


Tunisian Association for Cultural Action

Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:12pm

...éro tolérance contre la violence à l'égard des femmes et des filles financée par (...omouvoir l’insertion économique et sociale des Femmes rurales mères d’enfants en si...EMDH:Création d’un syndicat fondateur pour les Femmes Ouvrières dans le Secteur Agr...


Fédération des Ligues des Droits des Femmes

Member since 27 January 2017 @ 9:46pm



Foundation's Team

The Board of Trustees of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation meets in Barcelona

Created by Foundation's Team 516 days ago

The meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation took place today at the European Institute of the Mediterranean’s headquarte...

Andalib Adwan

Le Centre des médias communautaires (CMC) participe à un atelier organisé par le Programme de santé mentale de Gaza intitulé : La santé mentale des femmes dans l'espace numérique.

Created by Andalib Adwan 687 days ago

...a intitulé "La santé mentale des femmes dans l’espace numériqu...t le concept, ses causes et ses effets sur les femmes, les filles et la socié...r un accès rapide et sûr pour les femmes et les filles exposées...

Foundation's Team

EMWF's photo exhibition was displayed in Marseille as part of Le Temps des Femmes organized by FFM

Created by Foundation's Team 1054 days ago

...n in Action: Ending Stereotypes in the Mediterranean" continued its European tour and was displayed as part of the "Le Temps des Femmes" organized by the Forum Femmes Méditerranée (F...


Foundation's Team

Invitation to the presentation : Migrant Women in Europe Challenging Equality

Created by Foundation's Team 809 days ago

...ntation of the meeting by Céline MARTINEZ, President of the CLEF. 1. The European FORUM project by Esther FOUCHIER, President of the Forum Femmes Méditerranée: f...

Foundation's Team

Training on the rights of migrant women

Created by Foundation's Team 992 days ago

...rcultural dialogue and citizen participation against the stigmatization of migrants and refugees initiated by the University of Granada, the Forum Femmes Méditerranée an...

Isabelle DUMONT

Maternity through the prism of disability - A conference of FDFA

Created by Isabelle DUMONT 1040 days ago of it. Being a woman, being in a unique situation, being a mother or wishing to be: so many parameters to take into consideration! Femmes pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir (FDFA) will invite...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

AFIF: Literacy, Training and Employment for Women in Algeria

Created by Foundation's Team 2581 days ago

...t of the strategy, IQRAA, the Algerian Literacy Association, launched a major programme known as AFIF (Alphabetisation, Formation et Insertion des Femmes) Literacy, Training and Emplo...

Foundation's Team

Plastic recycling female company in Oran

Created by Foundation's Team 2791 days ago

...wastes through a partnership with a foreign company. This practice was identified in the framework of a pilot action led by AFEV (Association des femmes en économie verte) whi...

Foundation's Team

'Jeunes et Femmes' (youth and women): tools to build a life

Created by Foundation's Team 2933 days ago

The “Jeunes et Femmes” (youth and women) project was launched in 2010 by the Mission locale des Ulis in response to problems of isolation, desocialization, schol...

Calls and opportunities

Caroline Brummelhuis

Call for submissions: Tunisian Senior Women in Business

Created by Caroline Brummelhuis 1477 days ago

Become part of a network of "Senior" women entrepreneurs in the MENA region, thanks to our "Senior Women in Business" incubation programme! What? Senior Wom...

Foundation's Team

Women and rural areas in Europe: a European MOOC in four languages

Created by Foundation's Team 1478 days ago

What is the place of women in rural areas today? How are actors organized with regard to gender equality? How can women strengthen their capacity to act and t...

Maria Àngels Roque

Collage art contest: Collaging a Gender-Equal Future

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1527 days ago

...displayed in different exhibition venues, including the “Voix de Femmes” festival taking place...layed and highlighted in the promotional material of the “Voix de Femmes” project, as well as th...


Foundation's Team

Take a Good Look at me, a Women's Foundation podcast

Created by Foundation's Team 1404 days ago

Discover the first podcast of the Fondation des Femmes By Mahaut Chaudouët Delmas and Luna Gay-Padoan The Covid-19 crisis has revealed the condition of women and...

Foundation's Team

COVID-19 Resources: Initiatives, Campaigns, Statements, Calls and Opportunities

Created by Foundation's Team 1775 days ago

...sociation Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc (ADFM), MOROCCO:&nbs...niqué de Presse “Les femmes victimes de violences doublem...line: 04-853-3044 Forum Femmes Méditerranée:&n...sp; Association Tunisienne des Femmes Démocrates, TUNISIE:&n...

Foundation's Team

COVID-19 Resources: Articles, Essays, News and Press Releases

Created by Foundation's Team 1775 days ago

...Long-lasting consequences of COVID-19 for girls will be abuse and hunger, April 3, 2020.  Fédération des Ligues des Droits des Femmes, Press statement - ...


Foundation's Team

Why the veiling of women's bodies is at the heart of the Islamists'project

Created by Foundation's Team 1083 days ago

According to the professor and researcher Leila Tauil, the veiling of the body of women is part of the project of an Islamist society - having as it...

Foundation's Team

Promoting the economic participation of women in the Western Mediterranean: the initiatives of three members of our network

Created by Foundation's Team 1314 days ago

...ay 2021), this article focuses on the initiatives of three members of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation network: Jossour - Forum des Femmes Marocaines, WIBA - Women in B...

Foundation's Team

Ending violence against women and girls with disabilities in the European Union

Created by Foundation's Team 1463 days ago

FEPH – Webinar on « Ending violence against women and girls with disabilities in the European Union » – 2020 Summary On No...


Genre et Climat / Gender and Climate

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 3025 days ago

..., la Déclaration sur le Genre et le Climat des femmes méditerranéennes a été adopté...imat doivent intégrer l'approche genre car les femmes urbaines et rurales des pays...ent touchées par le changement climatique. Les femmes sont sous-représentées dans l...


Foundation's Team

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Vic: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities / / Visitez notre exposition de photos itinérante maintenant à Vic: Femmes brisant les barrières. Transformer les villes méditerranéennes

Created by Foundation's Team 497 days ago

From 9 October to 24 October 2023,Centre Cívic Montseny, Av. Montseny, 16 hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM)’s photo exhibition "Dones trencant barreres. Transformant les ciutats mediterrànies" ("Women breaking bar...

Foundation's Team

Photo exhibition on tour: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities. Next stop: Sant Quirze del Vallès / Exposition photo en tournée : Femmes brisant les barrières. Transformer les villes méditerranéennes. Prochain arrêt : Sant Quirze del Vallès / معرض الصور في جولة: نساء يكسرن ا...

Created by Foundation's Team 883 days ago

From 19 to 30 September 2022, the Espai Maria Mercè Marçal in Sant Quirze del Vallès (Barcelona) hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM)’s photo exhibition "Dones trencant barreres. Transformant les ciutats mediterrànies" ...

Foundation's Team

Youth, Women and Employment in the Mediterranean Region: Continuity and Change / Jeunes, femmes et emploi en Méditerranée: continuité et changement / الشباب والمرأة والتشغيل في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط: الاستمرارية والتغيير

Created by Foundation's Team 895 days ago

The Union for the Mediterranean’s (UfM) 5th Ministerial Conference on Employment and Labour, held on 18 May this year in Marrakesh (Morocco), gave ministers the chance to address the issue of unemployment, particularly affecting young people and women in southern and eastern Medit...


Hadda Kechoun

Comment on "Organisation of a workshop to strengthen advocacy capacities / Organisation d'un atelier de renforcement des capacités en plaidoyer / تنظيم ورشة عمل لتقوية قدرات المناصرة و الحوار السياسي في المغرب"

Created by Foundation's Team 3567 days ago

Au niveau du Maroc,plusieurs efforts ont été consentis pour la participation des femmes à la vie publique. Cependant, les mécanismes mis en place ont besoin d’être consolidés pour réussir les avancées en matière de l'égalité et de l'équité.

Amel Arbaoui

Comment on "Women's organizations laid out strong relationships for future actions / منظمات نسائية تقيم علاقات متينة كقاعدة لأعمال مستقبلية / Des organisations de femmes construisent des liens solides pour l'avenir"

Created by Foundation's Team 2762 days ago

Les femmes dans le monde sont soumises à des griefs à des degrés divers, donc elles doivent travailler ensemble Agréable de partager leurs expériences et leurs apprent...