

Foundation's Team

Why the veiling of women's bodies is at the heart of the Islamists'project

Created by Foundation's Team 1074 days ago

...ody of women is part of the project of an Islamist society - having as its mo...g of the veil and the claim of the primacy of "Islamic law" (the Shari’a) wh...temporary managers of orthodox and ideological Islam. Finally, in societies with...

Foundation's Team

Women's Rights under Algerian Political Reform: Between Demands for Personal Rights and Accordance with Religious Authority

Created by Foundation's Team 1525 days ago

...potism and in part by competition between the Algerian regime’s sloganeering exploitation of women’s rights to oppose political Islam, and the Islamists’ attempted linkage...

Foundation's Team

Women, rights and citizen participation in Mashreq, Maghreb and Turkey

Created by Foundation's Team 1549 days ago

...torments of colonialism and war to the recent rise of conservatism and Islamism, not to mention the parado...iarchal and conservative thinking based on a rigorous interpretation of Islam. Finally, in the third sectio...

Foundation's Team

The Electoral Quota - A Form of Gender Quota to Increase Women's Participation in Parliament: A Quantitative Study from a Survey in the Middle East

Created by Foundation's Team 1601 days ago

...l quotas on women’s political participation within the context of Islam. Gender is construed as a cl...uo;s nominations in current parliaments. The comparative case study of Islam and its relation to women&rsq...

Carmen Garraton

Attitudes and values of young students in Algiers and in Kabylie: their perception of women's rights

Created by Carmen Garraton 2000 days ago

In Algeria, where Islam is the State religion, coexist several political and religious divergent trends in which the presence of youth is increasingly noticed. However, th...

Silvia Gagliardi

The Human Rights of Minority and Indigenous Women

Created by Silvia Gagliardi 2040 days ago on women’s rights and minority and indigenous peoples’ rights, theories, and discourses. The sections on ‘Feminism and international law’ and ‘Islam and women’s human rights’ que...

Foundation's Team

When the economy advocates in favour of gender equality in inheritance

Created by Foundation's Team 2267 days ago

...after Tunisian Cabinet approved, on November 23rd 2018, a law that would allow men and women to inherit equally, contrary to what is stipulated in Islam. These arguments are based on...

Foundation's Team

National study on small-scale family farming in Egypt

Created by Foundation's Team 2447 days ago

...nearly 4.3 percent in 2010, despite the fact that they represent more than 50 percent of Egyptian population. The study also shows that although, Islam provides for the protection a...

Foundation's Team

Feminism in morocco: between the local and the global

Created by Foundation's Team 2585 days ago

In her 2005 book ‘’Moroccan Islamists and the Challenges to the Monarchy’&rsquo...on has been - for more than a century – formulated in relation to Islam. She argues however, that now...

Foundation's Team

Islamic Women's Activism in the Arab World - Potentials and Challenges for External Actors

Created by Foundation's Team 2599 days ago

Islamic women’s activism may appear...ences accustomed to presentations of Islam as counterproductive to the p...dash; work to empower women based on Islamic arguments and references. easily accessible introduction to Islamic women’s activism in t...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Gender Alternatives Foundation (GAF)
Souad Slaoui
The Children of Female Prisoners' Care Association (CFPA)
Qudrat Association for Community Development
Association Khmir Environnement et Développement
Nahda Association for Relief and development
Intissar Bendjabellah
Hiwar Center for youth and women's empowerment
National Association for the defense of rights and freedoms (NADRF)
Al Karam
Center for Study and Research on Human Rights and Migration
Center of Women'  s Studies and Policies (CWSP)
Women Entrepreneurs Accelerator (WEAccelerator)
Ensan Aid
Femme Action - Woman Action (A.F.A - A.W.A)
Association féminine pour la protection de la famille
Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique pour les Droits des Femmes (FLDDF Injad Beni Mellal)
The Moroccan Human Rights Forum
Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF)
The Community Development and Media Center
Civic Forum Institute (CFI)
Wafaa Ziti
Rayhana Association for Women of Jendouba
Egyptian Center for Women'  s Rights (ECWR)
Mixité et Gouvernance en Méditerranée
Forum for Professionals fighting against Family Honor Crimes in the Palestinian society in Israel
Pertinence Sa Dynamisme Qualite
Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation (PYALARA)
Jyhene Kebsi
Tafoukt Souss Association for Women Development
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies: Contemporary Medusa
University of Naples  L'Orientale
Association Talassemtane pour l'Environnement et Développement (ATED)
Women'  s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling
Libyan Women ORG

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FEC contributed to the provision of a better care for women victims of violence

The purpose of the project was to bring out the need for a shelter for women victims of violence in the wilaya of Oran where...

The Foundation contributes to education in arts and cultural policies

Gender and culture are both key elements and cross-disciplinary issues for the development of the Southern Mediterranean and...

Caravan of awareness and mobilization of all forms of violence

For the celebration of the International Women's Rights Day on 8 March 2017: AMAL Association for Women

FFEM contributes to the collective feminist debate at Paris-Nanterre University

With the presence of 20 researchers and leaders of associations committed to equality, our Foundation contributed to the...

The role of women in the governance and municipal councils in Irbid

In August 2015, Building Bridge Association (BBA) has opened a dialogue between equality actors and the media on the obstacles...

The Xabaca project against censorship of Arab female artists presented in Barcelona

On the 29th March 2017, the Xabaca project was officially presented at the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed),...

Launch Conference of CLUSTER: advanCing youth and women sociaL inclUSion in The MEditerRanean project

BackgroundThe economic hardships following the COVID-19 pandemic have heavily hit employment opportunities in the...

Networking meeting under the theme: Lend forward: how to boost your business

On November 11, 2017, the Women’s Network for Mentoring organized a meeting to introduce the ‘’Lend...

Children of Female Prisoners Association wins the Samuel Habib Prize for Voluntary Social Work 2022

The Children of Female Prisoners Association, headed by the writer Nawal Mustafa, won the Samuel Habib Award for Excellence in...

Khatwa: Supporting women and youth's integration in the Moroccan Labour market

The Espace Point de Départ – ESPOD (Space Starting Point) Association has recently concluded the 3rd cycle of...