

Hilda Issa

Campaign in Jericho and Hebron to end the justification of GBV

Created by Hilda Issa 2259 days ago

...perpetrate violence against women. The campaign demanded the society in general and women in particular to stop justifying killing of women under what is called honour killing. To learn about this campaig...


Foundation's Team

From theory to practice: CEDAW before Lebanese and Jordanian courts

Created by Foundation's Team 3259 days ago

...tice, the economic and social costs, gender discrimination and the lack of protection for women under certain laws, especially in the cases of honour killing and domestic violence and rap...

Foundation's Team

From theory to practice: CEDAW before the Syrian courts

Created by Foundation's Team 3259 days ago

...tice, the economic and social costs, gender discrimination and the lack of protection for women under certain laws, especially in the cases of honour killing and domestic violence and rap...

Foundation's Team

National programme on preventing and combating violence against women 2009-2013

Created by Foundation's Team 3462 days ago

...women (legal, psychosocial, economic, health, link with human rights) and deals with trafficking, domestic violence, homicides against women, honour killing and women's abuse. This progr...


Foundation's Team

Human Rights Violations against Women and Girls in Syria / Violations des droits humains des femmes et des filles en Syrie / انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان ضد النساء و الفتيات في سورية

Created by Foundation's Team 3137 days ago

This report sheds light on the multiple human rights violations that Syrian girls and women are witnessing, inside the country, and while fleeing the conflict as refugees. It focuses on issues such as: women and girls’ access to education; access to healthcare; gender-based violence; forc...

Foundation's Team

National Situation Analysis Report: Women's Human Rights and Gender Equality-Syria / Rapport d'analyse sur la situation nationale : droits humains des femmes et égalité hommes-femmes en Syrie /

Created by Foundation's Team 3214 days ago

This report analyses women’s human rights and gender equality in Syria. It was prepared within the framework of the project “Enhancing Equality between Men and Women in the Euromed Region (2008-2011)” and it examines the national legal context in this sector. Some themes covered...

Foundation's Team

Country Information and Guidance Turkey: Women fearing gender-based violence / Orientation et information par pays. La Turquie : femmes craignant la violence fondée sur le genre / معلومات و ارشادات حول تركيا: خوف المرأة من العنف القائم على النوع الإجتماعي

Created by Foundation's Team 3253 days ago

This document provides guidance to Home Office decision-makers on handling claims made by nationals/residents of Turkey, as well as country of origin information (COI) about Turkey. This includes whether claims are likely to justify the granting of asylum, humanitarian protection or discretionary...