
Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Call for Papers by an International Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies

Created by Foundation's Team 1254 days ago

...ily to publishing manuscripts that speak to the major issues in Gender Studies. The journal considers publish...e and debate between academic gender researchers, activists within the feminist movement and other segment o...

Mozn Hassan

Task Based Researcher Vacancies - Feminist Research Consultancy

Created by Mozn Hassan 1538 days ago

Nazra for Feminist Studies is opening its call to receive CVs regarding th...COVID-19 pandemic, within the context of the Feminist Movement including its status...wo countries from the region) 3. Struggle Of Feminist Movement in the MENA Region...

Foundation's Team

Call for Papers - Gender Studies Conference 2020

Created by Foundation's Team 1607 days ago

Gender Studies Conference 2020: Reclaiming Futures - Tam...ming Futures The 2020 Gender Studies conference explores futures as..., imaginings and debates from feminist and intersectional perspectiv...conference asks what kinds of feminist and intersectional engagement...

Foundation's Team

Make the most out of your summer!

Created by Foundation's Team 2274 days ago

...rse provides a focus for people interested in feminism and masculinity studies, sexuality and gender, while a...choice between one-off or continuous training, all for free!  - Feminist Summer School of the German...

Maria Àngels Roque

Support for applications for predoctoral fellowships

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2669 days ago

...ilosophical thought by women - Modern and contemporary feminist theory LGTBQ studies / Politics of desire Cultural studies / Popular culture Postcolon...on / Contemporary experiences of time Translation and Feminist Studies Prospective candi...