

Foundation's Team

Why the veiling of women's bodies is at the heart of the Islamists'project

Created by Foundation's Team 1083 days ago

...sacralized patriarchy of all contemporary managers of orthodox and ideological Islam. Finally, in societies with a Muslim majority, crossed by Islamism and re-Islamization, there ar...

Foundation's Team

Women, rights and citizen participation in Mashreq, Maghreb and Turkey

Created by Foundation's Team 1558 days ago

...uo;s rights. A process which is proving to be long and difficult, from the torments of colonialism and war to the recent rise of conservatism and Islamism, not to mention the paradoxic...

Foundation's Team

The role of Gender in the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict

Created by Foundation's Team 2426 days ago

...ate position in society. Furthermore inherently discriminatory features of the Palestinian Authority will be explored as well as the influence of Islamism and cultural relativism. Fina...


Foundation's Team

Why the veiling of women's bodies is at the heart of the Islamists'project / Pourquoi le voilement du corps des femmes est au cœur du projet des islamistes / لماذا حجاب جسد المرأة في صميم مشروع الإسلاميين؟

Created by Foundation's Team 1083 days ago

According to the professor and researcher Leila Tauil, the veiling of the body of women is part of the project of an Islamist society - having as its model of society the mythified Medinan period of the seventh century - based on a patriarchal sexual morality, an assignment of...

Foundation's Team

Femmes, droits et participation citoyenne au Machrek, au Maghreb et en Turquie / / Women, rights and citizen participation in Mashreq, Maghreb and Turkey

Created by Foundation's Team 1558 days ago

Dans ce chapitre de Genre, féminisme et développement - Une trilogie en construction, on analyse les droits des femmes et les formes spécifiques de leurs engagements avec l’ambition de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de la condition fémin...

Leïla Tauil

Leïla Tauil Présente son livre 'Féminismes arabes'à Paris / ليلى طويل تقدم كتابها "النسوِيات العربية"في باريس / Leïla Tauil presents her book 'Arab Feminisms'in Paris

Created by Leïla Tauil 2292 days ago

Le vendredi 23 novembre 2018, la chercheure Leïla Tauil présentera son livre « Féminismes arabes : un siècle de combat Les cas du Maroc et de la Tunisie »  à L’Espace Harmattan, à Paris (France). Cet ouvrage plonge les ...