Created by Foundation's Team 1713 days ago
Breaking the silence Date: Sunday, May 17, 2020 UN Women statement for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating existing inequalities, including those based on sexual orientation, gender ide...
Contenu type : News
Tags : Tags: lgbtqi, homophobia, transphobia, covid, coronavirus, biphobia, homophobie, transphobie, biphobie, coronavirus, covid, onu femmes, lgbtqi, رهاب التحول الجنسي, رهاب ازدواجية الميل, رهاب المثلية الجنسية, فيروس كورونا
Created by Foundation's Team 2309 days ago
For its 11th edition, the annual Barometer on workplace discrimination shows the exposure of the labour force to sexist, homophobic, racist statements and behaviours at the workplace, often related to religion, handicap or health state. The results are based on the Defender of Rights&rs...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: discrimination, employment, france, racism, homophobia, handicap, workplace, labour force, discrimination, emploi, population active, lieu de travail, france, racisme, handicap, homophobie, تمييز, عنصرية, مكان العمل, يد عاملة, فرنسا, عمل, إعاقة, رهاب المثلية
Created by Foundation's Team 2736 days ago
“Religious fundamentalism” has become one of those scary terms that evokes a range of intimidating images in people’s heads. Some imagine it as the threat of anger and violence and destruction, driven by a religion that we don’t understand. When these people happ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...y, lgbt, transgender, homosexuality, communauté chrétienne, communauté musulmane, religion, extrémisme violent, diversité, orientation sexuelle, homophobie, transphobie, identité de gen...
Created by Foundation's Team 2736 days ago
Very little has been written on female homosexuality in the Arab world. This paper is an ethnographic account of non-heterosexual women in Lebanon as presented through personal interviews and participant observations with twenty individuals who identify as non-heterosexual and are livin...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...ices, bisexuality, homophobia, lesbophobia, gender identity, homosexualité, lesbianisme, orientation sexuelle, pratiques sexuelles, bisexualité, homophobie, lesbophobie, identité de gen...
Created by Foundation's Team 2743 days ago
This report summarizes the main findings of the global review. It aims to give an overview of the most up-to-date data on the nature, scope and impact of violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression and of current action. It also intends to provide education secto...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: homophobia, lesbophobia, sexual orientation, transphobia, sexual rights, homophobie, lesbophobie, orientation sexuelle, transphobie, droits sexuels, رهاب المثلية, التوجه الجنسي, الحقوق الجنسية
Created by Foundation's Team 2802 days ago
In 2016, SoS homophobia published its 20th annual report on homophobia. The report finds that verbal violence and assault occur mostly in contexts related to daily life, in the family, in public places, in the neighborhood, at work and in the school environment, where the victims are mo...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: homophobia, transphobia, homophobie, transphobie
Created by Foundation's Team 2814 days ago
A report from the education sector on HIV and health of the UNESCO, this document is one of a collection published by the UNESCO on rational policies and good pratices, 8th in the series and deals with homophobic harrassment in teaching institutions, referring to UNESCO work in the area...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: homophobia, sexual orientation, secual option, hiv-aids, lgbt, homophobie, orientation sexuelle, option sexuelle, education, lgbt, vih-sida, تعليم, التوجه الجنسي, الخوف من المثلية
Created by Foundation's Team 2905 days ago
This paper highlights the question of ‘’same-sex partner’’ families, it questions different issues such as: their rights to family reunification under EU laws; parental rights; the recognition of a member state A of an intersex status granted to a person by a Member State ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: couple, same-sex parenthood, homosexuality, homophobia, sexual orientation, reproductive rights, couple, homoparentalité, homosexualité, homophobie, orientation sexuelle, حقوق انحابية, الأبوة من نفس الجنس, مثلية جنسية, رهاب المثلية, توجهات جنسية, تحول جنسي
Created by Foundation's Team 3382 days ago
Ce rapport examine les pratiques des hommes dans plusieurs domaines de la vie sociale en s’appuyant sur des données qualitatives et quantitatives, par exemple leurimplication dans le travail domestique et l’éducation des enfants, la participation politique, les...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : family code, gender-based violence, homophobia, labour market, masculinity, code de la famille, conciliation vie professionnelle-vie privée, homophobie, marché du travail, masculini...
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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