

Mariam Soliman

Al-Mashreq for development and population

Member since 10 July 2018 @ 12:01pm

1. Safe working environment for female workers To promote the rights of working women and to combat all forms of violence and discrimination that women may face in the workplace. The pro...

أميرة عبد الحكيم حفني المديرة التنفيذية للمؤسسة القانونية لمساعدة الأسرة وحقوق الإنسان

Legal Association for Family Assistance and Human Rights

Member since 3 September 2017 @ 6:08pm

...truments, especially CEDAW. Trainings on gender and equality. Empower female workers by raising their awareness r...uch as domestic violence and community violence, and lobbying through female parliamentarians to adopt wome...


Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center holds 5 discussion sessions with academics about the reality of women in universities in Gaza

Created by Andalib Adwan 684 days ago participation of male and female academics. This came as part...women’s rights, empowering female academics, and" project. A group of male and female academics from all governorat...hich was a gender revision of the workers union system, the faculty sys...

Rabha Fathi

The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers gives an oral statement at the 80th session of CEDAW Committee

Created by Rabha Fathi 1044 days ago

...Committee, the Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) gave an oral s...FL calls the Egyptian government to protect female house workers and domestic servants and to...otect them. The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers calls the Egyptian gov...

Diana Haddadin

Your Voice Your Identity: A radio program discussing Jordanian women's key issues

Created by Diana Haddadin 1876 days ago

...lated to women’s issues through news and reports prepared by a team of female correspondents in the governo...omenon of harassment and suffering of women in Irbid", "The reality of workers and volunteers in NGOs in Maf...


Foundation's Team

20-21 July 2022 UfM-UNIDO Women Business Forum

Created by Foundation's Team 840 days ago average of 23%-26%) and one of the weakest female labour participation rates, i...ole in men funding other men, overlooking the female entrepreneurs who are also se...p;to empower women as entrepreneurs, traders, workers, and professionals, as well i...


Foundation's Team

UEFGM: Training platform about female genital mutilation

Created by Foundation's Team 2730 days ago

...atform aimed at professionals working with women and girls affected by female genital mutilation (FGM). Thi...a and press, professionals, child protection, civil society and social workers....


Milena Kadieva

No Gaps Handbook and Toolbox for professionals in integral intervention with young female asylum seekers and refugees

Created by Milena Kadieva 1389 days ago

...ok & Toolbox for professionals in integral intervention with young female asylum seekers and refugees t...lidate and refine the content. The professionals were social and youth workers, career counselors and activi...

Foundation's Team

Global Study on Homicide - Gender-related killing of women and girls

Created by Foundation's Team 2142 days ago

...examines forms of gender-related killings perpetrated outside the family sphere, such as the killing of women in conflict and the killing of female sex workers. The study explores the scale...

Foundation's Team

Gender Based Violence against Women and Girls Displaced by the Syrian Conflict in South Lebanon and North Jordan: Scope of Violence and Health Correlates

Created by Foundation's Team 2213 days ago

...This report presents the results of a research conducted with female refugees living in North Jord...inian Refugees from Syria, as well as gender based violence (GBV) case workers who provide services to refug...


Foundation's Team

Diagnostic de terrain : Plaider en faveur de l'égalité dans les usines de Zarqa / تشخيص ميداني: المناصرة من أجل المساواة بين الجنسين في مصانع الزرقاء / Field diagnosis: Advocating Gender Equality in Zarqaa's factories

Created by Foundation's Team 2335 days ago

Le gouvernorat de Zarqa est considéré comme l’un des centres industriels les plus importants de Jordanie. Les femmes qui travaillent dans ses usines subissent des conditions de travail difficiles. De plus, les travailleuses manquent de formation et d’opportunit...

Foundation's Team

Concrete actions by JFBPW to promote professional equality in Zarqaa / Actions concrètes de JFBPW pour promouvoir l'égalité professionnelle à Zarqaa / إجراءات ملموسة لملتقى سيدات الأعمال و المهن الأردني لتعزيز المساواة المهنية في الزرقاء

Created by Foundation's Team 2569 days ago

Gender inequality in factories in Zarqaa has multiple aspects that affects women’s professional development and engagement in economic activities in this area in Jordan”, says a recent field study by the Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women (JFBPW), one of the co...