

Esther Fouchier

Registrations are now open for the 1st International Women's Rights Forum

Created by Esther Fouchier 1421 days ago

In the framework of the 25th anniversary of the World C...opean Women’s Lobby, of which Forum Femmes Méditerran&eacu...International Women’s Rights Forum, from April 4-7, 2021- in dig...society. This international forum promotes the diversity of act...hoing the Generation Equality Forum plan...


Foundation's Team

2GAP officially launches its global platform during the Generation Equality Forum / 2GAP lance officiellement sa plateforme mondiale lors du Forum Génération Égalité / تطلق2GAP رسميًا منصتها العالمية خلال منتدى جيل المساواة

Created by Foundation's Team 1301 days ago

At the occasion of the Generation Equality Forum, 2GAP presented on 1st July 2021 its webinar: “The power to decide to change the world.” Following this event, the collective was pleased to officially launch its global platform. During this webinar, attendees were able to d...

Foundation's Team

The Generation Equality Girls'Fund / / Le Fond Génération Égalité pour les filles

Created by Foundation's Team 1310 days ago

This fund is for Administrative costs, COVID-19, Campaigning and advocacy costs, Community services, Emergency / Quick Access Funding, Equipment, Event costs, Materials, Salaries, Technical Support, Transport costs in ODA-eligible countries. The amount is a total of ...

Foundation's Team

Coalition d'action contre la violence basée sur le genre / / Action Coalition on Gender-based violence

Created by Foundation's Team 1322 days ago

Au cours du Forum Génération Égalité, ABAAD, en tant que l’un des leaders mondiaux de la Coalition d’action contre la violence basée sur le genre, a travaillé avec d’autres co-leaders pour façonner ce plan sur la VBG. D&...