


Humanity Diaspo

Member since 23 May 2019 @ 6:15pm

The organization supports a project in Morocco. It is a local structure that supports migrant, refugee and Moroccan women in vulnerable situations, without any distinction with the men who are part of...


Esther Fouchier

European Women's Lobby declaration on COVID-19

Created by Esther Fouchier 1719 days ago

Forum Femmes Méditerranée, memeber of the French Coordination for the...or are victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking; Refugee...ple discrimination in our societies such as Roma women, migra...

Foundation's Team

Women-friendly cities and gender perspectives on urban policies

Created by Foundation's Team 2616 days ago

...s of the city? How to restore women’s memory? What are the challeng...? How can we better integrate refugee and migrant women in cities? All these qu...Coordination of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), and one of the p...will to assert women’s right to a shared and safe public spa...

Foundation's Team

Member in the Spotlight: Building Bridges Association

Created by Foundation's Team 2868 days ago

The Foundation met Wahida Haidar, president of the Buildi...romoting the culture of human rights, gender equality, and are: civil and political rights; violence; and emotional Its target groups are: migrant and refugee women; women entrepreneurs;...


Foundation's Team

Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Girls

Created by Foundation's Team 1119 days ago

The Human Dimension Seminar is an opportunity to discuss the im...commitments and international human rights standards to combat violence a...a serious violation of  human rights,...unds, such as Roma and Sinti women, migrant and refugee women or women affected by...

Foundation's Team

Combating Violence Against Women and Girls: Human Dimension Seminar

Created by Foundation's Team 1125 days ago

The Human Dimension Seminar is an opportunity to...ments and international human rights standards to combat violence a...ious violation of  human rights, originating from and resultin...nerable groups, in particular migrants, refugees and displaced people, and...

Foundation's Team

Celebrating CEDAW: Demystifying International Bill of Women's rights for Young Migrant Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1271 days ago

The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Again...e nine Core Treaties on Human Rights, and it is the only International Bill for the Human Rights of Women and Girls. Over the...t disadvantaged groups, young migrant and refugee women and girls, and guide...

Calls and opportunities

Maria Àngels Roque

Volunteering opportunity in Brussels with the European Network of Migrant Women

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2336 days ago

European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW) is currently looking for committed responsible fem...tive tasks. Priority among applicants will be given to migrant, refugee...minority women. Submit your applications to intern@migra...


Foundation's Team

Support and Resources for Women in Lebanon

Created by Foundation's Team 1503 days ago

During summer 2020, the Arab Institute for Women has put together a list of women/LGBT/queer/refugee/migra...


Milena Kadieva

No Gaps Handbook and Toolbox for professionals in integral intervention with young female asylum seekers and refugees

Created by Milena Kadieva 1450 days ago

...ung female asylum seekers and refugees targets professionals in counselling migrant/refugee women aiming at improving the...oung women asylum seekers and refugees. The international team of t...oung women asylum seekers and refugees to validate and refine the c...ook to groups of women with a migrant...

Foundation's Team

Violence against women and girls among refugee and migrant population in Serbia

Created by Foundation's Team 2085 days ago

Bearing in mind that from the summer of 2015, to May 2016, more than 700,000 asylum...revalence and forms of violence against women and girls refugee...s related to violence against women and girls among the refug...

Foundation's Team

From conflict to peace? Women's Voices: Recommendations on Preventing and Combating Violence against Refugee Women and Girls on the Move

Created by Foundation's Team 3001 days ago

...nd Combating Violence against Refugee Women and Girls on the Move,...jointly developed by European Women’s Lobby (EWL),  Women Refugee Commission (WRC), and the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW).The recommendat...o ensure that women and girls refugees and asylum seekers are prote...


Foundation's Team

Fighting Back Tears… Clinging to Dreams: Syrian Women in their Own Words / Refouler ses larmes... S'accrocher à ses rêves : les femmes syriennes à travers leurs propres mots / مغالبة الدموع و التمسك بالأحلام: النساء السوريات بكلماتهن

Created by Foundation's Team 3062 days ago

This report aims to amplify the voices of Syrian women, and add new texture to the portrait of their lives inside Syria and in neighbouring countries. It casts light on women survivors of the conflict, through sharing their stories and using their own words. The report explains their new roles as...