policies recommandations.  Key points: • Migrant women have been vi...

Milena Kadieva

Innovations for Social and Labour Inclusion for Migrant Women / / Innovations pour l'inclusion sociale et professionnelle des femmes migrantes

Created by Milena Kadieva 1750 days ago

The Power Up project aims the social and labour inclusion of women with a migrant background, by means of empowering and upskilling them. It integrates innovative methodologies and approaches, aimed to empower and enhance the competences of women with a migrant background for their self...

Foundation's Team

Une étude sur les employeurs et employeuses des travailleurs et travailleuses domestiques migrant-e-s au Liban / دراسة عن موظِّفي العاملات/العمال المنزليين المهاجرين في لبنان / A study of the Employers of Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon: Intertwined

Created by Foundation's Team 1884 days ago

Cette étude se concentre sur le rôle critique des employeurs/employeuses dans le recrutement et la gestion de la relation de travail dans le cadre normatif actuel du Liban. Plus de 250 000 femmes migrantes sont employées par des ménages privés au Liban...

Foundation's Team

Seminar in Barcelona on feminist mobilizations across the Mediterranean / Séminaire à Barcelone sur les mobilisations féministes en Méditerranée / ندوة في برشلونة حول الحركات النسوية على ضفتي المتوسط

Created by Foundation's Team 1907 days ago

Our board member and director of the ‘’Culture and Civil Society’’ Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) who is one of our founding members, Maria Angels Roque, will talk about our field actions and contributions to advancing women&rsq...

Milena Kadieva

NO GAPS: Good practices on socio-labor intervention with young women and vulnerable groups / No Gaps : Bonnes pratiques en matière d'intervention socioprofessionnelle auprès des jeunes femmes / مشروع مُبتكر لدعم العاملين بمجال الدمج الاجتماعي والوظيفي للشابات والفئات الهشة

Created by Milena Kadieva 1954 days ago

In September 2018, the European organizations Guarani NGO (ES), Solidaridad sin Fronteras (ES), KEK IEKEP (GR), BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH (AT) and Gender Alternatives Foundation (BG) launched the project “No Gaps – Transnat...

Foundation's Team

Crises de mariage: perspectives des femmes migrantes syriennes sur la guerre et le divorce / أزمات الزواج: وجهات نظر المهاجرات السوريات حول الحرب والطلاق / Marriage crises: Syrian migrant women's perspectives on war and divorce

Created by Foundation's Team 1954 days ago

La guerre et les déplacements ont des effets durables sur les normes de genre dans les relations intimes. Cet article est basé sur une recherche sur les femmes et les couples migrants  syriens, examinant l’augmentation significative du nombre de divorces parmi l...

Foundation's Team

Handbook for Legislation on Violence against Women / Manuel de législation sur la violence à l'égard des femmes / دليل التشريعات المتعلقة بالعنف ضد المرأة

Created by Foundation's Team 2288 days ago

Comprehensive legislation is fundamental for an effective and coordinated response to violence against women. States have clear obligations under international law to enact, implement and monitor legislation addressing all forms of violence against women. Over the past two decades, many...

Foundation's Team

Recommendations for addressing women's human rights in the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration / Recommandations sur la prise en compte des droits fondamentaux des femmes dans le pacte mondial pour des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières / توصيات لوضع الحقوق الإنسانية للم...

Created by Foundation's Team 2381 days ago

This document provides recommendations that underline the need for a human rights-based and gender responsive approach to migration governance and give clear direction on the full inclusion of women’s rights in the formulation and implementation of the global compact on safe, orde...

Foundation's Team

Migrant Women's Access to Labour Market in six European cities: a comparative approach / L'accès des femmes migrantes au marché du travail dans six villes européennes: une approche comparative / وصول النساء المهاجرات إلى سوق العمل في ست مدن أوروبية: مقاربة مقارنة

Created by Foundation's Team 2394 days ago

This report offers a comparative approach on migrant women’s integration into the labour market in six European cities: Athens, Dublin, Frankfurt, Helsinki, Madrid and Marseille. This research aims at opening up a debate on the specific gendered impact of integration policies, esp...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Nelly Jazra
Youth Empowerment Society - YES
Inclusión, Ciudadanía, Diversidad y Educación
Faculdade de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas
2 RIVES TV (Lyon TV Cable)
Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration
Association Anaouat pour la femme et l'enfant
Assemblée des Femmes Paris Ile-de-France
Social and Economic Forum for Women Association
Mediterranean Observatory of Communication (OMEC)
EuroMed Rights
Tunisian Association of Development Law - ATDD
Mixité et Gouvernance en Méditerranée
Association AGIR pour le Developpement et l'Epanouissement de la Jeunesse
Association Tahadi pour l'Environnement
French Coordination for the European Women's Lobby (C.L.E.F.)
Hope Village Society (HVS)
Kadın ve Demokrasi Derneği - KADEM - Women and Democracy Association
Young Men Christian Association (YMCA)
Khadija Zizi
Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction (ATSR)
Humanity Diaspo
Soroptimist Club Marrakech
For You Libya Group
Audiopedia Foundation
Organisation TAMAYNUT
University of Manouba Tunisia
Women'  s Solidarity Fund (WSF)
The Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering (RDFL)
Jyhene Kebsi
Ibsar Association for the Culture and Leisure of blind and visually handicapped people
The Individual Initiative for Human Rights  - Masir
Le chemin de la dignité
Trajectories for Peace and Development

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Female Education and Employment

In many Moroccan regions, young men and young women do not have the same opportunities. Young women leave school earlier and...

Where are the women in the positions of leadership within Arab Parties?

Is politics a masculine act? This question is not only asked in the Arab world, but in various parts of the world. The number...

Migrants in an irregular situation employed in domestic work: Fundamental rights challenges for the European Union and its Member States

This report focuses on migrants in an irregular situation employed in domestic work in the European Union (EU), which is...

Towards a Green Economy in the Mediterranean- Assessment of National Green Economy and Sustainable Development Strategies in Mediterranean Countries

The study presents the results of a review exercise covering Green Economy (GE) strategies and Sustainable Development (SD)...

Women and media in the Maghreb: a guide aimed at civil society to improve the portrayal of women in the Maghreb media

This awareness-raising and training guide is aimed at civil society actors. It outlines the overview of the portrayal of...

Music: where are the women?

Discrimination acts against women in music are countless and they are only beginning to be evoked in the public sphere. It is a...

Gender Equality Policy in the Arts, Culture and Media - Comparative Perspectives

Supported by the German government’s Commissioner for Culture and Media, this study presents a comparative view of the...

Rural women's perception of their participation in the decision-making process

This survey was conducted as part of a project by I WATCH to involve Tunisian women, including women in rural areas, in the...

Women's Economic Participation in Jordan Reality and Challenges of the Private Sector

Even though Jordan has achieved a significant degrees of gender equality in many fields, especially health and education, the...

Lost Childhood: Child, early and forced marriage in a Syrian IDP camp: Causes and effects

Child marriage (underage marriage) is a phenomenon that has been frequently discussed as a widespread issue in Syrian society,...