

Foundation's Team

Feminism and Marketing: Cultural change or Pinkwashing? / Féminisme et marketing : Changement culturel ou Pinkwashing ? / النسوية و التسويق: تغيير ثقافي أم نشرٌ للون الزهري

Created by Foundation's Team 2638 days ago

In recent years ads from industry giants have begun to celebrate women rights and are now attracting new consumers with these ads. This paper is an exploratory study focusing on the intersection between marketing and feminism. The feminist movement and the role of advertising will be pr...

Maria Àngels Roque

Support for applications for predoctoral fellowships / Appel à candidatures pour des bourses de recherche prédoctorales / دعم طلبات الحصول على الزمالة قبل الدكتوراه

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2669 days ago

The Centre de recerca ADHUC - Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat (ADHUC Research Centre – Theory, Gender, Sexuality) offers scientific support for postgraduate students applying for predoctoral fellowships. Candidates must meet the eligibility criteria and have an excellent CV and ...

Foundation's Team

From Gender Studies to Gender IN Studies Case Studies on Gender-Inclusive Curriculum in Higher Education / Des études sur l’égalité à l’égalité dans les études. Études de cas de programmes de l’éducation supérieure sensibles à la dimension genre / من الدراسات الجندرية إلى الجندر في الدراسات. دراس...

Created by Foundation's Team 2801 days ago

This study examines how academia and higher education are dealing with the gender dimension, it focuses on 8 case studies: The University of Tirana; the University of Sofia; Macedonia; Moldova State University; Central European University; the University of Bucharest; Serbia. The study questions ...

Foundation's Team

Women's Studies North and South / Études sur les femmes, au Nord et au Sud / دراسات النساء في الشمال و الجنوب

Created by Foundation's Team 3105 days ago

This report provides the reader with a collection of papers, prepared for the International conference  “Women´s Studies North and South: Addressing global gender and social justice’’. It aims at reflecting on the existing relationships between women’s...