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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Association Beity
National Broadcasting and Television Society - SNRT
French Coordination for the European Women's Lobby (C.L.E.F.)
Association Generation Challenge for Development and Culture
Moroccan Youth Association for Development AMDJ
Khadija Ben Hassine
Women On Top
Tiro Association for Arts
Tunisian Mediterranean Center - TUMED
Nahda Association
Sana Hafsa Consulting Office
Benaz Batrawi
Jordanian Journalist Association
Future Pioneers for Empowering Communities (FPEC)
Coalition parlementaire arabe sur la lutte contre la violence de la femme
SEMNID Association for Social Development
European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Amadal Presse
National Association for Youth Exchange
Intermediaries Changing Center for Sustainable Development
Benno pour reussir
Organisation TAMAYNUT
CEDAW Association for Democracy and Human Rights
Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HACA)
Association des Filles de la Renaissance
Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes (FLDDF)
Liberated T
La Presse
Wafa Association for Awareness
Programme d'Appui à la Société Civile (PASC-TUNISIE)
Mauritanian Council of Businesswomen – CMFA
Brunella Mariani
I & P Image & Paroles
Mouna Mtibaa
University of Coimbra

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“To protect her honour” Child marriage in emergencies – the fatal confusion between protecting girls and sexual violence

This thematic report, is designed for humanitarian workers, policy-makers and donors to: highlight promising practices and/or...

In the Core or on the Margin: Syrian Women's Political Participation

The book consists in a research conducted and written by Lama Kannout, Coordinator of the Study Committee of the Syrian Feminist...

Tunisia: Image of women in school books

Instead of valuing and taking into account the achievements of women in the educational and vocational fields, those responsible...

Gender Assessment of the Refugee and Migration Crisis in Serbia and fYR Macedonia

In 2015, over one million asylum seekers made their way towards Western Europe by sea, resulting in the largest refugee crisis in...

Gender and Conflict Analysis Toolkit for Peacebuilders

This Toolkit provides practical guidance to peacebuilding practitioners on gender and conflict analysis. It is based on...

From Gender studies to Gender IN Studies: Gender Studies on Gender-Inclusive Curriculum in Higher Education

How to design a higher education curriculum that includes the gender perspective? How to make university research and education...

The future tech workforce: Breaking Gender Barriers

In 2017, ISACA conducted a global survey of women in tech to uncover why women remain underrepresented in the field. The...

Poverty, gender and intersecting inequalities in the EU

Poverty in Europe today is more than just a lack of resources for survival. It also involves a loss of opportunities for...

Gender-based violence against women and girls with disabilities

In order to showcase the breadth of gender-based violence (GBV) and its link to gendered inequalities,the Foundation for European...

1st General Report on GREVIO's Activities

A new report from the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic...