

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality Index 2021 Conference / / Conférence 2021 sur l'indice d'égalité des sexes

Created by Foundation's Team 1206 days ago

EIGE will reveal the new scores for gender equality in the EU and show trends over time during an online event on 28 October. Decision-makers and experts will discuss the findings of the Gender Equality Index, and highlight areas where the EU can improve. The conference will also explo...

Foundation's Team

Public Hearing: Socio-economic position of women / / Audition publique : la position socio-économique des femmes

Created by Foundation's Team 1357 days ago

On Tuesday 25 May 2021 between 17h45-18h45 the FEMM Committee will organise a Public Hearing entitled “Socio-economic position of women”. This hearing will offer a specific focus on the feedback experiences of women from race or cultural backgrounds of African, Midd...

Foundation's Team

Call to Establishing a Reserve List for the Post of Researcher at EIGE / / Appel pour une liste de réserve pour le poste de chercheur-chercheuse à l'EIGE

Created by Foundation's Team 1375 days ago

Based in Vilnius, Lithuania, EIGE is a decentralised agency of the European Union entrusted with specific objectives envisaged to contribute and strengthen the promotion of gender equality. Profile Reporting to the Head of Operations and working in close collaboration with other colle...

Foundation's Team

Egypt: EU supports the combat against gender based violence / Égypte : l'UE soutient la lutte contre les violences à l'égard des femmes / مصر: يدعم الاتحاد الأوروبي كل جهد لمكافحة جميع أشكال العنف ضد المرأة

Created by Foundation's Team 1387 days ago

In an event, last week under the EU Support to Egypt’s National Population Strategy project, Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria, and Patriarch of the See of St Mark signed three declarations to support family planning and combat female genital mutilation (FGM) as well as co...

Foundation's Team

Promouvoir la culture d'égalité et l'employabilité des femmes au Maroc / دعوة لتقديم مقترحات: تعزيز ثقافة المساواة وتمكين المرأة وقابليتها للتوظيف / Promoting a Culture of Equality, Female Empowerment and Employability

Created by Foundation's Team 1400 days ago

L’Union européenne au Maroc lance un appel à propositions restreint d’un budget de 3,8 millions d’euros dans le cadre du programme Moussawat d’appui à la mise en œuvre du Plan gouvernemental pour l’égalité II. La da...

Foundation's Team

Precarious work from a gender and intersectionality perspective, and ways to combat it / / Le travail précaire dès une perspective de genre et d'intersectionnalité, et les moyens de le combattre

Created by Foundation's Team 1494 days ago

This study, commissioned by theEuropean Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee, explores the phenomenon of precarious work in the EU from a gender and intersectionality perspective. It finds th...

Foundation's Team

Gender Action Plan III - women and girls'rights at the heart of the global recovery for a gender-equal world / / Plan d'action sur l'égalité des sexes - les droits des femmes et des filles au cœur de la relance mondiale

Created by Foundation's Team 1508 days ago

The Gender Action Plan III provides the EU with a policy framework with five pillars of action for accelerating progress towards meeting international commitments and a world in which everyone has space to thrive. It makes the promotion of gender equality a priority of all external...

Foundation's Team

Gaps in the EU Labour Market Participation Rates: an intersectional assessment of the role of gender and migrant status / Lacunes dans les taux de participation au marché du travail de l'UE : une évaluation intersectionnelle du rôle du sexe et du statut de migrant.e / فجوات في معدلات المشاركة في ...

Created by Foundation's Team 1528 days ago

This Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography study uses data from the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) to analyse how intersecting social statuses shape labour market participation. The report focuses on the intersection between gender and migrant status and assesses the likelihood...

Foundation's Team

EIGE Sectoral Brief : Gender and Migration / Note d'orientation EIGE: Genre et migration / موجزٌ الاختصاصات القطاعية للمعهد الأوروبي للمساواة الجنسانية EIGE : الجنس والهجرة

Created by Foundation's Team 1581 days ago

Gender is a crucial variable when looking into the policy area of migration. The lack of a gender perspective in migration, asylum and integration policies can have detrimental effects on the women and men on the move. Whether they are forced to move, migrate on voluntary basis or their...

Foundation's Team

EU guidelines on Violence Against Women and Girls and combating all forms of discrimination against them / / Lignes directrices de l'UE sur la violence contre les femmes et les filles et la lutte contre toutes les formes de discrimination à leur égard

Created by Foundation's Team 1687 days ago

June 19, 2020 The adoption of guidelines on violence against women and girls is (in addition to being a clear reaffirmation of the universality of human rights) a mark of the EU’s clear political will to treat the subject of women’s rights as a priority and to take long-t...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Jbail- Byblos Municipality
Development Association ‘Rawafed’
Women & Cinema
Palestinian Businesswomen's Association ASALA
Qudrat Association for Community Development
Krizia Nardini
Coalition for Tunisian Women and the International Network of Women
Journalists Without Borders (JWB)
TAMETTUT - Amazigh Women's Association for Culture and Development
Thenextwomen tunisie
Libya Women's Forum
Association club de le jeune fille pour la formation à l'action de développement
Youth Capacities Development Association-Biskra (YCDB)
Space Starting Point (ESPOD)
University of Coimbra
Turkey Disable'   s Education and Solidarity Foundation
Association Tazghart
Action et Promotion Sociale et Culturelle
League of Female Executives of the National Union of Tunisian Women
Malta Confederation of Women's Organisations - MCWO
Youth & Women Empowerment Forum
Tafoukt Souss Association for Women Development
Youth Today Association for Development
Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration
Trajectories for Peace and Development
Ntic et Citoyennete - Maurifemme
AWSA-Be, Arab Women's Solidarity Association-Belgium
Hassène Kassar
Bremen University
Al-Mashreq for development and population
Intissar Bendjabellah
Sanaa El Aji
Association Talassemtane pour l'Environnement et Développement (ATED)

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The Rural Education Fund makes pre-schoolers happy

The Zakoura Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of 3 pre-schools within the framework of the Fonds pour...

Mobile photo exhibition to highlight Bulgarian women's role in the society

The Gender Alternatives Foundation launched its first artistic project 'Women in Urban and Rural Areas - an Overview of Their...

Mobilization of equality actors in the region of Mount Lebanon

The National Committee for the Follow up of Women's Issues (CFUWI) has set up a pilot action of mobilization of equality actors...

A training session on transformative leadership for women in municipal councils

In the framework of supporting the abilities of women members of municipal councils from several states in Tunisia, CAWTAR held a...

نوال مصطفى تشارك صناع الأمل بتجربة مشروع حياة جديدة لمواجهة تفشي وباء كورونا

شاركت الكاتبة نوال مصطفى، رئيس ومؤسس جمعية رعاية أطفال السجينات عبر تقنية «البودكاست» مؤسسة صنّاع الأمل تجربة «حياة جديدة»...

Women and the associations defending them: the future of the Mediterranean

Gender equality is an urgent issue in order to insure peace, democracy and human rights in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The...

Project: Support for the promotion of women's self-employment in Azrou

The project 'Promotion of Women’s Self Employment' is a citizens’ initiative that promotes the human development and...

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Manresa: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

From 13-27 June 2023, Biblioteca del Centre Cultural el Casino hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...

Olympics 2024 Paris: campaign against sexual apartheid in sport

Due to the candidature of Paris to host the Olympic Games in 2024, the Ligue du Droit International des femmes, the...

ESTRECOMP PROJECT- Preparing women to become entrepreneur

The ESTRECOMP PROJECT- Branding entrepreneurial competences – Entrecom for adults living in rural communities, Erasmus +...