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Mozn Hassan

Nazra for Feminist Studies launches A Story behind the Story during the campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Created by Mozn Hassan 1131 days ago

...ora” in her journey with “Shaden” to shed light on the lives of feminists, activists, and women human rights defenders in the Middle East and North Africa Region, who...


Registrations are open for the XIII Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum!

Created by XX 1186 days ago

...y been in business for decades. The Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum has the aim of supporting women entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa. Global lead...

Foundation's Team

International Non-Binary Day 2021

Created by Foundation's Team 1282 days ago

International Non-Binary Day, celebrated around the world every year on become viewed by some scholars as transgender. In South Asia, at least eight-known gender-expansive...

Foundation's Team

The Euromed Feminist Initiative calls for a stop in the killing and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

Created by Foundation's Team 1337 days ago

...ian families in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem who are threatened wi...mong them 63 children and 36 women, while at least 10 civilians were killed in o...n. EFI states once more that peace across the Middle East can only be achieved through...

Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

Virtual Meeting: Social-Friendly Media Content to Support Women's Leadership through the Use of Modern Technology

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1429 days ago

...he partnership project with the Forum des Fédérations supported by the Canadian government "Empowering women to lead roles in the Middle East and North Africa Region"....

Mozn Hassan

Launching the campaign On Equal Basis

Created by Mozn Hassan 1508 days ago

...020 to December 10th, 2020. The coalition is launching "On Equal Basis", an online campaign to address the discrimination against women in the Middle East and North Africa, which is an...

Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

Women parliamentarians in the MENA region on confronting VAW and on changing policies

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1780 days ago

...the Forum on Women parliamentarians in the Middle East and North Africa took place in...f the Women Entrepreneurship Program in the Middle East and North Africa at the Canad...nce of initiatives such as the Forum in the Middle East and North Africa, which allow...

Foundation's Team

Union for the Mediterranean launches new regional mechanism to monitor gender equality in the area

Created by Foundation's Team 1780 days ago

...t 76.7% in Western Europe and at 61.2% in the Middle East and North Africa, which indicat...oject is addressed to women entrepreneurs and middle-level managers and seeks to...e globally and at regional level, we need at least 99.5 years more to achieve ge...

Foundation's Team

UfM Women Business Forum: boosting women's role in circular economy, tech and innovation fields

Created by Foundation's Team 1878 days ago

...Congress. This annual meeting served as a platform to create new opportunities for women-owned and women-led businesses from the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa), building a...

Elizabeth Sfeir

Call for participation in a survey on Women's leadership in the Middle East

Created by Elizabeth Sfeir 2053 days ago

...tonine, Lebanon) is currently working on a research article on ‘’Social and Cultural barriers affecting Women’s leadership in Middle East: ’’, therefore sh...


Foundation's Team

Queer feminist perspectives on political homophobia and anti-feminism in the Middle East and Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 1215 days ago

...minist perspectives on political homophobia and anti-feminism in the Middle East and Europe Digital Conference,...o discuss how discourses on gender and sexuality have evolved in the Middle East and Europe amid the rise of f...

Foundation's Team

Queer Feminist Perspectives on Political Homophobia and Anti-Feminism in the Middle East and Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 1234 days ago

...e aims to bring together researchers, activists, and community organizers to discuss how discourses on gender and sexuality have evolved in the Middle East and Europe amid the rise of f...


SEMINAR - Wich protection for women from digital violence?

Created by Samira MUHEYA 1282 days ago

...ish Arab Partnership Program, a digital regional seminar on the topic: « Wich protection for women from digital violence ? » in the Middle East and North Africa. Follow th...

Maria Àngels Roque

WEBINAR - Fostering women's economic participation in the Western Mediterranean

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1362 days ago

...s, European Union and Cooperation, Government of Spain Nasser Kamel, Secretary General, Union for the Mediterranean Carlos Conde, Head of the Middle East and Africa Division, Global R...

Foundation's Team

Feminist Anti-Racist Activisms: Intersections of Feminist and Anti-Racist Activisms in the MENA

Created by Foundation's Team 1380 days ago

...of feminist and anti-racist activism in the Middle East and North Africa. Profes...exploring the question of racism within the Middle East and North Africa and the way...d an impact on anti-racist struggles in the Middle East and North Africa? This webin...

Foundation's Team

The Women of the Midan : the female body as a site that shaped the revolutions in the Arab world from 2011 to this day

Created by Foundation's Team 1435 days ago

Association for Middle East Women’s Studies is co-sponsoring a book talk with Brown’s Center for Middle East Studies featuring AMEWS Book...

Foundation's Team

ONLINE DEBATE - Women in a men's world: how gender defines the path to success

Created by Foundation's Team 1452 days ago

...Institute of International Relations focusing on the research, analysis and forecast of political, operational and security developments in the Middle East and North Africa. This eve...

Foundation's Team

Covid-19 and Gender Justice: Feminists in MENA Defying Global Structural Failure

Created by Foundation's Team 1543 days ago

...e virus; the role of the United Nations in conflict, feminist peace, and COVID-19; and the impact of the pandemic on feminist organising in the Middle East and North Africa. SPEAKERS...

Foundation's Team

CAWTAR hosts the Womenpreneur Experience Event in Tunis

Created by Foundation's Team 1879 days ago

...ience is a joint initiative of SANAD Entrepreneurship Academy and Womenpreneur who are going on tour to support women in #tech in the Middle East and North Africa. It seeks to...

Shared practices


International Consortium for Gender Equality on Campus

Created by Lamia BENHABIB 1085 days ago

...r institutions: Albania – Central and Eastern Europe University of Tirana...t MESMANN and Mrs. Thida BUOY Egypt – Middle East University of Alexandria Proj...Mrs. Ketty BALTHAZARD-ACCOU Lebanon – Middle East Lebanese University Pr...

Foundation's Team

SheFighter, inspiring initiative to end violence against women and girls

Created by Foundation's Team 2619 days ago self-defence to women, in her studio, SheFighters. And in less than two years she managed to train 12,000 women and girls in Jordan and the Middle East.  In 2014, she won the...

Foundation's Team

Manarat : Stories of inspiring women from the Middle East and North Africa

Created by Foundation's Team 2705 days ago

...o;s Regional Gender Justice Programme is launching Manarat (Lighthouse), a digital comic campaign to tell the stories of Pioneer Women from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regio...


Project: Do not touch my rights!

Created by Cherifa KHEDDAR 2875 days ago

The project "Do not touch my rights!” is funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), for a period of 12 months from 1 October 2015, with the aim of: - Stren...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Middle East Programme Officer at Euromed Rights

Created by Foundation's Team 1164 days ago

...uit an experienced, dynamic professional as Middle East Programme Officer. S/he wi...Programme and, when relevant, support other Middle East country programmes. Essent...the above activities. Contributing to the Middle East Team: Assists in the dev...

Foundation's Team

Consultant on contestations and backlashes to gender equality in the MENA

Created by Foundation's Team 1221 days ago

...oking for an external consultant to document attempted and successful forms of contestations/‘backlashes’ to gender equality in the Middle East and North Africa from the beg...

Foundation's Team

The Call for Submissions for the Generation Equality Forum in Paris is now open

Created by Foundation's Team 1366 days ago

...Equality Forum: global dynamics and regional dialogues": intra-regional conversations around gender equality (Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, Asia, Pacif...

Foundation's Team

Call for Papers on Political Homophobia and Anti-Feminism in The MENA and Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 1382 days ago

...litical Homophobia and Anti-Feminism in the Middle East and Europe | Call for Papers |...on gender and sexuality have evolved in the Middle East and Europe amid the rise of f...litical homophobia and anti-feminism in the Middle East and Europe. Contributions ca...

Foundation's Team

SI Leader LAB open for applications - Connecting advocates for gender equality

Created by Foundation's Team 1466 days ago

...nternational support network! Apply now to SI Leader Lab 2021 – an interactive three-month online experience for gender advocates in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia....

Foundation's Team

Call for Abstracts and Articles: Conference on Celebrating Arab Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1598 days ago

International Conference on Celebrating Arab Women: Agents of Change and Progress Women in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region contend with social practices founde...


CALL for PHOTOS: International Women in Photo Award 2020

Created by ARANTZA ARAMBURU 1793 days ago

...nsists of a travelling exhibition through the year for the 5 finalists and the laureate in key cities around the world, in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The Laureate will also recei...

Foundation's Team

Fill out this survey to map female tech talents in Arab countries!

Created by Foundation's Team 1912 days ago

...e joining forces to launch the "Womenpreneur Tour", an amazing initiative that aims to promote female entrepreneurship in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa), parti...

Foundation's Team

Call for abstract for the conference Women and Gender Studies in the Middle East

Created by Foundation's Team 2111 days ago

The association for Middle East women’s studies (AMEWS) la...omen and Gender Studies in the Middle East’’ which will be org...d women’s studies in the Middle East and with populations in the d...studies in the context of the Middle East / North Africa and beyond, in...

Foundation's Team

Make the most out of your summer!

Created by Foundation's Team 2368 days ago

...This event will be held in French.  - Gender, Conflict and the Middle East, SOAS Summer School, London ( into key issues in the study of gender, state and violence in the Middle East. The course provides a focus...


Foundation's Team

Decolonising Women and Gender in Middle East Studies - podcast interview Nicola Pratt - ArabSouth

Created by Foundation's Team 1548 days ago approaches within feminist Middle East scholarship. The relationship...nist/women’s studies and Middle East studies has been as much promis...ntalist myths about Muslim and Middle Eastern women, but through their s...udies? How are scholars of the Middle East decolonising women and gender...

Foundation's Team

COVID-19 Resources: Articles, Essays, News and Press Releases

Created by Foundation's Team 1744 days ago

...3, 2020. Deutsche Welle, Coronavirus fuels domestic violence in the Middle East, EGYPT INDEPENDENT, April 3, 20...portionate impact of Covid 19 crisis on women and adolescent girls in middle Bekaa and Women Now for Dev...

Sana Afouaiz

Womenpreneur Tour Film 2020

Created by Sana Afouaiz 1752 days ago

...Unfair family and tax policies and much more. The "Womenpreneur Tour" initiative aims to promote female entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa region, ...

Foundation's Team

Women in News: strengthening women's presence and leadership in the media

Created by Foundation's Team 1984 days ago

...tly working with more than 80 media from 12 countries throughout the Middle East (including Egypt, Jordan, Leban...outstanding woman editor in the sub Saharan Africa region and in the Middle East and North Africa region recog...

Foundation's Team

Jeem: A website on Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa

Created by Foundation's Team 2384 days ago

...Jeem is a website tackling issues related to gender, sex and sexuality and addressing young Arabic speaking young men and women in the Middle East and North Africa and around t...

Foundation's Team

Project Lam7a

Created by Foundation's Team 2629 days ago

...e”- provides a basic, clear, and accessible reference in spoken dialects of Arabic, featuring activists, researchers, and allies from the Middle East and North Africa....

Foundation's Team

Middle East Program - Wilson Center - Women's issues news

Created by Foundation's Team 3095 days ago

The Middle East Program section about the latest developments on women’s issues in the region on a bi-weekly basis. 

Foundation's Team

YOUTUBE: Oxfam Webinar on Women Peace and Security in the MENA region

Created by Foundation's Team 3098 days ago

Women in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) face many difficulties and inequalities in their daily lives, and conflict in the region only exasperates the situation. T...

Foundation's Team

Radio Nisaa FM

Created by Foundation's Team 3108 days ago Maysoun Odeh and the Womanity Foundation, as the first women’s Arabic-language commercial radio station and multimedia website in the Middle East . Nisaa FM creates quality pr...

Foundation's Team

Middle East Eye

Created by Foundation's Team 3112 days ago

Middle East Eye (MEE) is an independently funded online news organisation that was founded in February 2014.  It focuses on Middle East news and has a specific section dedicated to women’s issues through the hashtag #women. 


Foundation's Team

The effects of the Covid-19 crisis on increasing gender-based violence in the MENA region

Created by Foundation's Team 1130 days ago

...en in this region and the initiatives deployed by associations and public authorities to combat it. Considering the scope and complexity of the Middle East and North Africa region, this...

Foundation's Team

Rapid Gender Analysis: COVID-19 Middle East and North Africa Region

Created by Foundation's Team 1200 days ago

...487,022 cases and 511,546 have been recorded in 216 countries. This Rapid Gender Analysis gathers together data from its country offices in the Middle East and North Africa region and b...

Foundation's Team

Peace Talks in Focus 2020. Report on Trends and Scenarios

Created by Foundation's Team 1264 days ago

...ions from a geographic perspective. Each of them addresses the main trends of peace negotiations in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, respectively, and describes...

Foundation's Team

Reaching Refugee Survivors of Gender-Based Violence: Evaluation of a Mobile Approach to Service Delivery in Lebanon

Created by Foundation's Team 1355 days ago

...(Syria) which has resulted in 4.8 million refugees, over half of whom are female. Only 10 percent of all registered Syrian refugees across the Middle East and North Africa live in camp...

Foundation's Team

Rethinking Gender-Based Violence: Perspectives from Egypt, Lebanon and Syria

Created by Foundation's Team 1393 days ago

...WF) organised an online seminar on gender-based violence (GBV). The seminar sought to start a debate with gender experts and activists from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regio...

Fatima Sadiqi

Gendering Political Agency in the Maghreb - Books review

Created by Fatima Sadiqi 1526 days ago

If North Africa is understudied by academics of the Middle East, the Maghrib is less so and Maghribian...not only for maghribian and North African studies, but also for the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean studies,...

Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

Changing Laws and Breaking Barriers for Women's Economic Empowerment in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1529 days ago

At a moment when many countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are looking to accelerate economic growth and build more stable, open societies, enabling women&rsqu...

Foundation's Team

Audacity in Adversity: LGBT Activism in the Middle East and North Africa

Created by Foundation's Team 1540 days ago

...vidual activists reaching out in Arabic to LGBT people living in the Middle East and North Africa with contexts to gain public support. Several LGBT activists from the Middle East and North Africa expressed fr...

Foundation's Team

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Understanding How Gender Norms in MNA Impact Female Employment Outcomes

Created by Foundation's Team 1570 days ago

...ion (FLFP) in the world of a country not at war. As development practitioners working on issues related to social and economic inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa (MNA) region...

Foundation's Team

Gender Regimes in the Middle East and North Africa: The Power of Feminist Movements

Created by Foundation's Team 1575 days ago

Applying Walby’s model of gender regime, with some modifications to the Middle East and North Africa, the article highlights the importance of the family as an instituti...


Foundation's Team

Perspectives féministes queer sur l'homophobie et l'anti-féminisme politiques au Moyen-Orient et en Europe / / Queer feminist perspectives on political homophobia and anti-feminism in the Middle East and Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 1215 days ago

Perspectives féministes queer sur l’homophobie et l’anti-féminisme politiques au Moyen-Orient et en Europe Conférence en ligne, 24 - 25 septembre 2021 Cette conférence de deux jours vise à rassembler des chercheurs et chercheuses, et des activistes p...

Foundation's Team

Queer Feminist Perspectives on Political Homophobia and Anti-Feminism in the Middle East and Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 1234 days ago

This two-day digital conference aims to bring together researchers, activists, and community organizers to discuss how discourses on gender and sexuality have evolved in the Middle East and Europe amid the rise of far-right and authoritarian movements. There are three main objectives o...

Foundation's Team

The Electoral Quota - A Form of Gender Quota to Increase Women's Participation in Parliament: A Quantitative Study from a Survey in the Middle East / Le quota électoral - une forme de quota de genre pour augmenter la participation des femmes au Parlement : étude quantitative à partir d'un sondage...

Created by Foundation's Team 1578 days ago

This research focuses on the impact of political parties and electoral quotas on women’s political participation within the context of Islam. Gender is construed as a classification of being a woman or a man not merely by biological identification but one that is embedded within ...

Mariam Mecky

Riding the Cyber Wave: How Feminist Activism Develops Strategies against Gender-Based Violence / Rejoindre sur la cyber-vague: comment l'activisme féministe élabore des stratégies contre la violence basée sur le genre / ركوب الموجة الرقمية: كيف تطور الحركة النسوية استراتيجيات ضد العنف القائم على ...

Created by Mariam Mecky 1915 days ago

This policy brief aims to capture the multifacetedeness of online feminist activism using Egypt as a case study, as the country witnesses an important dynamic of activism that mirrors aspects of similar activism elsewhere in the Euro- Mediterranean region. This brief asserts that online...

Foundation's Team

Call for abstract for the conference Women and Gender Studies in the Middle East / دعوة لتقديم مقترحات أوراق لمؤتمر دراسات المرأة والنوع في الشرق الأوسط / Appel à candidatures: conférence sur le genre et les femmes au Moyen-Orient

Created by Foundation's Team 2111 days ago

The association for Middle East women’s studies (AMEWS) launched a call for abstracts for the international conference ‘’Women and Gender Studies in the Middle East’’ which will be organized in Beirut, Lebanon, in the second week of March 2021, in partnersh...

Foundation's Team

Women's Movements in the Middle East: Case Studies of Egypt and Turkey / حركات النساء في الشرق الأوسط:دراستي حالة عن مصر وتركيا / Les mouvements féminins au Moyen-Orient: études de cas sur l'Égypte et la Turquie

Created by Foundation's Team 2390 days ago

This paper seeks to reflect on women’s movements in the Middle East. Within the general context of the region, the case studies of Egypt and Turkey illustrate two specific yet illustrative examples of some of the underlying issues, problems, debates and policies, which constitute ...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Women'  s Studies Center (WSC)
Organization Dihya for Development
Bulgarian School of Politics  Dimitry Panitza
Women in Business of Algeria
Ankara University
Zouhair Gassim
Jordanian Journalist Association
Kazan Federal University
National Association for the defense of rights and freedoms (NADRF)
Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL)
Association Neama for Development
Challenge Association of Sustainable Development (A.C.D.D.)
Aix Marseille Université
Yala Academy
Femmes-Education Arts-Médiation (FEDAM)
Mediterranean Network against Trafficking Women (MNATW)
Association Féminine pour le Développement de la Famille (AFDF)
CIHEAM Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo
University Hassan II Casablanca
Tunisian Mediterranean Center - TUMED
Université d'  Alger III
Youth Today Association for Development
Femme Action - Woman Action (A.F.A - A.W.A)
Fadilia Foundation
Hassène Kassar
Jossour Forum des Femmes Marocaines (Jossour FFM)
Space Starting Point (ESPOD)
Centre des femmes arabes de formation et de recherche (CAWTAR)
Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF)
Free Sight Association
Faculty of Arts and Humanity Manouba
Try Center for Training and Education
Egyptian Feminist Union – EFU
The Moroccan Human Rights Forum
Equality Unit
Wafaa Ziti

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Shared practices

I am unbeatable Campaign

MARCH took part in the Women’s Race on May 4th 2014 in more ways than one; fighting against domestic violence, the team ran...

Video contest to recognize women's contribution to the blue economy!

“One in every two seafood workers is a woman, yet women are over-represented in lowest paid and lowest valued positions,...

Eliminating gender violence from media

In strong patriarchal societies, the violence against women is taken as a social norm and there is distorted understanding on...

Stories of Nihad: A TV program discussing women's issues

'Hikayat Nihad' is a TV program broadcast on Cairo and the people channel, presented by Nihad Abul-Qumsan in a simple and easy...

Manarat : Stories of inspiring women from the Middle East and North Africa

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2017, Oxfam Great Britain’s Regional Gender Justice Programme is launching...

Success Stories following visits to companies run by women in Setif

As part of a field diagnosis on the development of female entrepreneurship in Setif (Algeria), the Women in Business of Algeria...

Functional Literacy Programme for Women of the Argan Cooperative

With a population of over 32 million, literacy rates in Morocco stand at an average of 56%, representing over 10 million people...

Pacte pour l’égalité: media campaign to raise awareness on profesional inequalities

In 2012, the Laboratoire de l’Egalité (equality laboratory) launched media campaign, coproduced by the agency...

Capacity building caravan of social actors in the southern Morocco

The practice was launched in 2009. Its aim is to provide political actors and associations from southern Morocco with the tools...

'A Step of hope'Award for short film on women defying social stigma

Life Foundation for development and community integration participated at Alexandria Short Film festival by providing a special...