

Foundation's Team

Improving the policies supporting women's entrepreneurship in the MENA Region. / Améliorer les politiques de soutien à l'entreprenariat des femmes dans la région MENA / تحسين سياسات دعم ريادة الأعمال النسائية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط و شمال أفريقيا

Created by Foundation's Team 2732 days ago

This study is based on the OECD report "Women in Business: Policies to Support Women Entrepreneurship Development in the MENA Region," which provides an overview and recommendations for advancing support for women's entrepreneurship in the region. The region is also distinguished by a l...

Foundation's Team

Autonomisation économique des femmes rurales par l'accès aux ressources et aux droits / التمكين الإقتصادي للنساء الريفيات عن طريق الوصول إلى الموارد والحقوق / Economic empowerment of rural women through access to resources and rights

Created by Foundation's Team 3462 days ago

En partenariat avec OXFAM, avec le groupement féminin de développement et avec l’association de développement ASSAD, CAWTAR a lancé une pratique génératrice de revenus dans le domaine de l’environnement et de la sensibilisation des f...

Foundation's Team

Young Women as Job Creator - Phase I / Jeunes femmes créatrices d'emplois - Phase I / النساء الشابات كخالقات للعمل- المرحلة 1

Created by Foundation's Team 3462 days ago

The practice was structured around seminars by promoting self-employment and entrepreneurship. Around 800 students have benefited from this motivation and advice programme in order to launch their own enterprise and become successful businesswomen. Although it was not the initial object...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Humanity Diaspo
Ankara University
Women’s House for Development
Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Center (ACT)
European Observatory on Femicide
Center for Study and Research on Human Rights and Migration
Association club de le jeune fille pour la formation à l'action de développement
Servei Civil Internacional de Catalunya
The Entrepreneurs Forum (FCE)
Young Men Christian Association (YMCA)
Mediterranean Observatory of Communication (OMEC)
RUSEMEG - Réseau Universitaire et Scientifique Euro-Méditerranéen
Faculty of Humanities-Martil, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University
University of Coimbra
Libyan Women Forum (LWF)
La Presse
Egyptian Center for Women'  s Rights (ECWR)
Programme d'Appui à la Société Civile (PASC-TUNISIE)
Intermediaries Changing Center for Sustainable Development
Ecological Universe for Development and Climate Association
Youth Today Association for Development
Women's Security Index (WSI)
Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation (PYALARA)
EMUI_ EuroMed University
Mouna Mtibaa
iJMA3, The Arab ICT Organization
Fundació Aroa
Mauritanian Council of Businesswomen – CMFA
Racha Ramadan
Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT)
Ensan Aid
Association pour le Droit à la Différence (ADD)
Cork Feminista
هلدا عواد
Mada for Citizenship and Development
Association Joussour de Citoyenneté (AJC)

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Country Information and Guidance - Libya: Violence against Women

This document provides guidance to Home Office decision-makers on handling claims made by nationals/residents of Libya as well as...

Guide to measure the development of the status of women in the Arab region

The Arab perspective is often absent when international bodies prepare guides to measure the status of women or monitor the...

Conclusions of the VIII MEDA Women Entrepreneurs Forum

The Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME) organizes an annual encounter for women entrepreneurs...

Final Assessment Report of the Joint Multisectoral Programme for the Fight against Gender-Based Violence through Women's and Girls' Empowerment in Morocco - TAMKINE

The report describes the final evolution of the joint multisectoral programme to fight against gender-based violence through...

Monitoring the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

This booklet was prepared within the framework of the programme 'The role of women in economic life' developed from 2006 to 2009....

Romanian legislation and institutional framework on the gender field

This document focuses on the Romanian legislation on gender. It examines national strategies and programmes related to gender...

Guide on Gender Institutionalisation in Algeria - PAP ENPARD Algeria

The guide for the institutionalisation of gender is based on the knowledge acquired during the training process of Territorial...

Counting on women in politics - Experiences from Morocco and Tunisia

Whether in education – where twice as many girls as boys will never start school – or the sciences – where...

Women’s situation in Morocco 20 years after Beijing. Current situation and recommendations

Morocco has been an active participant in all the international conferences related to women’s rights: Mexico in 1975,...

Marie-Cécile Naves: Gender equality in sport benefits everyone

In this article, Marie-Cécile Naves, political scientist, vice-president of Sport and Citizenship and author of the book...