

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center launches the Our Spaces mobile application to facilitate access for women victims of violences to services in the Gaza Strip

Created by Andalib Adwan 1040 days ago

...n and girls survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) face difficulty in accessing...challenge in the reduction of the phenomenon of GBV. It was necessary to devise...ess of women and girls victims and survivors of GBV to multi-sectoral service pro...

Andalib Adwan

Our Safe Spaces training programme, to tackle GBV in Palestine

Created by Andalib Adwan 1273 days ago

Our Safe Spaces: a training programme to tackle GBV in Palestine For 5 days, 18 programmers were able to build a data base on topics related with gender-based violence. D...

Arbia Jebali

Theatre to reflect on GBV and prevent violent extremism in Tunisia

Created by Arbia Jebali 1986 days ago

...n which young people from 12 to 17 years old, from Siliana (Tunisia), represented a theatre play based on different forms of Gender Based Violence (GBV). The play opened a deb...

ليلى الصالح

Casablanca: Fighting GBV starting from schools!

Created by ليلى الصالح 2056 days ago

...ers and students on gender, women’s rights, gender based violence (GBV) and the different forms of d...nst women and girls, in order to change mindsets and behaviours to fight GBV and prevent it in the first p...

حفيضة بن صالح

Cinema to combat GBV in Morocco: A new project by Neama Association

Created by حفيضة بن صالح 2106 days ago

On March 30, 2019, the Association Neama for Development launched the "Cinema Against Gender Violence" project, which is being implemented in cooperation wi...

Susana Pavlou

On the 16 Days of Activism: how MIGS fight against GBV

Created by Susana Pavlou 2238 days ago

...ay for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls and the start of another year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Violence against women and...

سفيان السعودي

The Make your voice heard project against GBV arrive to Khemisset city

Created by سفيان السعودي 2239 days ago

20 young women from Khemisset city and its surroundings in a training on combating violence against women (VAW). The training is part of the project “...

Mariam Soliman

Mashreq conducts a campaign against all forms of GBV in the Arab World

Created by Mariam Soliman 2240 days ago conventions, as well as to combat all forms of Gender-Based Violence (GBV).  The campaign comes....). These activities are also meant as a tool to break the silence about GBV. Highlights Arab women who...

Hilda Issa

Campaign in Jericho and Hebron to end the justification of GBV

Created by Hilda Issa 2240 days ago

...alestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy (PCPD) marked the International Campaign ‘’16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence (GBV)  #16DaysOfActivism thro...

Milena Kadieva

Plovdiv: GBV Prevention through training on gender equality and entrepreneurship

Created by Milena Kadieva 2474 days ago

In March 2018, the Gender Alternatives Foundation launched a new project "The New Leaders - Preventing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) through Alternatives for Future Career D...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Mada for Citizenship and Development
Bint Bladi Association
Coalition parlementaire arabe sur la lutte contre la violence de la femme
Libyan Women's Union – Tripoli
Portuguese Platform for Women'   s Rights - PpDM (Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres)
Programme d'Appui à la Société Civile (PASC-TUNISIE)
International Organisation for Women in the Seafood Industry
Bulgarian School of Politics  Dimitry Panitza
Association AGIR pour le Developpement et l'Epanouissement de la Jeunesse
Women'    s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC)
National Association for the defense of rights and freedoms (NADRF)
Collective for Research and Training on Development-Action
Rural Women's Development Socity
League of Female Executives of the National Union of Tunisian Women
Fondation Zakoura
Monia Braham
Tunisian Mediterranean Center - TUMED
Albanian Journalists Group (AJG)
Tunisian Association for Cultural Action
Nahda Association for Relief and development
Associació Catalana de Dones Directives i Empresaries
Women's Security Index (WSI)
Association Entrelles Entrepreneures Marrakech-Safi
Faize Foundation
Association Irtikaa
Horus Foundation for Development and Training
Zouhair Gassim
Femme Action - Woman Action (A.F.A - A.W.A)
Association Corrente Rosa
Association of Innovation, Training and Employment for Sustainable Development (AIFED)
Juzoor for Health and Social Development (Juzoor)
SIDRA Association
Krizia Nardini
Valencia University

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Shared practices

The Wednesdays of CREDIF

The practice consists of sessions aimed at raising awareness of and mobilising a large and diverse public (academics,...

'A Step of hope'Award for short film on women defying social stigma

Life Foundation for development and community integration participated at Alexandria Short Film festival by providing a special...

Strengthening the political participation of Palestinian women

Although Palestinian women have always had an effective role in the Palestinian struggle on the ground, their political...

Drop-in and advice centre for women in distress

The Drop-in and advice centre for women in distress is a shelter for women fleeing situations of spousal abuse. Its objectives...

Partager une culture d'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes

Le Laboratoire de l'égalité dont le Forum Femmes Méditerranée est partenaire sur Marseille, s'est fixé trois objectifs...

Imams, preachers and community leaders fighting GBV

“Communicate for GBV” is a project implemented by the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and...

Pioneer Women: daring, innovaton, entrepreneurship

Created 10 years ago, the Pioneers is a network of nearly 20 incubators and nurseries in the service of entrepreneurs and...

Rehabilitation and reintegration of former women prisoners in the provinces of Al Sharqia, Ismailia, Port Said and Alexandria

The main objective of the practice is the construction of long-lasting mechanisms for the integration in society of women...

I Saw Harassment

This initiative has been established to monitor sexual harassment against women and girls in Egypt. It aims to: shed light and...

Accompanying women in the creation of income generating activities (AGR : activités génératrices de revenus) creation and development in micro-businesses

The project is being carried out in Tangiers. The aim is to train women who already exercise an activity, to help them leave...