

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Santa Coloma de Gramenet: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 499 days ago

...s from 30 Euro-Mediterranean countries participated in the contest, presenting artworks that sought to challenge the traditional definitions of masculinity and femininity in order to pr...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Argentona: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 572 days ago

...s from 30 Euro-Mediterranean countries participated in the contest, presenting artworks that sought to challenge the traditional definitions of masculinity and femininity in order to pr...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Sant Joan de Vilatorrada: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 572 days ago

...s from 30 Euro-Mediterranean countries participated in the contest, presenting artworks that sought to challenge the traditional definitions of masculinity and femininity in order to pr...


Foundation's Team

International conference: Masculinities and feminisms in the Arab-Muslim world

Created by Foundation's Team 1439 days ago

...risis" of so-called Arabo-Muslim masculinity. Is it really a crisis or an evolution of this kind of masculinity? Critical material representative of an abstract masculinity corollary of the patriarchy o...define the concepts of virility, masculinity and femininity according to a...

Foundation's Team

Our Illustration Exhibition Drawing 4 Equality keeps touring Barcelona!

Created by Foundation's Team 1442 days ago

...s from 30 Euro-Mediterranean countries participated in the contest, presenting artworks that sought to challenge the traditional definitions of masculinity and femininity in order to pr...

Foundation's Team

Drawing 4 Equality will be displayed in Barcelona, in January and February 2021

Created by Foundation's Team 1506 days ago

...s from 30 Euro-Mediterranean countries participated in the contest, presenting artworks that sought to challenge the traditional definitions of masculinity and femininity in order to pr...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Make the most out of your summer!

Created by Foundation's Team 2400 days ago

...nto key issues in the study of gender, state and violence in the Middle East. The course provides a focus for people interested in feminism and masculinity studies, sexuality and gender...


Foundation's Team

Twelve Small Actions with big impact for Generation Equality - UN Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1807 days ago

...ys don’t cry. Boys will be boys. These traditional notions of masculinity often discourage boys and men...ships or relationships or within your family, support expressions of masculinity that involve vulnerability, s...


Foundation's Team

Gender approaches to cybersecurity: Design, defence and response

Created by Foundation's Team 1454 days ago

...such as the frequent association of technical expertise with men and masculinity. Second, gender operates as a...l structure. This means that activities and concepts associated with masculinity, such as technical expertise,...

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality and Violent Extremism: a Research Agenda for Libya

Created by Foundation's Team 1538 days ago

...ct with other economic, political and religious factors to spread violent extremism.  The report explores how social constructions of masculinity and femininity are manipulate...

Foundation's Team

Middle East, Topics and Arguments (META), vol. 14: Gender

Created by Foundation's Team 1674 days ago

...y: the strengthening of and the return to a conservative and highly essentialist understanding of family, accompanied by stable delineations of masculinity and femininity; the negotiati...


Foundation's Team

International conference: Masculinities and feminisms in the Arab-Muslim world / / Colloque international: Masculinités et féminismes dans le monde arabo-musulman

Created by Foundation's Team 1439 days ago

Masculinities and Feminisms in the Arab-Muslim World In recent years, several studies speak of a "crisis" of so-called Arabo-Muslim masculinity. Is it really a crisis or an evolution of this kind of masculinity? Critical material discussing the role of women in the Arab world have alwa...

Foundation's Team

L'état des Pères du monde : Débloquer le pouvoir de soins des hommes - Rapport / / State of the World's Fathers: Unlocking the Power of Men's Care

Created by Foundation's Team 1541 days ago

"L’État des Pères du Monde", produit par Promundo, est un rapport biennal et une plateforme de plaidoyer mondialement reconnus visant à changer les structures de pouvoir, les politiques et les normes sociales autour du travail de soins et à faire progresser l...

Foundation's Team

Understanding Masculinities: International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) - Middle East and North Africa / Comprendre les Masculinités: l'enquête internationale sur les hommes et l'égalité des sexes (IMAGES) - Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord / تتضمن الدراسة االستقصائية الدولية بشأن الرجا...

Created by Foundation's Team 1609 days ago

The International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) is a comprehensive, multi-country study on men’s realities, practices, and attitudes with regard to gender norms, gender-equality policies, household dynamics, caregiving and fatherhood, intimate partner violence, sexual di...