

Foundation's Team

High Level Conference Women for the Mediterranean 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 676 days ago

...accelerate the strengthening of women’s role in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Ministers agreed to enhance legal frame...werment and to end violence against women and girls in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The UfM High-Level Con...

Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 712 days ago

...countries of the Mediterranean region, they are still far from adequate. Respec...ommitments made. In 2014, the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFE...d in 2006[3] and 2013.[4] The Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Fou...e in specific countries of the region, provide a set of recommendat...

Foundation's Team

Youth, Women and Employment in the Mediterranean Region: Continuity and Change

Created by Foundation's Team 886 days ago

...ont of discussions on international cooperation in the Mediterranean region, since SEMED countries remain characteriz...ial Conferences on Employment and Labour therefore shed light on how Euro-Mediterranean cooperation adapt...

Foundation's Team

2021 Regional Progress Report on Gender Equality: UfM Regional Dialogue on Women Empowerment in the Euro-Mediterranean region

Created by Foundation's Team 1047 days ago

...ations to close the gender gap in the region. The first exercise was conducted on women.  • Within the Euro-Mediterranean region, gender parity in Western the full potential of women in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The lack of gender-specific...

Foundation's Team

The effects of the Covid-19 crisis on increasing gender-based violence in the MENA region

Created by Foundation's Team 1153 days ago

...rranean, (IEMed) in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (EMW...s violence, and the responses of local and regional Euro-Mediterranean initiatives. Wit...o highlight violence against women in this region and the initiatives deployed...

Foundation's Team

Bridging the sea: A review of Mediterranean civil society

Created by Foundation's Team 1315 days ago

...iety organizations (CSOs) in the region to work together and strengthen their str...llenges related to rights in the region could attain effective soluti...ive of strengthening the role of regionally active organisations in b...e Southern Neighbourhood and the Euro-Mediterranean Space, on the oth...

Foundation's Team

Fostering women's economic participation in the Western Mediterranean: Successful policies for in-depth transformations

Created by Foundation's Team 1334 days ago

...opean Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), founding member of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation, org...foster women’s economic participation in the countries of the region.  The dialogue ensuing...

Foundation's Team

The political participation of Jordanian women at the local level

Created by Foundation's Team 1371 days ago

...1) in Jordan. The project, implemented by the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation with the s...the contribution of women to political life in the region of Irbid. The article, proposed by the Secretariat of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Fou...

Maria Àngels Roque

Mediterranean '25 Priorities and recommendations: Contribution to the renewed Mediterranean Agenda

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1399 days ago

...sing from the nearly 2,000 actors from the Euro-Mediterranean region participating in the Mediterr...rnance and intercultural challenges in the region were identified. Different ac...e one brought about by the pandemic in the region....

Foundation's Team

Rethinking Gender-Based Violence: Perspectives from Egypt, Lebanon and Syria

Created by Foundation's Team 1416 days ago

...rranean (IEMed) in collaborationwith the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (EMW...the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to discuss the subtleties of the increase...ities of its enfolding and the local and regional Euro-Mediterranean responses to it....