

Lebanese Association of Women Researchers Bahithat

The Lebanese Association of Women Researchers - Bahithat

Member since 11 June 2018 @ 2:45pm

...opics are held three or four times each year. Beside these fixed activities, LAWR organizes conferences and work-shops on topics like Children’s Literature, Feminism, Civil Society, and...


Helena González Fernández

ADHUC participates in a cycle of debates celebrating the plurality of feminisms

Created by Helena González Fernández 1570 days ago

...inal novel written by women. She has directed two research projects, published works, and developed the data base MUNCE on the field of criminal literature by female authors in Spain. D...

Foundation's Team

LEGS Anual Seminar Translating gender, 2020-2021

Created by Foundation's Team 1570 days ago on a Friday from 17:00 to 19:00. The seminar will give the floor to invited guests, translation practitioners or theorists in various fields (literature and philosophy, social scienc...

Foundation's Team

Let's name March 8 every day and everywhere!

Created by Foundation's Team 1724 days ago

...niversity of Casablanca, within the Department of French Language and Literature. She contributed to the creat...gnitive diversity, as well as for women’s rights. She uses poetry and literature to shed light on the challeng...


Helena González Fernández

Aftermath Bodies: Corporeality in Contemporary Iraqi Fiction

Created by Helena González Fernández 1256 days ago

The Centre for Comparative Literature at Goldsmiths, University of London,...i-series on Remnants of the Iraq Wars: Iraqi Literature Twenty Years after 9/11 7 Se...dash; Iraq: Corporeality & Memory. Iraqi literature, 20 years after 9/11 (16.00-1...

Helena González Fernández

Iraq: Corporeality and Memory. Iraqi literature, 20 years after 9-11

Created by Helena González Fernández 1256 days ago

...nants of the Iraq Wars: Iraqi Literature Twenty Years after 9/11 7 Se...poreality & Memory. Iraqi literature, 20 years after 9/11 (16.00-1...poreality & Memory. Iraqi literature, 20 years after 9/11 (7 Septe...cuss how Iraq in contemporary literature ‘writes back’ in...

Foundation's Team

Free Online Seminar Fall 2021: Feminist Research Methodologies and Digital Feminist Research

Created by Foundation's Team 1268 days ago

...mber 2: Digital Feminist Activism and Media, A New Research Methodology for New Media, Internet-based Research December 9: How Does a Literature Amplify the Study of Feminism...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

AFIF: Literacy, Training and Employment for Women in Algeria

Created by Foundation's Team 2576 days ago

...and information technology. The non-literacy education places a particular emphasis on social issues, and this is reflected in the significant literature that has been produced as a r...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Mentorship programme for young Syrian feminist activists

Created by Foundation's Team 1241 days ago

...xperienced activists who will provide you with first-hand knowledge and expertise on key relevant topics including equality, feminist theory and literature, Syrian Women’s rights...

Foundation's Team

Call for Abstracts and Articles: Conference on Celebrating Arab Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1625 days ago

...inary and interdisciplinary approaches from various fields, including literature, gender studies, history, law...The online conference, organized by the Journal of Arabic and World Literature (London), will be held on Nov...

Foundation's Team

Call for Proposals - Conference: The Body at Work : Gender, Labour, Migration

Created by Foundation's Team 1795 days ago

...and migration in France/Europe and the francophone global south, form a range of disciplinary perspective, including cultural studies, history, literature and visual culture. Possible...


Foundation's Team

Podcast - How to be a feminist in Tunisian

Created by Foundation's Team 1570 days ago

...losopher Monia Ben Hamadi, editorial director of Inkyfada Khookha Mac Queer, queer activist Shams Radhouani Abdi, associate professor of Literature, feminist activist Hazar Abi...

Foundation's Team

Genre et Histoire, a magazine from the Mnémosyne Association

Created by Foundation's Team 2940 days ago

...nd PhD students in History and other disciplines like Sociology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Geography, Political Sciences, Sciences of Education, Literature, Civilisation… All the...

Foundation's Team

Centre for Women and Literature. Gender, sexualities and cultural criticism

Created by Foundation's Team 3426 days ago

...ain objective is to promote research on the theorization, practices and cultural representations of gender and sexual diversity in the fields of literature, cinema, the arts, philosophi...


Foundation's Team

Guidelines on how to include the gender perspective in the analysis of migration narratives

Created by Foundation's Team 1319 days ago sampling methods and searching for data, both during fieldwork and literature review stages of the research...e throughout the different Work Packages. Since there is scarce literature on this topic, these Guidelin...

Foundation's Team

Legal gender recognition in the EU The journeys of trans people towards full equality

Created by Foundation's Team 1415 days ago

...the study consulted a total of 1,015 adults who identified as transgender across the 27 EU Member States and the UK, in addition to conducting a literature review, legal research and a...

Foundation's Team

Gender and Sexuality in early 19th-century Tunisia: a Decolonial Reading of Ahmad b. al-Qadi al-Timbuktawi's nasiha on the sub-Saharan diaspora

Created by Foundation's Team 1542 days ago

...inly slaves—which are deemed un-Islamic. In addition to close-reading the naṣīḥa, I contextualise and compare it with other texts and literature to ‘unveil’ not o...


Foundation's Team

A dialogue on artistic expression and feminism with the winners of our illustration contest 'Drawing 4 Equality' / Dialogue sur l'expression artistique et le féminisme avec les lauréates de notre concours 'Drawing 4 Equality' / حوار حول التعبير الفني والنسوية مع الفائزات في مسابقة "الرسم من أجل ا...

Created by Foundation's Team 1977 days ago

Our founding member and current host of our headquarters, the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), is organising the dialogue "Youth creators transforming the Mediterranean", which will take place next 25th of September 2019 at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans - IE...

Foundation's Team

1001 heroines: a mission to discover feminist works / 1001 héroïnes: à la découverte des œuvres féministes / 1001 بطلة: رحلة لاكتشاف الأعمال النسوية الفنية والأدبية

Created by Foundation's Team 1983 days ago

Created by two activist feminist women, 1001 heroines is an excellent website that lists and recommends feminist works (books, films and series) and encourages the discovery of works that break gender stereotypes and advance the struggle for equality and the rights of girls and women. ...

Foundation's Team

Aspects du féminisme dans la littérature féminine et les problèmes sociaux des femmes: étude de deux textes de Virginia Woolf et Nawal Al-Saadawi / ملامح النسوية في أدب المرأة ومشكلاتها الاجتماعية، مع دراسة لنصين مختارين لفرجينيا وولف ونوال السعداوي / Aspects of feminism in women's literature and...

Created by Foundation's Team 2010 days ago

Cette étude traite du terme «féminisme» dans les études modernes, de son histoire et des contributions de plusieurs écrivaines occidentales et arabes à cette tendance, notamment Virginia Woolf et Nawal Al Saadawi. Le document se concentre s...