

Foundation's Team

Understanding Masculinities: International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) - Middle East and North Africa / Comprendre les Masculinités: l'enquête internationale sur les hommes et l'égalité des sexes (IMAGES) - Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord / تتضمن الدراسة االستقصائية الدولية بشأن الرجا...

Created by Foundation's Team 1609 days ago

The International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) is a comprehensive, multi-country study on men’s realities, practices, and attitudes with regard to gender norms, gender-equality policies, household dynamics, caregiving and fatherhood, intimate partner violence, sexual di...

Foundation's Team

Middle East, Topics and Arguments (META), vol. 14: Gender / 14e numéro de la revue Middle East - Topics and Arguments (META): Genre / مجلة الشرق الأوسط ، الموضوعات والحجج (META)، العدد 14: النوع الاجتماعي (الجندر)

Created by Foundation's Team 1674 days ago

The protests and upheavals that erupted in the Arab world since 2010 were the starting point in 2019 to look at issues of gender in political and social crises. Since the beginning of 2020, gender imbalances are criss-crossing the global coronavirus crisis, imbalances that turn against ...

Foundation's Team

Women's movement and challenge of democracy in Morocco : the case of abortion / الحركة النسوية وعسر التحوّل الديمقراطي بالمغرب : جدل الإجهاض نموذجاً / Le mouvement féministe et la difficile mutation démocratique au Maroc: la question de l'avortement

Created by Foundation's Team 1989 days ago

The issue of the right to abortion caused a polemic between the different components of women’s movement ; as it split public opinion into various tendencies. The various reports written by (inter)national institutions in concern of women and child care highlight the rising number...

Foundation's Team

Call for papers focusing on media representations of gender roles in Europe / Appel à articles: Les représentations genderisées dans les médias en Europe / دعوة لاقتراح مقالات حول التصورات التنميطية والجندرية في وسائل الإعلام في أوروبا

Created by Foundation's Team 2022 days ago

The journal Social Studies launched a call for papers for its upcoming monothematic issue “Media representations and narratives of masculinities across Europe”. This special issues aims to bring together critical analysis focusing on media representations, discourses, narrat...

Foundation's Team

Global Study on Homicide - Gender-related killing of women and girls / Étude mondiale sur les homicides - Meurtres de femmes et de filles liés au genre / دراسة دولية عن جرائم القتل - قتل النساء والفتيات المرتبط بالنوع الاجتماعي

Created by Foundation's Team 2275 days ago

This study gives an overview of the scope of gender-related killing of women and girls. It provides in-depth analysis of killings perpetrated within the family sphere and examines forms of gender-related killings perpetrated outside the family sphere, such as the killing of women in con...

Foundation's Team

Gendering the Arab Spring / جندرة الربيع العربي / Gendériser le printemps arabe

Created by Foundation's Team 2427 days ago

The article discusses the gendered implications of recent political developments in the region. It argues that women and gender are key to both revolutionary and counterrevolutionary processes and developments and not marginal to them. It explores the significance of women’s invol...

Foundation's Team

Art for promoting equality and fighting patriarchy in Morocco / الفن لتعزيز المساواة بين الجنسين و مواجهة الأبوية في المغرب / L'art pour la promotion de l'égalité et la lutte contre le patriarcat au Maroc

Created by Foundation's Team 2476 days ago

Discover the world of Zainab Fasiki, a Moroccan feminist comic artist whose goal is to fight patriarchy through art, and encouraging women to join her fight for women’s rights and gender equality. She founded the WOMEN POWER Collective that aims to encourage women to get involved...

Foundation's Team

Centre de formation d'ONU Femmes / مركز تدريب هيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة / UN Women's Training Center

Created by Foundation's Team 2528 days ago

Consultez le centre de formation d’ONU Femmes qui offre une grande variété de cours gratuits en anglais, arabe, français ou espagnol. Certains des thèmes des cours sont « l’autonomisation économique des femmes »; « la viol...

Foundation's Team

Female bodies and so-called atypical sexualities. Power and challenge of gender norms in Tunisia / Corps féminins et sexualités dites atypiques. Pouvoir et contestation des normes de genre en Tunisie / الأجساد النسائية و الجنسانية غير النمطية. قوة وتحدي الأعراف الجندرية في تونس

Created by Foundation's Team 2552 days ago

This article focuses on the experiences of young Tunisian women who identify themselves as lesbians, and it tackles the issues of body appearance related to a marginalized and so-called atypical sexuality. Following a socio-anthropological approach, the study is based on a semi-directiv...