

Antonia Tsirigoti

Exchange of good practices in handling domestic violence cases and protecting abused women and their children between Greece and Iceland

Created by Antonia Tsirigoti 1471 days ago

...tic violence. Opening speeches were addressed by the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Ms. Maria...elfare and Housing and currently a member of the newly established task force that addresses domestic viole...

Stefania Di Campli

AL TA'MARBOUTA: The key to reducing rural poverty

Created by Stefania Di Campli 2401 days ago by guaranteeing equal access to resources, and improving their conditions in the community, especially, in the agricultural sector of whose labour force majority are women. The proje...

Foundation's Team

Meeting with the EIB on how to integrate a gender lens in its investments

Created by Foundation's Team 2566 days ago

...ies must take into account gender, otherwise they will create and reinforce gender inequalities (in the la...stment opportunities that increase women’s participation in the labour force.  The EIB’s willi...


Foundation's Team

A Feminist Lens on Migration and Trade

Created by Foundation's Team 1413 days ago

...globalised economies, nations and corporations depend on a mobile labour force to meet labour demands while migration polic...for a bottom-up, women-centric approach to international trade and labour architecture....

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Soap making to support unemployed women in Lebanon

Created by Foundation's Team 1917 days ago

Women make up only 28% of the total labour force in Lebanon According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index 2018, many studies attribute this huge gap in econom...


Foundation's Team

World Bank – DataBank

Created by Foundation's Team 3566 days ago

On this website, gender disparities are measured using a compilation of data on key issues: education, health, participation of labour force, and political participation. This data is also listed under four main tabs: by country, by topic, indicators, data catalogue and microdata.


Foundation's Team

Gaps in the EU Labour Market Participation Rates: an intersectional assessment of the role of gender and migrant status

Created by Foundation's Team 1540 days ago

...aphy study uses data from the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) to analyse how...tersecting social statuses shape labour market participation. The participate in the EU’s labour market. Additionally, it cons...omplex mechanisms that may shape labour market participation of wome...

Foundation's Team

Feminist Perspectives on Care Work in the MENA Region

Created by Foundation's Team 1758 days ago

...icies and institutional arrangements that encourage women to do so. As such, it is no surprise that Arab states have the lowest rates of female labour force participation globally. Progr...

Foundation's Team

Convention and Recommendation on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work - 2019

Created by Foundation's Team 1966 days ago

...n the final day of the Centenary International Labour Conference, in June 2019 in G...erance”. The Convention will enter into force 12 months after two member Sta...rst new Convention agreed by the International Labour Conference since 2011, when...


Foundation's Team

Annual Barometer on workplace discrimination in France - 11th edition / المقياس السنوي الحادي عشر حول التمييز في مكان العمل في فرنسا / Baromètre de la perception des discriminations dans l'emploi en France - 11e édition

Created by Foundation's Team 2336 days ago

For its 11th edition, the annual Barometer on workplace discrimination shows the exposure of the labour force to sexist, homophobic, racist statements and behaviours at the workplace, often related to religion, handicap or health state. The results are based on the Defender of Rights&rs...

Foundation's Team

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends for Women 2018 - Global snapshot / Emploi et questions sociales dans le monde: Aperçu global des tendances pour les femmes 2018 / التوظيف والقضايا الاجتماعية حول العالم: نظرة عامة على التوجهات العالمية المتعلقة بالمرأة لعام 2018

Created by Foundation's Team 2385 days ago

The past 20 years have witnessed some progress for women in the world of work and in terms of gender equality in society. Today, more women than ever before are both educated and participating in the labour market.This “global snapshot” looks at the progress (or lack thereof...

Foundation's Team

Women in the Digital Age / Les femmes à l'ère numérique / المرأة في العصر الرقمي

Created by Foundation's Team 2533 days ago

This study aims to identify the key factors and trends regarding women’s participation in ICT and its dynamics, as well as analysing the state-of-the-art practices enabling women’s participation in the digital world. The objective of this study is to provide updated evidence for p...