

Foundation's Team

CONNEKT publishes its Women's Agency in Prevention report

Created by Foundation's Team 470 days ago

On 5-6 July 2023, CONNEKT organised the Cross-Regional Women’s Forum on violent extremism (VE) in Tarragona, Spain. Hosted by Universitat Rovira i V...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Vic: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

Created by Foundation's Team 486 days ago

...c Montseny, Av. Montseny, 16 hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...est "Powerful women: Breaking stereotypes in the Euro-Mediterranean region", laun...ality which unfolds in different contexts of the Euro-Mediterranean region. It s...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Santa Coloma de Gramenet: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 486 days ago

...p;Jardí Can Sisteré hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...rtrays the selected works of a contest which the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...he Foundation’s founding members -the European Institute of the Medite...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Vacarisses: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

Created by Foundation's Team 503 days ago

...Carrer de Salvador Badia, 1 hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...est "Powerful women: Breaking stereotypes in the Euro-Mediterranean region", laun...ality which unfolds in different contexts of the Euro-Mediterranean region. It s...

Foundation's Team

The Board of Trustees of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation meets in Barcelona

Created by Foundation's Team 504 days ago

The meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation took place today at the European Institute of the Medite...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Sant Salvador de Guardiola: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

Created by Foundation's Team 555 days ago

...ment, Carrer de Dalt 19 hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...est "Powerful women: Breaking stereotypes in the Euro-Mediterranean region", laun...ality which unfolds in different contexts of the Euro-Mediterranean region. It s...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Argentona: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 560 days ago

...Municipal Joan Fontcuberta i Gel hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...rtrays the selected works of a contest which the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...he Foundation’s founding members -the European Institute of the Medite...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Sant Joan de Vilatorrada: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 560 days ago

...2023, Biblioteca Cal Gallifa hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...rtrays the selected works of a contest which the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...he Foundation’s founding members -the European Institute of the Medite...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Castellcir: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

Created by Foundation's Team 560 days ago 24 July 2023, Sala Sant Jordi hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...est "Powerful women: Breaking stereotypes in the Euro-Mediterranean region", laun...ality which unfolds in different contexts of the Euro-Mediterranean region. It s...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Canovelles: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

Created by Foundation's Team 588 days ago

...bsp;Biblioteca Frederica Montseny hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...est "Powerful women: Breaking stereotypes in the Euro-Mediterranean region", laun...ality which unfolds in different contexts of the Euro-Mediterranean region. It s...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

El Watan
2 RIVES TV (Lyon TV Cable)
Europeans Without Borders
Egyptian Feminist Union – EFU
March Lebanon Association
Horus Foundation for Development and Training
Women's Network for Mentoring / Networking (RFMN)
University Hassan II Casablanca
Souad Slaoui
Department of Gender Studies, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta
Palestinian Bar Association (PBA)
Mediterranean Observatory of Communication (OMEC)
Al Marsa for culture and creativity
Mother's School Association
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies: Contemporary Medusa
Organization Dihya for Development
NAWF Women Entrepreneurs
Hillary Rodham Clinton Center for Women'    s Empowerment (HCC)
Association Féminine pour le Développement de la Famille (AFDF)
Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME)
MSA University
Sciences Po
Association Djazairouna des victimes du terrorisme
Why Me for Women’s Rights
Rede Portuguesa de Jovens para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens
Sawt Nssâ
Association MINA's Talents
Association for Women's Total Advancement & Development (AWTAD)
Gender and Sexuality Resource Center. Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality
Daem for Media
National Association for the defense of rights and freedoms (NADRF)
Building Bridge Association (BBA)
Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration
Libyan Women ORG
Journalists Without Borders (JWB)
Mobilising for Rights Associates (MRA)

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Women in the Men's House: The Road to Equality in the Algerian Military

In developed countries, the recruitment of women into the military has been the subject of intense debate for over thirty years....

Gender Based Violence against Women and Girls Displaced by the Syrian Conflict in South Lebanon and North Jordan: Scope of Violence and Health Correlates

This report presents the results of a research conducted with female refugees living in North Jordan and South Lebanon who are...

A Woman worth A Hundred Women

This booklet contains successful stories of ten women who had leadership roles in defending women’s labour rights and their...

Domestic Plight: How Jordanian Law, Officials, Employers, and Recruiters Fail Abused Migrant Domestic Workers

The report examines the gap between Jordanian laws concerning the rights of migrant workers, many of whom are women, and the...

Guide to gender mainstreaming in public disability policies

This guide seeks to explore how to effectively include women and girls with disabilities in different areas of life, often...

Sexist behaviors and sexual violence: Prevention, identification and action

Updated in the framework of the 2013_2018 inter-ministerial convention for equality between boys and girls, men and women in...

London 2012 Olympics: Justice for Women

The brochurepresents the seven demands of the group 'London 2012 for the implementation of the Olympic Charter'. Its objective...

1st General Report on GREVIO's Activities

A new report from the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic...

Beyond COVID-19: A feminist plan for sustainability and social justice

Beyond COVID-19: A feminist plan for sustainability and social justiceAs the world learns to live with COVID-19, to emerge...

Non dry ink: Guide to Gender sensitive Media Laws and Codes of Conduct in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon

This guide aims at raising awareness regarding gender sensitivity in press coverage. It also seeks to inform media...