Created by Foundation's Team 1171 days ago and improving access to economic opportunity for more than 7.5 million people across the EBRD regions through better access to services and infrastructure....
Contenu type : News
Created by Khulud Khamis 2910 days ago
...lly raise the necessary funds for these two women from individual friends. We are asking for donations in order to help us maintain a support infrastructure for these women. The money wi...
Contenu type : News
Created by Foundation's Team 975 days ago
...a regional and societal level, considering the challenges and solutions to protect girls against violence and strengthen the legal and social infrastructure to support victims. The confe...
Contenu type : Events
Created by Foundation's Team 1377 days ago
...ent for Gender Equality, including data protection, available technical solutions, measurement issues Understand the architecture of the GEAM infrastructure Get an overview of the basic...
Contenu type : Events
Created by Foundation's Team 1084 days ago
...ties benefiting young people and women in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia, focusing on three key sectors: Green economy: Economic activities, infrastructure and assets in this sector tha...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Created by Foundation's Team 1171 days ago
...g people and women in three countries: Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia, focusing on three key sectors: Green economy: Economic activities, infrastructure and assets in this sector tha...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Created by Foundation's Team 1770 days ago
...itarian crisis in the world. The impact of the conflict has been devastating, with tens of thousands of civilians killed or injured and public infrastructure throughout the country severe...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Created by Foundation's Team 1735 days ago
...r children and childcare services; informal care for older persons and persons with disabilities and long-term care services; transport and infrastructure; flexible working arrangemen...
Contenu type : Resources
Created by Foundation's Team 1931 days ago
...uded several interesting findings: for instance, the region scores particularly well on measures of access to basic services, energy, and infrastructure, with all countries at&n...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2182 days ago
In the present report, the contribution of social protection systems, public services and sustainable infrastructure to the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2333 days ago
...anization combined with climate change. Existing water management systems, already plagued by weak governance, limited resources, and degraded infrastructure, are now failing when they ar...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 1931 days ago
The index presented in this report is the most comprehensive tool available to explore the state of gender equality across 129 countries (covering 95% of the world’s girls and women), 14 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and 51 targets linked to issues inherent in th...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...tion, gender equality, inequality, poverty, peace, climate, energy, infrastructure, report, index, sdgs, santé, education, égalité femmes-hommes, genre, lois, infrastructure, accès aux services, région m...
Created by Foundation's Team 2175 days ago
This article focuses on girls’ access to school education in "Area C" where security and administrative authorities are under Israeli control since the Oslo Accords in 1993, including factors that lead to girls’ recurrent absences and school dropouts. The article is based on a fi...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: education, occupation, security, poverty, sécurité, education, filles, palestine, occupation, infrastructure, marginalisation, تعليم, فتيات, فلسطين, احتلال, فقر, أمن, بنية تحتية
Created by Foundation's Team 2182 days ago
Les femmes et les hommes n’utilisent pas les espaces des villes de la même manière. Les femmes sont toujours les principales gardiennes d’enfants, de personnes âgées et les responsables de tâches domestiques, en plus de leurs responsabilités en deh...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: public space, transportation, mobility, freedom, equal opportunities, infrastructure, espace public, transport, rôle de genre, sécurité, opportunités égales, mobilité, infrastructure, فضاء عام, وسائل النقل, أمن, حرية التنقل, فرص متكافئة, بنية تحتية
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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