

Kassem Istanbouli

Tiro Association for Arts

Member since 10 December 2020 @ 2:05pm

...ty and women’s rights amongst its core values. The association has carried out theatrical performances on gender-related topics, such as: women’s freedom, their societal struggles, ra...


Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) implements a training on advocacy campaigns and influencing policies related to the rights of female academics.

Created by Andalib Adwan 601 days ago

...sts and employs the media as a platform for democratic discourse, advocacy for human rights and citizenship, and the promotion of social justice, freedom and prosperity. Photo galler...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) implements a training on advocacy campaigns and influencing policies related to the rights of female academics.

Created by Andalib Adwan 601 days ago

...sts and employs the media as a platform for democratic discourse, advocacy for human rights and citizenship, and the promotion of social justice, freedom and prosperity. Photo galler...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center launches the Youth Academy to defend women's rights in society and academic institutions

Created by Andalib Adwan 601 days ago

...sts and employs the media as a platform for democratic discourse, advocacy for human rights and citizenship, and the promotion of social justice, freedom and prosperity....


Kassem Istanbouli

Monodrama: Lebanon's International Theatrical Festival for Women

Created by Kassem Istanbouli 1370 days ago

...second edition of the festival, which will be stramed live from the Lebanese National Theatre in Tyre. The motto for this second edition is "For freedom and equality".  The fes...

Maria Àngels Roque

Conference on queer activism, intersectional feminism and national struggles in Palestine

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1391 days ago

...stinian Feminist Center for Gender and Sexual Freedom Ghadir Shafie is a Palestini...ents in a monumental struggle for justice and freedom to all Palestinians. Having l...stinian Feminist Center for Gender and Sexual Freedoms, where she currently serves...

Foundation's Team

The Women Peace and Security Agenda Under Occupation

Created by Foundation's Team 1454 days ago

The General Union of Palestinian Women in partnership with Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) would like to cordially invite you to a disc...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

CfP: Incorporating the gender perspective into communication and journalism

Created by Foundation's Team 1464 days ago with NGOS that operate in areas of international cooperation around freedom of expression and” and Goal 16.10 "Public access to information and fundamental freedoms." WHAT: The workshop &ldq...

Mireia Estrada Gelabert

XABACA Scholarships for Arab Women Artists: Residency and Networking

Created by Mireia Estrada Gelabert 2432 days ago

...artistic works linked to this whole context, taking into account the importance of gender and repression as fundamental aspects of the defense of freedom of expression and free creati...


Ana Sofia Fernandes


Created by Ana Sofia Fernandes 1101 days ago

...ays power relations, there is someone who benefits from the sexual exploitation of other people; and this is inadmissible in a society that wants freedom for all” The documenta...

Foundation's Team

Podcast - How to be a feminist in Tunisian

Created by Foundation's Team 1565 days ago

...young feminists and LGBTQI activists, this podcast addresses issues of freedom, public space, language, as w...Neyssatou - Badiaa Bouhrizi ; Ghoula - Dawri ; Dhamma - Freedom ; Yasser Jradi ; Nidhal...

Foundation's Team

Gender equality in the audio-visual sector: Arab women in films

Created by Foundation's Team 2083 days ago

Arab Women in Films is an online directory that promotes gender equality and freedom of expression in the film sector highlighting the profile of female film professionals f...


Bochra Laghssais

Manifestation of Empowerment in Mernissi's Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood

Created by Bochra Laghssais 1003 days ago be empowered from within and to transmit this to their daughters and other women through storytelling, theatre, music and implanting dreams of freedom in young girls to claim their...

Foundation's Team

Sahrawi refugee camps and Sahrawi refugee women: a unique phenomenon in North Africa

Created by Foundation's Team 1005 days ago

...t. She discusses the political will to integrate these women and their empowerment in the refugee camps. In the end, she offers a reflection on freedom of movement under threat: whe...

Foundation's Team

Why the veiling of women's bodies is at the heart of the Islamists'project

Created by Foundation's Team 1074 days ago

...macy of "Islamic law" (the Shari’a) which legalizes and sanctifies the inferiority of the fairer sex Beyond the respect for the individual freedom of veiled women, often driven...


Foundation's Team

Women and Gender in the Middle East and North Africa: Mapping the Field and Addressing Policy Dilemmas at the Post-2011 Juncture / Femmes et genre au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord: examen de la situation et réponse aux dilemmes politiques de l'après-2011 / النساء والنوع الاجتماعي في الشرق ال...

Created by Foundation's Team 2124 days ago

This report offers a “map” of the diverse situations of women in the post-2011 MENA region. It shows that there have been tremendous achievements and improvements in the lives of women in health and education but less progress in employment; and that legal inequalities remai...

Foundation's Team

Solutions pour des villes plus équitables en matière de genre / حلول من أجل مدنٍ عادلة جندريأً / Solutions for gender fair cities

Created by Foundation's Team 2181 days ago

Les femmes et les hommes n’utilisent pas les espaces des villes de la même manière. Les femmes sont toujours les principales gardiennes d’enfants, de personnes âgées et les responsables de tâches domestiques, en plus de leurs responsabilités en deh...

Ibtissame Betty Lachgar

Campagnes pour réapproprier l'espace public et les corps des femmes au Maroc / حملتيــن لاستعادة الفضاء العام وأجساد النساء في المغرب / Campaigns to re-appropriate the public space and women's bodies in Morocco

Created by Ibtissame Betty Lachgar 2200 days ago

Le 8 mars 2019, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des femmes, le Mouvement alternatif pour les libertés individuelles (MALI) a symboliquement changé les noms de certaines rues de Rabat et leur a donné le nom d’éminentes femme...