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Wedad Sourani

Report on the compatibility of Palestinian labour law with the needs of working women on the Gaza Strip

Created by Wedad Sourani 695 days ago

...e General Secretariat of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, Dr. Salama Abu Zaiter, with within the framework of the "Citizen First" project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Associ...

Wedad Sourani

A special report checking the compatibility of the strategic education plan with the Ministry of Education

Created by Wedad Sourani 697 days ago as a reference for planning education in Palestine. These activities come within the framework of the "Citizen First" project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Associ...

Andalib Adwan

Achievements that exceed the plan for the year 2022 by the Community Media Center (CMC).

Created by Andalib Adwan 735 days ago Zoom - Switzerland TDH, the German Heinrich Böll Foundation, CARE International in Palestine, CCFD TERRE SOLIDIARE Foundation, and the European Union through a third-party partner...

Wedad Sourani

A meeting to present the results of identifying the needs of the civil coalition institutions and partner institutions within the Citizen First project

Created by Wedad Sourani 752 days ago

...lts of identifying the needs of the civil coalition institutions and the partner institutions within the "Citizen First" project funded by the European Union and implemented by the partne...

Foundation's Team

The Foundation participates in UfM's High Level Conference on Women for the Mediterranean 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 833 days ago

...;High Level Conference on Women for the Mediterranean organized by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) took...rment in society. Senén Florensa Palau, Executive President of European Institute of the Mediterra...

Foundation's Team

CLUSTER joins the Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Policy Conference, an event to foster employment among youth and women in the region

Created by Foundation's Team 991 days ago

...sp;May 2022, CLUSTER, represented by the Managing Director of the European Institute of the Mediterranea..., and Programme Manager, Ms Karina Melkonian, participated in the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) M...

Foundation's Team

CLUSTER joins the MedCat Days 2022, an event to connect Catalan actors working in the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 1049 days ago

On 23 March 2022, CLUSTER participated in the MedCat Days 2022, a hybrid  event co-organised by t...istry of Economy and Finance of the Government of Catalonia, together with the Europ...

Wedad Sourani

The Society of Women Graduates participates in a study day entitled The Gender reality of women in Palestinian Civil Society Organizations

Created by Wedad Sourani 1060 days ago

...uo;The Gender Reality of Women in Palestinian Civil Society Organizations”, within the “Citizen First” project funded by the European Union and in partnership with the C...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center implements six awareness workshops in Gaza Governorate on water consumption

Created by Andalib Adwan 1073 days ago

...and protection of human rights in the southern West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip - water and land.” The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Applie...

Wedad Sourani

Discussing the social audit report on the reality of divorced women in obtaining their legitimate rights in the Gaza Strip

Created by Wedad Sourani 1087 days ago

...; the necessity of including women’s rights in school curricula. These activities come within the "Citizen First" project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Associ...


Foundation's Team

The EU Parliament holds its 3rd Gender Equality Week

Created by Foundation's Team 839 days ago

...FEMM) is organising the third European Gender Equality Week at the e...l Affairs). Additionally, the European Institute for Gender Equality...The aim of Parliament’s European Gender Equality Week is to dr...of our society. The European Union adopted gender mainstreaming as...

Foundation's Team

Join the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme online debates

Created by Foundation's Team 1079 days ago

...mme (CERV) funds projects in the areas of Union Values, the Rule of Law, Equalit...ence. It aims to protect and promote Union rights and values as enshrine...  Town Twinning & Networks of Towns European Remembrance Break-out...

Foundation's Team

EMWF and CLUSTER participate in the Forum of Mediterranean Worlds in Marseille on 7 and 8 February 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 1116 days ago

...en in Action: Ending Stereotypes in the Mediterranean" continues its European tour and will be organized as...imate change Furthermore, the project CLUSTER, co-financed by the European Union in the framework of the ENI C...

Foundation's Team

Teach Digital Migrant Women Focus Groups

Created by Foundation's Team 1303 days ago

...e attractive. It also focuses on boosting their professional and personal development. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. In the framework of this pr...

Foundation's Team

The Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue in the EuroMed

Created by Foundation's Team 1353 days ago

...he “Renewed Partnerships with the Southern Neighbourhood: a new agenda for the Mediterranean”; endorsed by the Council of the European Union. For LIVE updates and mo...

Foundation's Team

Public Hearing: Socio-economic position of women

Created by Foundation's Team 1357 days ago

...ic focus on the feedback experiences of women from race or cultural backgrounds of African, Middle-eastern, and Asian descent, who live in the European Union. The aim is to better unders...

Maria Àngels Roque

WEBINAR - Fostering women's economic participation in the Western Mediterranean

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1382 days ago

...sformations Organized by the European Institute of the Mediterranea...tries on 22 October 2020, the European Institute of the Mediterranea...Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, this online con...of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Government o...

Foundation's Team

Tunisia: EBRD helps women entrepreneurs move to digital era

Created by Foundation's Team 1395 days ago of crisis; Exploiting digital in crisis management; The rules of storytelling in the digital age. This training is fully funded by the European Union in Tunisia in the framework o...

Foundation's Team

DECIDES Europe: Final Conference on GBV

Created by Foundation's Team 1553 days ago

...18 to 2020 and is implemented by Interarts and Trabe (Spain), Transcena (Romania) and Kvindemuseet i Danmark (Denmark). It is co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and...

Maria Àngels Roque

Don't miss UfM's Women Business Forum this November in Barcelona

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1997 days ago

The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is organising the third edition of Women Business Forum (WBF) in...conomic empowerment, particularly in the MENA region, and with African and European countries....

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Success Stories following visits to companies run by women in Setif

Created by Foundation's Team 2382 days ago

...h Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and coordinated by the European Institute of the Mediterranea...of the project "Developing women’s empowerment", labeled by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM).&...

Foundation's Team

Same rights. Same voice. Women Migrants within the European Union

Created by Foundation's Team 3132 days ago

The practice aims at involving in a pro-active way the organizations of migrant women in...e development, follow-up and implementation of the European policies. The female migrants...way of getting organized on a local, national and Europ...

Foundation's Team

Access to justice for women victimes of violence

Created by Foundation's Team 3180 days ago

...project (Capacity-building in the Southern Mediterranean to Open policy dialogue and monitoring for Women IN Society), with the support of the European Union’s Neighbourhood Civil S...

Foundation's Team

Scholarship program for girls in school failure

Created by Foundation's Team 3425 days ago

...project (Capacity-building in the Southern Mediterranean to Open policy dialogue and monitoring for Women IN Society), with the support of the European Union’s Neighbourhood Civil S...

Foundation's Team

Social awareness program on women's rights

Created by Foundation's Team 3494 days ago

...project (Capacity-building in the Southern Mediterranean to Open policy dialogue and monitoring for Women IN Society), with the support of the European Union’s Neighbourhood Civil S...

Foundation's Team

Because they are my children, my nationality is their right

Created by Foundation's Team 3494 days ago

...project (Capacity-building in the Southern Mediterranean to Open policy dialogue and monitoring for Women IN Society), with the support of the European Union’s Neighbourhood Civil S...

Foundation's Team

Migrant Women: A Resource

Created by Foundation's Team 3494 days ago

This practice began in 2014 and it was supported by the European Commission Representation in Ita...alogue and monitoring for Women IN Society), with the support of the European Union’s Neighbourhood Civil S...

Foundation's Team

Social Change through Women's Cinema

Created by Foundation's Team 3494 days ago

...project (Capacity-building in the Southern Mediterranean to Open policy dialogue and monitoring for Women IN Society), with the support of the European Union’s Neighbourhood Civil S...

Foundation's Team

Eliminating gender violence from media

Created by Foundation's Team 3494 days ago

...ere is public misunderstanding that they are spreading evil, immoral European values. This practice was inn...alogue and monitoring for Women IN Society), with the support of the European Union’s Neighbourhood Civil S...

Foundation's Team

I am unbeatable Campaign

Created by Foundation's Team 3494 days ago

...project (Capacity-building in the Southern Mediterranean to Open policy dialogue and monitoring for Women IN Society), with the support of the European Union’s Neighbourhood Civil S...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Traineeships for Gender Equality at EIGE

Created by Foundation's Team 1289 days ago

...tember 2021 at 13:30, Eastern European Time (EET). The InstituteEIG...a decentralised agency of the European Union (EU) entrusted with specific obj...stitutions, in particular the European Commission and the authoritie...not later than 13:30, Eastern European Time (EET) on 9 September...

Foundation's Team

Experts for the Alternative Report to the Universal Periodic Review of Morocco

Created by Foundation's Team 1309 days ago to support the Civil Society and the Media to advance fundamental freedoms and gender equality in Morocco This project, co-financed by the European Union and the French Development Ag...

Maria Àngels Roque

Call for Participants : IV EuroMeSCo Youth Forum

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1311 days ago

...Youth Forum is part of the Euromed Young Researchers Lab, an initiative of the EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots project, co-funded by the European Union and the European Institute of the Mediterra...

Foundation's Team

Call to Establishing a Reserve List for the Post of Researcher at EIGE

Created by Foundation's Team 1375 days ago

...Based in Vilnius, Lithuania, EIGE is a decentralised agency of the European Union entrusted with specific objectiv...egan on 31 March 2021 and will close on 17 May 2021 at 13:30 Eastern European Time....

Foundation's Team

Promoting a Culture of Equality, Female Empowerment and Employability

Created by Foundation's Team 1400 days ago

The European Union in Morocco is launching a restricted call for proposals with a budget of 3.8 million euros as part of the Moussawat program to support the implementat...

Foundation's Team

Promotion of Literacy Techniques in Morocco for Youth and Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1422 days ago

The Delegation of the European Union in Morocco is launching an open call for proposals as part of the 3rd phase of the Support Program for the National Lite...

Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

CALL for TENDERS: Technical Assistance for InnovAgroWoMed

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1641 days ago persons) to provide technical assistance to the Project Communication Group. InnoAgroWoMed is a 3 years project funded at 87% by the European Union through ENI CBC Med program f...

Foundation's Team

Call for Submissions: Tunisian associations working in crafts and design

Created by Foundation's Team 1689 days ago

...ticipate in Creative Tunisia’s new call for proposals! The project Creative Tunisia,part of the Tounes Wijhetouna program, funded by the European Union with a financial contribution...

Foundation's Team

EUSEW2020 Women in Energy Award

Created by Foundation's Team 1807 days ago running the activities, projects, actions must be based in the European Union and their activities, projects, actions must be carried out within the European Union....

Foundation's Team

Apply for ARLEM Award on young local entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 1935 days ago

...lestine, Tunisia and Turkey). ARLEM is an assembly of local and regional representatives from the European Union and its Mediterranean partners. It was set up in 2010 by the European Committee of the Regions (...


Foundation's Team

COVID-19 Resources: Women's Helplines in the Euro-Mediterranean Countries

Created by Foundation's Team 1764 days ago

...pline numbers concerning the countries of the Union for the Mediterranean.  Pl...WALES: Rape Crisis Helpline More info: European Commission, 2016: SAY NO! STO...OMEN AGAINST VIOLENCE EUROPE EUROMED RIGHTS European Institute for Gender Equal...

Foundation's Team

Combatting media disinformation about women: femfacts

Created by Foundation's Team 2079 days ago

...edicated to track and debunk damaging misrepresentations of women in European news media. Media revolution...d debunk the sources of this trend. The project, co-financed by the European Union, is supported by a consortium...

Foundation's Team

The Gender Equality Index in the EU

Created by Foundation's Team 2396 days ago

The Gender Equality Index is a composite indicator that measures the complex concept of gender equality and, based on the European Union (EU) policy framework, assists in monito...

Foundation's Team

Al Mafroud: A documentary by Abaad on the change of gender roles during crises

Created by Foundation's Team 2606 days ago, they were able to make positive changes in their current communities, in Lebanon. The documentary which lasts 30 minutes is funded by the European Union within the framework of proje...

Foundation's Team

From where I stand...

Created by Foundation's Team 2612 days ago

...ordan. After attending a social entrepreneurship training provided as part of UN Women’s Spring Forward programme in 2016, funded by the European Union, Al Hamaideh, together with h...

Foundation's Team

Mères en ligne: First radio for single mothers in Morocco

Created by Foundation's Team 2809 days ago

...visible their claims and demands. The initiative is funded by the European Union in partnership with the Moroccan...ial Development within the framework of the support program of the European Union to the governmental plan &nbs...

Foundation's Team

UEFGM: Training platform about female genital mutilation

Created by Foundation's Team 2851 days ago

...This training platform is the main outcome of the European project UEFGM, co-financed by the European Union, in which the association &ldquo...arlons-en!” has been working for two years with the European associations specialized i...

Foundation's Team

European Institute for Gender Equality

Created by Foundation's Team 3530 days ago

The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is an autonomous body of the European Union, established to contribute to...

Foundation's Team

European Blind Union

Created by Foundation's Team 3530 days ago

The European Blind Union (EBU) works towards an accessible and inclusive society with equal opportunities for blind and partially sighted people to fully participate i...

Foundation's Team

Association of Women of Southern Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 3553 days ago natural and legal persons from southern European Union countries.  The AWSE’s mai...ty, in particular with a view to promoting European integration in the effective...tudy or research projects, both within the European Union and in partnership with other...


Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 709 days ago

...nager at the Gender Equality, Social and Civil Affairs Division of the Union for the Mediterranean, states in...s Economic and Investment Plan, as well as the commitments made by the European Commission in the framewor...

Foundation's Team

Classic tales revised for gender equality

Created by Foundation's Team 1112 days ago

In the context of the project "Des stéréotypes à l’égalité de genre" funded by the European Union and with the participation of four sch...

Foundation's Team

Mind the Gap Report: COALESCE for Support in Cyprus

Created by Foundation's Team 1287 days ago

...nals (TCN) victims of human trafficking (VoT) for sexual exploitation and abuse" (Coalesce Project EC AMIF:958133). COALESCE is funded by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integra...

Foundation's Team

Enhancing Access to Justice for Survivors of Domestic Violence in Lebanon

Created by Foundation's Team 1305 days ago

...the outcome of cases for survivors of domestic violence in the fight against gender-based violence, which is one of the key engagements of the European Union and the subject of its latest...

Foundation's Team

Gender-based violence against women and girls with disabilities

Created by Foundation's Team 1322 days ago

...lence (GBV) and its link to gendered inequalities,the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) know that 16% have at least one form of another disability? The European Union (EU) namely counts 60 million...

Foundation's Team

Fostering women's economic participation in the Western Mediterranean: Successful policies for in-depth transformations

Created by Foundation's Team 1331 days ago

...fairs of the Western Mediterranean countries on 22 October 2020, the European Institute of the Mediterranea...quo;. Under the guidance of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, this online...

Foundation's Team

Sexism at work: how can we stop it? Handbook for the EU institutions and agencies

Created by Foundation's Team 1444 days ago

...cover all staff employed directly by the EU (such as the Staff Regulations of Officials and Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union), highlighting specific good...

Foundation's Team

Ending violence against women and girls with disabilities in the European Union

Created by Foundation's Team 1451 days ago

...irls with disabilities in the European Union » – 2020 Summa...irls with disabilities in the European Union”. During this webinar we population of women in the European Union, and 60% of the overall popul...disabilities in the European Union”, organised the 24th of...

Milena Kadieva

No Gaps Handbook and Toolbox for professionals in integral intervention with young female asylum seekers and refugees

Created by Milena Kadieva 1510 days ago

...urriculum (IO2) which shall help achieve the European Qualification Framework (EQF)...ed on the methodology and instruments of the European Credit System for Vocational...s co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European union. The duration of the project...

Foundation's Team

Police and justice sector data on intimate partner violence against women in the European Union

Created by Foundation's Team 1928 days ago

Quality administrative data that are available and comparable are key to understanding the scale of intimate partner violence in the EU and monitor...


Foundation's Team

البنك الأوروبي لإعادة الإعمار والتنمية يوافق على استراتيجيات لتعزيز المساواة بين الجنسين وتكافؤ الفرص / / EBRD approves strategies for promotion of gender equality and equality of opportunity

Created by Foundation's Team 1168 days ago

لتعزيز تكافؤ الفرص والنهوض بالتمكين الاقتصادي للمرأة، وافق مجلس إدارة البنك الأوروبي لإعادة الإعمار والتنمية (EBRD)  على استراتيجيات جديدة لتعزيز المساواة بين الجنسين promotion of gender equality وتكافؤ الفرص. equality of opportunity قالت أوديل رينو- باسو، رئيسة البنك الأوروبي لإع...

Foundation's Team

أوقفوا العنف ضد المرأة: بيان صادر عن المفوضية الأوروبية والممثل السامي / / Stop Violence Against Women: Statement by the European Commission and the High Representative

Created by Foundation's Team 1168 days ago

بمناسبة اليوم الدولي للقضاء على العنف ضد المرأة في 25 شرين الثاني (نوفمبر)، أصدرت المفوضية الأوروبية والممثل الأعلى/ نائب الرئيس، جوزيب بوريل، البيان التالي: "العنف ضد النساء والفتيات هو انتهاك واسع النطاق لحقوق الإنسان. في أوروبا، أبلغت امرأة واحدة من بين كل ثلاثة تتراوح أعمارهن بين ...

Foundation's Team

Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Girls / / Prévenir et combattre la violence à l'égard des femmes et des filles

Created by Foundation's Team 1178 days ago

The Human Dimension Seminar is an opportunity to discuss the implementation of relevant OSCE commitments and international human rights standards to combat violence against women and girls. Preventing and combatting violence against women is a longstanding commitment of all OSCE partic...

Foundation's Team

Combating Violence Against Women and Girls: Human Dimension Seminar

Created by Foundation's Team 1184 days ago

The Human Dimension Seminar is an opportunity to discuss the implementation of relevant OSCE commitments and international human rights standards to combat violence against women and girls. Preventing and combatting violence against women is a longstanding commitmen...

Foundation's Team

Sectoral Brief: Gender and Security / / Fiche sectorielle : Genre et sécurité

Created by Foundation's Team 1260 days ago

The complex and evolving security threats the EU is facing, such as organised crime, terrorism, cyberviolence and hybrid threats, have placed security high on the political agenda of both the previous Commission (2014–2019) and the current Commission (2019–2024). Women and ...

Foundation's Team

Mind the Gap Report: COALESCE for Support in Cyprus / / Rapport Mind the Gap : COALESCE pour le soutien à Chypre

Created by Foundation's Team 1287 days ago

This national report is produced within the framework of "COALESCE: Legal, psycho-social and economic empowerment for the integration of women third-country nationals (TCN) victims of human trafficking (VoT) for sexual exploitation and abuse" (Coalesce Project EC AMIF:958133). COALESCE...

Foundation's Team

Traineeships for Gender Equality at EIGE / / Stages pour l'égalité de genre à l'EIGE

Created by Foundation's Team 1289 days ago

The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) announces traineeship opportunities lasting up to six months for graduates who are either nationals of an EU Member State or an EFTA country or an IPA qualifying country. The traineeships are based at the Institute’s premises ...

Foundation's Team

FGM in the EU: Raising the voice of communities / / FGM in the EU: Raising the voice of communities

Created by Foundation's Team 1353 days ago

On 26 May 2021, the European Institute for Gender Equality is organising a virtual dissemination event for the launch of the report ’Estimation of girls at risk of female genital mutilation in the EU: Denmark, Spain, Luxembourg and Austria’. You can read the news article published ...

Foundation's Team

Eligibility for parental leave in EU Member States

Created by Foundation's Team 1395 days ago

The study provides eligibility rates for each of the Member States and an overview of the main eligibility criteria that they have set. An intersectional perspective helps to identify which groups of women and men are most disadvantaged and most often left out of the parental-leave sche...

Foundation's Team

Promotion of Literacy Techniques in Morocco for Youth and Women / / Promotion de l'alphabétisation des jeunes, des femmes et du monde rural au Maroc

Created by Foundation's Team 1422 days ago

The Delegation of the European Union in Morocco is launching an open call for proposals as part of the 3rd phase of the Support Program for the National Literacy Strategy in Morocco (Alpha III). The six target regions of the Alpha III program are: Marrakech-Safi ...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Femmes Informations Juridiques Internationales Rhône-Alpes (FIJI-RA)
Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF)
Istar Montull Mussach
Radio Souriat
Future Association for Development - Batna
NAWF Women Entrepreneurs
La ciutat invisible
Association Neama for Development
EuroMed Rights
Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE)
Myriem Narjis
Safadi Foundation
Women’s House for Development
Donia for Sutsainable Development
Association Femmes en Communication (FEC)
Sawt Nssâ
Association Marocaine des Femmes Progressistes (AMFP)
Association du Développement et des Études Stratégiques de Medenine (ADESM)
Alternative Movement for Individual Freedoms M.A.L.I.
Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation
Krizia Nardini
International Center for Rights and Freedoms (ICRF)
Association of Women in Green Economy (AFEV)
The Digital Museum of Women  Zatek
Zouhair Gassim
Tafoukt Souss Association for Women Development
Tunisian Association of Gender Studies
CREAD – Research center applied economics for development
Women On Top
RIHAN ASSOCIATION for Youth and Development
Sana Hafsa Consulting Office
Youth and Development Consultancy Institute (Etijah)
Right and Democracy Organization
Be active. Be emancipated (B.a.B.e.)
Portuguese Platform for Women'   s Rights - PpDM (Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres)
Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development

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Shared practices

Discrimination against women in the case of opening bank accounts for their children

In Palestine, according to the Act No. 8/2009, banks do not allow mothers to open bank accounts for their children, arguing...

I Saw Harassment

This initiative has been established to monitor sexual harassment against women and girls in Egypt. It aims to: shed light and...

Soulaliyates women' s right to ownership and enhancing their role in local governance.

Despite the problem of illiteracy among Soulaliyates women, the Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des...

Transformative Political Identities for Gender Equality-LANA

LANA project aims to increase women’s participation in decision making within the private and public sphere. LANA approach...

Campaign in favour of Parity in Municipal Elections in Tunisia

In 2016, several associations of Tunisian civil society and a few regional and international organizations launched a campaign...

Equality for local development: gender mainstreaming in municipalities

The project aimed at increasing analytical and practical capacities of local authorities in order to implement real gender...

Partnership, advice, support and training services in domestic abuse and harmful practices

The successful practice promotes the safety of women suffering domestic abuse and harmful practices, such as forced marriage,...

Manarat : Stories of inspiring women from the Middle East and North Africa

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2017, Oxfam Great Britain’s Regional Gender Justice Programme is launching...

Project: Do not touch my rights!

The project 'Do not touch my rights!” is funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), for a period of 12 months...

Scholarship program for girls in school failure

Many girls from the villages of Upper Egypt are deprived of education and, therefore, they cannot improve their situation or...