

Esther Fouchier

Feminist diplomacy: from a mobilising slogan to a real dynamic of change?

Created by Esther Fouchier 1555 days ago

Since March 2018, France has been using the term "feminist diplomacy" when ref...HCE then wondered about this expression and its implications: is it a simple language game, and therefore a communi...

Foundation's Team

Can Gender-Fair Language Reduce Gender Stereotyping and Discrimination?

Created by Foundation's Team 2004 days ago

Gender-fair language (GFL) aims at reducing gender stereotyping and discri...iple strategies have been employed to make languages gender-fair and to treat women and men...ant... he). By integrating research on (1) language structures, (2) language poli...

Silvia Gagliardi

Indigenous peoples'rights in Morocco: subaltern narratives by Amazigh women

Created by Silvia Gagliardi 2157 days ago

Morocco’s 2011 Constitution affirmed the prin...rt. 19) and officialised the (indigenous) Amazigh language (art. 5) alongside Arabic. Ho...ter alia, the Amazigh community’s access to language and education rights (as enum...

Foundation's Team

Global Good Practices in Advancing Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Constitutions

Created by Foundation's Team 2407 days ago

This publication is designed to support stakeholders who wish to advocate for...sting constitutions throughout the world, it also shows how gender-inclusive language, temporary special measures,...

Foundation's Team

Improving Access to Services for Women with Disabilities

Created by Foundation's Team 2432 days ago

This thematic paper focuses on the challenges women with disabilities (W...d include everything from lack of access to information in easyto-read language, braille, sign language, physical access to support s...

Foundation's Team

Towards a Gender Study in Political Science

Created by Foundation's Team 2445 days ago

The book is part of the Women and Memory Foundation’s efforts to support femin...g the cultural knowledge of Western educational institutions into the Arabic language, in order to promote and enco...

Erjola Shaka

Education: One of the Main Actors in Creating or Minimizing Gender Role Models and Gender Stereotypes

Created by Erjola Shaka 2905 days ago

The present paper addresses the issue of gender identity, gender roles and gen...countries, has come to the conclusion that the process of education, through language, grammar, textbooks and the s...

Foundation's Team

Report: There are no women in higher positions in Science

Created by Foundation's Team 2918 days ago

The newspaper El Periódico de Catalunya (in Catalan language) has recently published a news report about the situation of women in the scientific community in Spain. The research shows h...

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality Glossary

Created by Foundation's Team 3284 days ago

This glossary is prepared by the Gender Equality Commission of the Council of Europe and...d non-experts.The aim is to translate gender equality concepts into a common language, which will raise awareness a...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes (FLDDF)
National Association for Youth Exchange
Association of Continuity of Generations - ACG
Building Bridge Association (BBA)
Mouwatinet Association
Ensan Aid
Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy
Genre Culture Diversité et Développement (GCDD)
Tunisian Mediterranean Center - TUMED
Thenextwomen tunisie
Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME)
Coalition parlementaire arabe sur la lutte contre la violence de la femme
Ibtikar for Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship
Fondation Zakoura
Association Citoyens Acteurs
Tubas Charitable Society
Association for Women's Total Advancement & Development (AWTAD)
Association Talassemtane pour l'Environnement et Développement (ATED)
Women Media and Development (TAM)
Center of Women'  s Studies and Policies (CWSP)
Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE)
Future Foundation for Media and Culture
Libyan Women ORG
Free Sight Association
CIHEAM Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo
Palestinian Bar Association (PBA)
Assocaition des Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises du Maroc (AFEM)
Istar Montull Mussach
Kayan Feminist Organization
Orbital Endowment Fund
Libanaises pour l'Egalité
Libya Women's Forum
Egyptian Female Lawyers
Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration

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Gender Equality in Turkey

This report focuses on the existing gender equality legislation and programmes in Turkey. This issue is particularly important...

Evaluating the Sustainable Development Goals with a No one left behindlens through equity-focused and gender-responsive evaluation

This publication aims to support national evaluation systems on how to integrate equity-focused and gender-responsive evaluation...

Violations against women in Syria and the disproportionate impact of the conflict on them – Universal Periodic Review of the Syrian Arab Republic submission to the Human Rights Council. National League for Peace and Freedom

This report is a result from a work with Syrian grassroots women’s organisations to collect data, develop drafting skills,...

The Political Marginalization of Palestinian Women in the West Bank

Though Palestinian women have always played a fundamental role in the struggle for liberation from the Israeli settler colonial...

Women, gender and think tanks: political influence network in Twitter 2018

The presence of women in think tanks is still lower than that of men but, in addition, female influencers seem to be less...

Women's Empowerment in the Mediterranean Region

The aim of this report is to provide information on state of gender equality in chosen countries in the Mediterranean Region...

Field diagnosis: Prostitution and trafficking in women in the eastern suburbs of Beirut

Lebanon provides a refuge for many women and teenagers driven away from neighbouring countries by wars and conflicts, as well as...

Essential Services Package for Women and Girls Subject to Violence

Within the framework of The United Nations Joint Global Programme onEssential Services for Women and Girls Subject to Violence,...

Women and explosive weapons

The use of explosive weapons in populated areas has particular effects on women’s lives and livelihoods. This report...

Status of Violence against Women in Jordan

This report studies the status of violence against women and the role of national institutions involved in this field to better...