

Amal AlShawahneh

Social and Economic Forum for Women Association

Member since 10 December 2020 @ 2:07pm

...campaigns to promote the concepts of gender equality in society. • Improving the status and well-being of women and children and their access to health, educational and cultural ser...

عبدالكريم الخزاعلة

Qudrat Association for Community Development

Member since 10 December 2020 @ 2:01pm

...tunities for a dignified livelihood, ensure their security, and provide health and social care and rights su...g of small and medium enterprises. It also seeks to bring about social, health and economic gender equity, p...

Ikrame Moucharik

Assiouar collective

Member since 21 October 2019 @ 1:01pm

...eflections and practices through cultural activities; - Organization of self-defense courses for women; - Facilitation of workshops on the body, health and body image of women; - O...


Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center (CMC) concludes its activities within the framework of International Women's Day 2023

Created by Andalib Adwan 683 days ago

...the internet. Paper: "Gender-Based Disinformation." The CMC presented a working paper in the workshop held by the Gaza Mental Health Program entitled "Women’s Mental Health in Digital Space", where Basm...

Wedad Sourani

The graduates implemented an entertainment day with the participation of 25 graduates

Created by Wedad Sourani 716 days ago their urgent need to get out of the difficult pressures of life experienced by the Gazan society in general and in order to reach better mental health....

Andalib Adwan

CMC Launches Kalam Reham Play on Combating Gender-Based Violence, Performed in UNRWA Schools

Created by Andalib Adwan 802 days ago

...exes within the family and at all levels and promotes working towards a healthy and cohesive society in whic...d how to combat it, while a group of psychologists from the Gaza Mental Health Program manages the discussio...


Foundation's Team

Trencant barreres: la transformació feminista a la Mediterrània

Created by Foundation's Team 791 days ago

...editerranean women in various fields and spheres, in particular in their leadership in the economic and labor sectors, their rights in contexts of health, climate and agri-food crises...

Foundation's Team

The EU Parliament holds its 3rd Gender Equality Week

Created by Foundation's Team 847 days ago

...f their gender and that affects them disproportionately. Gender-based violence predominantly affects women, leading to reduced mental and physical health, quality of life and a loss o...

Foundation's Team

High Level Conference on Women for the Mediterranean 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 868 days ago

...t in society. The aim of the event is to exchange views on the empowering of women and on women’s rights in the context of regional crises (health, water, food and energy secur...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Imams, preachers and community leaders fighting GBV

Created by Foundation's Team 2191 days ago

...wareness on sexual and reproductive rights and health (RHR) as well as Gender Based...leaders on RHR, family planning, GBV and youth health, including community networks...ance of being knowledgeable about reproductive health in terms of its importance an...

Foundation's Team

Manarat : Stories of inspiring women from the Middle East and North Africa

Created by Foundation's Team 2733 days ago

...The selected profiles vary from community mobiliser, political activist, athlete, artist, medical doctor, adventurist, and sexual and reproductive health rights campaigner. They come...

Foundation's Team

Excision - Let's talk about it!

Created by Foundation's Team 2933 days ago

...s to link up the different actors in the area (associations, public administrations, VIV, communities concerned), and the different topics (sexual health, violence, human rights, psyc...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Call for project proposals: Responding to anti-LGBTI forces in Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 1397 days ago

...but also increasingly government actors and civil society actors are working to curtail LGBTI rights, gender equality, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Their tactics are...

Foundation's Team

Call for Projects 2021: Acting for Equality between Women and Men

Created by Foundation's Team 1437 days ago

...all within a specific objective in favor of gender equality, namely: - Promote access to women’s rights and promote sexual and reproductive health rights, - Fight against all...

Foundation's Team

Regional arts competition against Gender-based Violence

Created by Foundation's Team 1571 days ago

...xplosions. While the campaign focuses on gender-based violence, attention will also be given to the wider ramifications of emergencies on the health, socioeconomic situation, saf...


Ghida Abdallah Anani

Mapping Gender-Based Violence programmes, services and policies in Lebanon

Created by Ghida Abdallah Anani 1299 days ago

...or the majority of cases. Despite this overwhelming number, and the usually severe long-lasting consequences of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) on the health, well-being, education, livel...

Foundation's Team

Take a Good Look at me, a Women's Foundation podcast

Created by Foundation's Team 1400 days ago

...ave accepted the daily survival of the country for a year, their demands have been ignored and their rights receded. Restrictions connected to the health crisis have increased violenc...

Foundation's Team

Women experts: They do exist

Created by Foundation's Team 1415 days ago

...three expert profiles: Business, Research or Civil Society. Business “Business” experts are specialists in all professional sectors (health, justice, housing, agricultur...


Foundation's Team

High Level Conference Women for the Mediterranean 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 681 days ago and combat and prevent violence against women and girls. They also agreed that, in light of the various crises, including those relating to health, climate change, and more rec...

Foundation's Team

Missed Opportunities : The High Cost of Not Educating Girls

Created by Foundation's Team 933 days ago

...rriage and early childbearing; (3) fertility and population growth; (4) health, nutrition, and well-being; (...phic dividend. Low educational attainment is also associated with worse health and nutrition outcomes for wo...

Monia Braham

Implementing the 2030 Agenda in the Arab Region with a Gender and Green Local Development perspective

Created by Monia Braham 1102 days ago

...ll forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) and the Beijing platform for Action, women have made significant strides in achieving equality in health, education and employment in...


Foundation's Team

Sexe et genre en santé : enrichir les savoirs, améliorer les pratiques / / Sex and gender in health: enhancing knowledge, improving practice

Created by Foundation's Team 1355 days ago

Conférence : Sexe et genre en santé  Le lundi 28 juin 2021 de 18h30 à 20h30 Sexe et genre sont des déterminants essentiels de notre santé, pourtant la prise de conscience de leur importance est encore incomplète. En découlent des c...

Foundation's Team

Prendre en compte le sexe et le genre pour mieux soigner : un enjeu de santé publique / أخذ الجنس والنوع الاجتماعي بعين الاعتبار من أجل رعاية أفضل: قضية صحة عامة / Taking into account sex and gender for better care: a public health issue

Created by Foundation's Team 1481 days ago

Les différences de santé entre les femmes et les hommes résultent d’interactions complexes entre des facteurs biologiques, socioculturels et économiques. Si des spécificités anatomiques et physiologiques liées au sexebiologique part...

Foundation's Team

The gendered impact of the Covid-19 crisis and post-crisis period / / L'impact de la crise Covid-19 et de l'après-crise sur les femmes

Created by Foundation's Team 1582 days ago

Outbreaks affect men, women and other genders differentially. This can be both the direct infections with a pathogen, or the secondary effects of public health response policies. COVID-19 is no exception, and the gendered impacts thus far and in the future are numerous. This study outli...