
Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

EuroMeSCo Euromed Survey on social justice in the Mediterranean: Participate now

Created by Foundation's Team 864 days ago

...The European Institute for the Mediterranean (IEMed) is carrying out a sur...l transitions are seen as Euro-Mediterranean priorities, particularly in t...conomic vulnerabilities in the Mediterranean region. The EuroMed Survey i...ld foster its partnership with Mediterranean countries to build fairer and...

Foundation's Team

Deadline Extended for INVESTMED Project

Created by Foundation's Team 1089 days ago

...the economic and environmental challenges faced by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and business support organisations in the Mediterranean region. The project aims to...

Foundation's Team

INVESTMED Call for grants: Business support organisations

Created by Foundation's Team 1176 days ago

...C Med program, designed to address the economic and environmental challenges faced by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Mediterranean region. The project aims to...

Maria Àngels Roque

Spain: CLUSTER project is looking for a communication consultant

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1194 days ago

The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), Lead Beneficiary of CLUSTER (“advanCing youth and women sociaL inclUSion in The MEditerRanean”) capitalisation projec...

Foundation's Team

Senior Trainer, Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality

Created by Foundation's Team 1241 days ago services: Design, development, and delivery of a training course on “ Critical Thinking” for selected participants from the Mediterranean Region Develop a list of 5 r...

Maria Àngels Roque

Technical support of project and communication for CLUSTER

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1248 days ago

...ion and communication.  WORK FUNCTIONS The CLUSTER project is funded under the ENI CBC MED program with the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) as the main partner a...

Maria Àngels Roque

Apply to become Project Manager for CLUSTER

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1248 days ago

...under the ENI CBC MED programme with the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) as the main partner a...that IEMed manages as a founding member and secretariat of the Euro Mediterranean Women’s Foundation. Th...

Maria Àngels Roque

Call for traineeships at the Gender Programme of the IEMed for the year 2022

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1249 days ago

...llowing fields: Gender Equality in the Mediterranean; Euro-Mediterranean policies and EuroMeSCo; Resou...cations; Institutional Support and Euro-Mediterranean Relations. Gender Equality i...ity of one of the 43 states of the Euro-Mediterranean region. Deadline for applica...

Foundation's Team

Consultant on contestations and backlashes to gender equality in the MENA

Created by Foundation's Team 1249 days ago

...exponentially and from a multitude of actors on both shores of the Mediterranean. The COVID-19 pandemic and th...will develop an interactive, clickable map centred on the Euro-Mediterranean region (= EU + North Afr...

Foundation's Team

Call for Tenders : Fight against GBV and violence against children

Created by Foundation's Team 1319 days ago

...against children in order to support the implementation of co-operation projects/programmes in Morocco and in the Southern Mediterranean. Interested providers ar...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Rural Women's Development Socity
The Individual Initiative for Human Rights  - Masir
Committee for the Follow-Up on women' s Issues (CFUWI)
Women Now for Development
Youth Today Association for Development
Almidan Association for Development and Human Rights
Women'  s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling
Amel Association International
Kadın ve Demokrasi Derneği - KADEM - Women and Democracy Association
Development Association of South Gafsa -  DGSC
Center for Research in Applied Economics for Development-CREAD
Gender equality and parity commission - Municipality of Enfidha
Association for the Development & Enhancement of Women (ADEW)
Urban Community of Marrakech
AWSA-Be, Arab Women's Solidarity Association-Belgium
Al-Bait Assamed Association Society
Réseau Algérien des Femmes d'Affaires (RAFA)
Independent Researcher
Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes (FLDDF)
Association BALODIREN
Ibsar Association for the Culture and Leisure of blind and visually handicapped people
Nazra for Feminist Studies
The voice of Amazigh women
Femme Action - Woman Action (A.F.A - A.W.A)
Assemblée des Femmes Paris Ile-de-France
Forum for Professionals fighting against Family Honor Crimes in the Palestinian society in Israel
Coalition parlementaire arabe sur la lutte contre la violence de la femme
Genre en Action
Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH)
Mafraq Youth Gathering for Civil Society Development
Faculté de droit et de science politique Aix Marseille Université
Kings Road Association
Social and Economic Forum for Women Association
Thenextwomen tunisie

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Politics, Progress, and Parliament in 2018: Can Lebanese Women Make Headway?

Lebanon may witness a remarkable rise in the number of women serving in Parliament come May 2018 due to initiatives from...

How Hungary and Poland have silenced women and stifled human rights

In the women’s movement in Central Europe, there are few moments to celebrate. Polish women successfully preventing a...

Culture and communication. Key factors for changing mentalities and societies

This survey was launched by the European Commission and forms part of three background documents for the Euro-Mediterranean...

UN Women´s Annual Report 2014-2015

This report highlights some of the initiatives of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN...

EU Gender Equality Law. Update 2013

This publication provides an overall view on gender equality laws at EU level. Aimed at a broad public, it notably focuses on...

A group of organizations calling for a mechanism to follow up and monitor the "National Strategy to Combat Violence against Women," a year after its launch

This manifesto, which was issued by several civil society organizations in Egypt, aims to follow-up, monitor and evaluate...

Steps backward ... parliamentary representation of women is not enough: Report of the situation of women for 2015

In spite of the significant increase in the representation of women in the parliament of 2015, Egyptian women continue to suffer...

EFA Global Monitoring Report 2013-2014. Teaching and learning: achieving quality for all

The 11th Education for All (EFA) Monitoring Global Report is divided into three parts. The first section analyses the progress...

Reception of female refugees and asylum seekers in the EU- Case study Germany

This study examines the reception of female asylum seekers in Germany, the research was done in refugee camp in Munich/Germany....

Toolkit Gender in EU-funded research

This toolkit seeks to offer advice to researchers to enhance gender equality in research. The objective is to make researchers...