

Foundation's Team

The second national study on the prevalence of violence against women in Morocco - preliminary results / البحث الوطني الثاني حول انتشار العنف ضد النساء بالمغرب – النتائج الأولية / Deuxième étude nationale sur la prévalence de la violence contre les femmes au Maroc - résultats préliminaires

Created by Foundation's Team 1760 days ago

The Ministry of Family, Solidarity, Equality and Social Development conducted during January 2 and March 10, 2019 this study, which included a sample of 13543 women between the ages of 18 and 64 years in all parts of the Kingdom, to explore the extent of violence against women and to ob...

Foundation's Team

Badr impulse un dialogue politique au Caire pour appliquer la loi sur l'héritage / جمعية بدر تقود حواراً سياسياً في القاهرة لتعزيز إنفاذ قانون الميراث / Badr leads a policy dialogue in Cairo to foster the inheritance law enforcement

Created by Foundation's Team 2052 days ago

En 2017, le Parlement égyptien a adopté une nouvelle loi relative à l’héritage, la loi 219, accordant aux femmes leur droit légitime à l’héritage pour mettre fin à une coutume très répandue, en particulier...

Foundation's Team

When the economy advocates in favour of gender equality in inheritance / Quand l'économie plaide en faveur de l'égalité dans l'héritage / عندما يناصر الاقتصادُ المساواةَ في الميراث

Created by Foundation's Team 2146 days ago

This article reflects on 20 arguments made by the Tunisian Association of Women Democrats in favour of gender equality in inheritance, especially after Tunisian Cabinet approved, on November 23rd 2018, a law that would allow men and women to inherit equally, contrary to what is stipulat...

Foundation's Team

Documentary - Equality: It's All in the Family / Documentaire - Égalité: tout est dans la famille / وثائقي – المساواة: كل شيء يبدأ من الأسرة

Created by Foundation's Team 2214 days ago

This documentary by Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace (WLP) illustrates the spectrum of family laws around the world and their impact on women’s freedom, safety, and wellbeing. Drawing on expertise from prominent human rights activists and ...

Maria Àngels Roque

Women of the southern Mediterranean: struggles, rights and challenges / نساء الضفة الجنوبية للمتوسط: النضال والحقوق والتحديات / Femmes du sud de la Méditerranée : luttes, droits et défis

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2228 days ago

In 2011, many countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean lived the so-called ’Arab revolutions’ or, as the West called it, the ’Arab spring’. The people of Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Libya and Syria, among others, tired of police repression, unemployment ...

Foundation's Team

FFEM contributes to the collective feminist debate at Paris-Nanterre University / مؤسسة نساء الأورومتوسط تسهم بالنقاش النسوي الجمعي في جامعة باريس نانتير / La FFEM contribue au débat féministe collectif à l'université Paris-Nanterre

Created by Foundation's Team 2229 days ago

With the presence of 20 researchers and leaders of associations committed to equality, our Foundation contributed to the collective reflection on the relations of patriarchy and contemporary feminist issues, subjects at the heart of the debate of the 8th Congress of Feminist Research in...

Foundation's Team

Global Good Practices in Advancing Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Constitutions / Bonnes pratiques mondiales pour promouvoir l'égalité des sexes et l'autonomisation des femmes dans les constitutions / الممارسات الجيدة العالمية لتعزيز المساواة بين الجنسين وتمكين المرأة في الدساتير

Created by Foundation's Team 2289 days ago

This publication is designed to support stakeholders who wish to advocate for the inclusion of comprehensive constitutional provisions that protect and advance women’s human rights and fundamental freedoms. It presents good practices for the advancement of gender equality in const...

Foundation's Team

Gender and Land Rights Database - GLRD / Base de données Genre et le Droit à la Terre - GLRD / قاعدة بيانات النوع الاجتماعي و الحق في الأرض GLRD

Created by Foundation's Team 2291 days ago

The GLRD  was launched by FAO in 2010 to highlight the major political, legal and cultural factors that influence the realisation of women’s land rights throughout the world. It also serves as hub of information for policy makers and advocates of women’s land right...

Foundation's Team

Report of the Committee on Personal Freedoms and Equality / Rapport de la Commission des libertés individuelles et de l'égalité / تقرير لجنة الحريات الفردية و المساواة

Created by Foundation's Team 2310 days ago

In June 2018, the Committee on Personal Freedoms and Equality, mandated by the Tunisian President in 2017 to prepare a report on the legislative reforms on equality in accordance with the 2014 Constitution and international standards, presented its final report which is considered advan...

Foundation's Team

Vidéos de YouTube en faveur de l'égalité en héritage au Maroc / سلسلة فيديوهات على اليوتيوب لصالح المساواة في الإرث في المغرب / YouTube videos in favor of equality in inheritance in Morocco

Created by Foundation's Team 2401 days ago

Avec l’association Union féministe libre, Hakima Lebbar, auteure du livre "Les hommes défendent l’égalité en héritage"  a récemment lancé une série de court vidéos  pour répondre à la...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Mauritanian Council of Businesswomen – CMFA
Youth Today Association for Development
MSA University
Wafa Association for Awareness
National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW)
Hillary Rodham Clinton Center for Women'    s Empowerment (HCC)
Aix Marseille Université
The Union of Feminist Action
Association Citoyens Acteurs
Women Empowerment Unit in Jerash Municipality
Youth Empowerment Society - YES
AWARE Services & Consulting
Malta Confederation of Women's Organisations - MCWO
Jiwar Creation & Society
Forum on Festivals in the Arab Countries
iJMA3, The Arab ICT Organization
Morocco Volunteers
Libyan Women ORG
Faculty of Media & Knowledge Sciences, University of Malta
Sami Zouari
Libya Women's Forum
Bremen University
Sarab Center for Culture and Community Arts
Association Khmir Environnement et Développement
ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality
Socio-cultural centre for women in action
The Community Development and Media Center
Khadija Zizi
Regards de Femmes
Women and Leadership
Genre en Action
Women On Top

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Domestic violence - The law is moving forward

This information leaflet was elaborated by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women’s Rights on the occasion of the...

Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Transforming the lives of girls and women through EU external relations (2016-2020)-Joint Staff Working Group Document

In 2015 a new framework for the EU’s activities on gender equality and women’s empowerment in external relations for...

Gender studies: Science in service of real equality

On 11 October 2016, the National Assembly adopted this report drafted by Ms. Maud Olivier, MP and member of the delegation for...

Global Strategy for Women's, Children's and Adolescents' Health, 2016-2030

The new Global Strategy aims to achieve the highest attainable standard of health for all women, children and adolescents,...

Pay Gap between Men and Women in the European Union. Quantitative and Qualitative Indicators

This report seeks to provide an overall view of pay inequalities in Europe, based on nine indicators approved by the Council of...

Improving access to financing for the empowerment of rural women in North Africa: Good practices and lessons learned – The Case Study of Algeria

This report is a result from an experts’ meeting about rural women and access to finance in North Africa and it studies the...

Cases of Femicide before Lebanese Courts

This study sheds light on several crimes committed against women and girls in the family framework in Lebanon. It provides...

Where are the women in the positions of leadership within Arab Parties?

Is politics a masculine act? This question is not only asked in the Arab world, but in various parts of the world. The number...

Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women: Report of the Secretary-General

The report, highlights the situation of Palestinian women for the period from 1 October 2013 to 30 September 2014 based on...

Women Entrepreneurship Microfinance Turkey

This article is based on a field study in two Turkish cities: Kocaeli and Sakarya. It discusses microcredit practices, as an...