

Foundation's Team

October 11: International Day of the Girl Child

Created by Foundation's Team 1222 days ago

...ion. Our generation. Girls know their digital realities and the solutions they need to excel on their diverse pathways as technologists for freedom of expression, joy, and bound...

Foundation's Team

Council of Europe calls member States to change their legal definitions of rape based on lack of consent

Created by Foundation's Team 1795 days ago

...inal liability through negligence. The #MeToo movement has given women’s rights great prominence, but activism alone cannot compel change. Freedom from rape as based on consent...

Foundation's Team

Check out the winners and finalists of our art contest Drawing 4 Equality!

Created by Foundation's Team 2102 days ago

...r educating girls in science; and last but not least, everyone’s freedom to be who they want to be. *..."Your gender doesn’t define you" Amalia Torres, Spain "My freedom" Amer Zohbi, Syria...

Life Foundation

Economic and psycho-social support for female prisoners in Egypt

Created by Life Foundation 2423 days ago

...d significantly change the social and economic conditions of former female prisoners. Launch of a manual to address the psychological effects of freedom-restricting sanctions in the...


Djazairouna program for the integration of women into the labour market

Created by Cherifa KHEDDAR 2465 days ago

...ith local and national authorities. These initiatives in favor of women’s rights are part of the “Decent Work, Social Protection and Freedom of Association in the Middle...

Foundation's Team

Meeting with the EIB on how to integrate a gender lens in its investments

Created by Foundation's Team 2561 days ago

...gender equality was composed of experts and speakers from the European Women’s Lobby, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Women’s World Banking...

Maria Àngels Roque

The Xabaca project against censorship of Arab female artists presented in Barcelona

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2836 days ago

...The main goals are to break the isolation of these artists, explore the links between arts and political change and discuss about artists’ freedom of speech in Arab countries....

Sahar AlKawasmeh

Best congratulations and wishes to Palestinian women on the occasion of International Women's Day

Created by Sahar AlKawasmeh 2895 days ago

...s. Over the past years, Palestinian women have been reluctant to play their role in a masculine patriarchal society that restricts them and their freedom. The Palestinian women have p...

Foundation's Team

A member in the spotlight: MARCH Lebanon Association

Created by Foundation's Team 3210 days ago

...2011 to create an open-minded Lebanese society with diversity and gender equality among all its constituents. The NGO mainly focuses on promoting freedom of expression and fighting fo...

Foundation's Team

“Women in the Mediterranean” is the 1st monitoring report of the Foundation

Created by Foundation's Team 3563 days ago

...rofessional and social life; women’s participation in political life; and violence against women. The Foundation allowed the drafters full freedom of expression; hence the dive...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Orbital Endowment Fund
Cork Feminista
Society of Women Graduates (SWG) in the Gaza Strip
Development Association of South Gafsa -  DGSC
Safadi Foundation
European Observatory on Femicide
Albanian Journalists Group (AJG)
Social Association for Media Profession
Association BALODIREN
Association for Women's Total Advancement & Development (AWTAD)
Bulgarian School of Politics  Dimitry Panitza
Nahda Association for Relief and development
2 RIVES TV (Lyon TV Cable)
Association féminine pour la protection de la famille
Women Against Violence (WAV)
Moroccan Association of Social Workers
Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration
Social Association  Active Woman  of the Tizi-Ouzou Wilaya
Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR
For You Libya Group
Aix Marseille Université
CEDAW Association for Democracy and Human Rights
Nisaa Network
Audiopedia Foundation
Challenge Association of Sustainable Development (A.C.D.D.)
Association des femmes pour le développement et la culture
Women Helping Women Network-Jordan
Mouwatinet Association
Women'  s Studies Center (WSC)
Kadın ve Demokrasi Derneği - KADEM - Women and Democracy Association
University of Manouba Tunisia
Right and Democracy Organization
Coalition for Tunisian Women and the International Network of Women

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Women leaders getting ready for running for local elections

Enhancing Political Participation for Women Project – Awareness In Cooperation with UN Women/ Fund for Gender Equality AEFL...

IEMed's Gender Equality Programme is now a member of the CNDC

On July 6th, the National Council of Women of Catalonia (Consell Nacional de les Dones de Catalunya - CNDC) formally approved the...

ECWR Publishes a Report on Supporting NGOs for Women in times of the COVID-19 Outbreak

(Cairo 29th of June 2020) ECWR publishes a report titled “Supporting NGOs for Women in times of the COVID-19 Outbreak. ” ECWR...

Navigate through the new IEMed website and discover more on Gender Equality in the Euromed region!

Ever since its creation, in 2014, the Secretariat of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation is located at the European...

AFEV analyses how to foster women's entrepreneurship in Algiers

In Algeria, there are few studies on women’s entrepreneurship at the local level. The Association of Women in Green...

CMC concludes training on digital safety

The CMC (Community Media Center) concluded the training of digital security and privacy protection on social media, with the...

Discussions with CEDAW on the situation of Palestinian women

As part of the Non-Governmental Women Coalition for the Implementation of CEDAW delegation, the Palestinian Centre for Peace and...

Call for communications for the colloquium Gender and contraception: Which r-evolutions?

Fifty years ago, on December 19th, 1967, the French parliament adopted the Neuwirth Law legalizing contraception. During the...

Women in Front is leading an advocacy campaign to promote Lebanese women’s access to parliament

According to the Lebanese Ministry of Interior and Municipalities, women’s representation in political bodies in Lebanon is...

A member in the spotlight: Arab Women Parliamentarian Network

The Foundation met Hafida Benchehida, founding member and executive director of the Arab Women Parliamentarian Network. The...