

Foundation's Team

High Level Conference Women for the Mediterranean 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 673 days ago

...Declaration to accelerate the strengthening of women’s role in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Mini...political empowerment and to end violence against women and girls in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The...

Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 709 days ago

In the Euromed Ministerial Conference i...ars that had passed since the Euromed Ministerial Conference,...the Finnish Presidency of the EU, the first Ministerial Confer...mmitments made. In 2014, the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...s the commitments made by the European Commission in the frame...

Foundation's Team

Les Cahiers du Ref - Mediterranean youth get involved - Empowerment, creativity, hopes and struggles

Created by Foundation's Team 811 days ago

The REF – French Euromed Network, is not a youth association. It is a network of multi-the...evels of governance in our countries. The Youth Med Network ( is the result...

Foundation's Team

Youth, Women and Employment in the Mediterranean Region: Continuity and Change

Created by Foundation's Team 883 days ago

..., a large informal economy and low female labour participation. The UfM Ministerial Conferences on Employment and Labour therefore shed light on how Euro-Mediterranean cooperation a...

Foundation's Team

2021 Regional Progress Report on Gender Equality: UfM Regional Dialogue on Women Empowerment in the Euro-Mediterranean region

Created by Foundation's Team 1044 days ago

...he impact this crisis had on women.  • Within the Euro-Mediterranean region, gender parity in Western Europe is estimated at 76.7% ( to ultimately tap into the full potential of women in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The...

Foundation's Team

Why the veiling of women's bodies is at the heart of the Islamists'project

Created by Foundation's Team 1071 days ago

According to the professor and researcher Leila Tauil, the veiling of the body of women is part of the project of an Islamist society - having as...

Naima Fdil

Consanguineous marriage, a form of violence practiced against women and children in Morocco

Created by Naima Fdil 1077 days ago

...Morocco is a risk factor for hereditary metabolic diseases also called rare diseases. Consanguineous marriages are generally prohibited by law in Europe and America. However, the...

Hala Bugaighis

A Novel Virus with Familiar Results: the impact of covid-19 on women in Libya

Created by Hala Bugaighis 1101 days ago

In Libya, covid-19 has increased suffering for a population that is already reeling from the scourge of armed conflict, the deterioration of the economy, th...

Foundation's Team

Classic tales revised for gender equality

Created by Foundation's Team 1112 days ago

In the context of the project "Des stéréotypes à l’égalité de genre" funded by the European Union and with the participation of fo...

Foundation's Team

The effects of the Covid-19 crisis on increasing gender-based violence in the MENA region

Created by Foundation's Team 1150 days ago

...Women. Almost a year ago, on this occasion, the European Institute of the Mediterranean, (IEMed) in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...iolence, and the responses of local and regional Euro-Mediterranean initiatives....