

Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 709 days ago

...nager at the Gender Equality, Social and Civil Affairs Division of the Union for the Mediterranean, states in...s Economic and Investment Plan, as well as the commitments made by the European Commission in the framewor...

Foundation's Team

Classic tales revised for gender equality

Created by Foundation's Team 1112 days ago

In the context of the project "Des stéréotypes à l’égalité de genre" funded by the European Union and with the participation of four sch...

Foundation's Team

Mind the Gap Report: COALESCE for Support in Cyprus

Created by Foundation's Team 1287 days ago

...nals (TCN) victims of human trafficking (VoT) for sexual exploitation and abuse" (Coalesce Project EC AMIF:958133). COALESCE is funded by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integra...

Foundation's Team

Enhancing Access to Justice for Survivors of Domestic Violence in Lebanon

Created by Foundation's Team 1305 days ago

...the outcome of cases for survivors of domestic violence in the fight against gender-based violence, which is one of the key engagements of the European Union and the subject of its latest...

Foundation's Team

Gender-based violence against women and girls with disabilities

Created by Foundation's Team 1322 days ago

...lence (GBV) and its link to gendered inequalities,the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) know that 16% have at least one form of another disability? The European Union (EU) namely counts 60 million...

Foundation's Team

Fostering women's economic participation in the Western Mediterranean: Successful policies for in-depth transformations

Created by Foundation's Team 1331 days ago

...fairs of the Western Mediterranean countries on 22 October 2020, the European Institute of the Mediterranea...quo;. Under the guidance of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, this online...

Foundation's Team

Sexism at work: how can we stop it? Handbook for the EU institutions and agencies

Created by Foundation's Team 1444 days ago

...cover all staff employed directly by the EU (such as the Staff Regulations of Officials and Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union), highlighting specific good...

Foundation's Team

Ending violence against women and girls with disabilities in the European Union

Created by Foundation's Team 1451 days ago

...irls with disabilities in the European Union » – 2020 Summa...irls with disabilities in the European Union”. During this webinar we population of women in the European Union, and 60% of the overall popul...disabilities in the European Union”, organised the 24th of...

Milena Kadieva

No Gaps Handbook and Toolbox for professionals in integral intervention with young female asylum seekers and refugees

Created by Milena Kadieva 1510 days ago

...urriculum (IO2) which shall help achieve the European Qualification Framework (EQF)...ed on the methodology and instruments of the European Credit System for Vocational...s co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European union. The duration of the project...

Foundation's Team

Police and justice sector data on intimate partner violence against women in the European Union

Created by Foundation's Team 1928 days ago

Quality administrative data that are available and comparable are key to understanding the scale of intimate partner violence in the EU and monitor...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Ecological Universe for Development and Climate Association
Association Entrelles Entrepreneures Marrakech-Safi
ISIS Center for Women and Development
ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality
Women's Center AlThouri Silwan
Kayan Masr foundation for Development, Training & Community Participation Support
Jazeera Media Network
Women'  s Studies Center (WSC)
I & P Image & Paroles
Elkhir Women's Association
Anne Laure Humbert
Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development
Tunisian Association of Gender Studies
Gender Alternatives Foundation (GAF)
Fondation Zakoura
Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women
Coalition for Tunisian Women
Tunisie pionnieres
Mouna Mtibaa
Assemblée des Femmes Paris Ile-de-France
National Association for the defense of rights and freedoms (NADRF)
Palestinian Bar Association (PBA)
Women'  s Solidarity Fund (WSF)
Le chemin de la dignité
Civil Coalition for the development of Solidarity action (CCDAS)
Women Media and Development (TAM)
Center for Research in Applied Economics for Development-CREAD
Palestinian Human Rights Organization (PHRO)
Théâtre Variable n°2
Fadilia Foundation
Aix Marseille Université
Abdulhakeq Al Barghazi
Jiwar Creation & Society
Collective for Research and Training on Development-Action

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Active participation of the Foundation at the Southern Neighbourhood Civil Society Forum

Between the 10th and the 12th of July 2017, nearly sixty non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from the southern Mediterranean...

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Sant Adrià de Besòs: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

From 2 - 16 May 2023, Casal Dalt de la Vila hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM)’s...

Our Illustration Exhibition Drawing 4 Equality at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

From the Ateneu L’Harmonia, our illustration Exhibition Drawing 4 Equality: Challenging gender roles on both sides of...

First-ever strategy on LGBTIQ equality in the EU

On the 12th of November 2020, The European Commission presented  the first-ever EU Strategy for lesbian, gay, bisexual,...

Environmental policies must take into account rural women’s living conditions

The 22nd Conference of the Parties to the Convention of the United Nations about Climate Change (COP 22) was held in Marrakech,...

NADRF launches its campaign Grandma Amina's Tales to raise awareness on women's rights

The Women’s Rights Unit of the National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms (NADRF) launched its online...

Open call for the International Women In Photo Award 2021

The International Women in Photo Association (IWPA) is announcing its opencall running from the 1st of September to the 31st of...

Check out the winners and finalists of our art contest Drawing 4 Equality!

Here we have the 3 winners and the 17 finalists of our art contest 'Drawing 4 Equality: Challenging gender roles...

Femicide - Read about Kayan's Key Findings on Femicide

Kayan is pleased to present you an overview of its groundbreaking report on the phenomenon of femicide in the Palestinian...

The Society of Women Graduates in the Gaza Strip Implements Life Skills Training

The Society of Women Graduates continues to implement life skills training for female participants as part of the activities of...