

Belen Gonzalez Alvarez

Libyan Women ORG

Member since 10 December 2020 @ 2:02pm

...Libyan women and girls to be what they want to be. • Vindicate the role of Libyan women. • Employment and migration. • Peace and security. The entity works to position gender equality as fundamental to t...

Inas Miloud

Tamazight Women Movement

Member since 20 August 2017 @ 6:12pm

...participation in local governance and fighting gender based violence”, the project...7-2020), TWM is co-leading "Youth and Women as Peace Bridge Builders" program with...society organizations working on women, youth, peace and security agenda. The prog...

Aswat Nissa

Aswat Nissa

Member since 27 July 2017 @ 4:18pm

Non-partisan association advocating gender mainstreaming in public policy: • 6 female political academy pr...vertical parity on the electoral lists of political parties. • Women, Peace and Security to facilitate an...


Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center (CMC) continues its work in advocating for the rights and issues of women and youth during the year 2023

Created by Andalib Adwan 688 days ago launch the "Women’s Voices for Peace and Security" project in partn...f women in Promoting security and peace, as well as launching the CMC...s in defending women’s rights and gender equality, in addition to sup...ulti-sectoral services related to gender-based violence, by building...

Foundation's Team

Opening of the Generation Equality Forum: 100 feminist associations call for mobilisation for the universal rights of women

Created by Foundation's Team 1296 days ago

...cale du Nid, National Association of Feminist Studies, Biodiversity For Peace, Business Professional Women (...Olympe, Dare Le Féminisme !, Parity, Regard s of Women, Achieve Gender Equality, Women’s Valu...

Maria Àngels Roque

EuroMeSCo's Annual conference on post-covid Euro-Med relations

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1388 days ago

...ent and good governance; Resilience, prosperity and digital transition; Peace and security; Migration and mo...ound short interventions from experts coming from the whole region, and gender will be a cross-sectional pe...


Foundation's Team

The Foundation met to discuss next steps

Created by Foundation's Team 841 days ago

...fically the need to maintain dialogue with civil society in the area of gender equality and women’s ri...of women in the Euro-Mediterranean area, which stand as a guarantor for peace and development. There was a...

Foundation's Team

Colonialization, Neo-Liberalization and Patriarchy: Search for an Alternative Approach to Economic and Social Empowerment

Created by Foundation's Team 1366 days ago

...ging Palestinian Authority (PA) and its impact on the economy through a gender lens. Development choices have been governed by different objectives, namely stabilization of the peace process, control of the Israe...

Esther Fouchier

Registrations are now open for the 1st International Women's Rights Forum

Created by Esther Fouchier 1389 days ago

...ic and international event, it aims to counter gender stereotypes by raising awaren...the greatest number of people on the need for gender equality to build a mixed, fa...nde, France Média Monde, Cartooning for Peace, Glory, Drôles d’Oiseau...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Grassroots Activists for Just Peace and Gender Equality

Created by Foundation's Team 3474 days ago

This successful practice targets a...ctive role in contributing to greater peace and security through media ca...ns and trainings, many data on women, peace and security needs and priori...also improved the competences of 300 peace activists with regards to pro...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Call for Proposals: COVID-19 Emergency Response Funding - WPHF

Created by Foundation's Team 1738 days ago

The Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund is accepting applications...civil society organizations working on women, peace and security and humanitari...nce projects which aim specifically to provide gender-responsive response to the C...

Foundation's Team

UNDP is looking for Sustainable Development Goals Expert in Yemen

Created by Foundation's Team 1746 days ago

...ple remain displaced. During peace consultations convened by the...over two years since the last peace talks, the Stockholm agreement...mainstreaming throughout the Peace Support Facility, to ensure th...rkforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. In...

Foundation's Team

UN WOMEN Programme Associate in Jerusalem, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES - Job Offer

Created by Foundation's Team 1765 days ago

...ght New York, USA) Category: Gender Equality Post Level : S...ghts, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women& ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstrea...n of three strategic goals: Engendering humanitarian action and in...


Maria Àngels Roque

The Press and the Feminist Struggle in Morocco - Interview and Lecture videos with Fedwa Misk on 27.02.2019

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1525 days ago

...nerations of women about the need to fight not only to make progress in gender equality but also not to lose...(UAB), and co-director of the Master on Communication, Armed conflicts, Peace and Social Movements (UAB) wi...

Foundation's Team

School for a Culture of Peace's report on conflicts, human rights and peacebuilding from a gender perspective

Created by Foundation's Team 1596 days ago

...ies related to the culture of peace, conflict analysis, prevention and transformation, peace education, disarmament and the...s, socio-political crises and gender, peace and security. Chapter 3, entitled "Gender, Peace and Security", analys...

Foundation's Team

COVID-19 Resources: Initiatives, Campaigns, Statements, Calls and Opportunities

Created by Foundation's Team 1743 days ago

..., ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality) (English) Kaya...r by Libyan CSOs to Recommend Gender Sensitive Policy to the Gover...bmissions: July 10  Peace First, Rapid Response Gra...n - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment...


Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 688 days ago

...of the main actors for achieving peace, security and development on b...omen’s rights and promoting gender equality are among the keys t...practices and barriers show that gender-based violence rests on a pat...ngricchia, Project Manager at the Gender Equality, Social and Civil A...

Monia Braham

Implementing the 2030 Agenda in the Arab Region with a Gender and Green Local Development perspective

Created by Monia Braham 1073 days ago

...the Arab region. In general, "Gender gaps have narrowed considerab...women and men due to existing gender inequality. It also, including the adoption of gender responsive natural resources...e regional strategy on women, peace and security, and its related...

Foundation's Team

Occupation, conflict and patriarchy: Impacts on Palestinian women

Created by Foundation's Team 1200 days ago

...and conflict have also been shaped by unequal gender relations in Palestinian soci...discrimination and worrying manifestations of gender-based violence persist....anion to another report entitled Gender/Women, peace and security: implementation,...


Foundation's Team

CALL for ABSTRACTS: Women, Peace and Security and the Future of Disarmament / / CALL for ABSTRACS: Femmes, Paix, Sécurité et l'Avenir du Désarmement

Created by Foundation's Team 1791 days ago

Women in International Security Austria (WIIS), in cooperation with the International Institute for Peace (IIP) and the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) is organising a conference on April 2, 2020.  The conference will be focussing on the intersections of the Wo...