

Foundation's Team

Pioneering Gender Dynamics in the Mediterranean Water Forum in Tunisia

Created by Foundation's Team 368 days ago

...the stage for the upcoming 10th Mediterranean Water Forum in Bali. For the first time, a side event focusing on "Gender Dynamics & the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus in the M...

Foundation's Team

Pioneering Gender Dynamics in the Mediterranean Water Forum in Tunisia

Created by Foundation's Team 368 days ago

...the stage for the upcoming 10th Mediterranean Water Forum in Bali. For the first time, a side event focusing on "Gender Dynamics & the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus in the M...

Andalib Adwan

CMC concludes training on digital safety

Created by Andalib Adwan 958 days ago

...the areas of the Gaza Strip, especially the marginalized ones, for the third year in a row as part of its plans and projects, and investing in the energy of youth, media professionals...


Foundation's Team

High Level Conference on Women for the Mediterranean 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 863 days ago

...f the event is to exchange views on the empowering of women and on women’s rights in the context of regional crises (health, water, food and energy security). Furthermore, it is...

Foundation's Team

UfM Regional Dialogue: youth and women's empowerment, a key issue in the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 2091 days ago

...019. Specifically, the dialogue’s working group sessions will revolve around the following key issues: Roundtable on Environment, Water, Energy and Sustainable development...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Deadline Extended for INVESTMED Project

Created by Foundation's Team 1084 days ago

...ree key sectors: Green economy: Economic activities, infrastructure and assets in this sector that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, improve energy and resource efficiency, and...

Foundation's Team

INVESTMED Call for grants: Business support organisations

Created by Foundation's Team 1171 days ago

...sectors:   Green economy: Economic activities, infrastructure and assets in this sector that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, improve energy and resource efficiency, and...

Foundation's Team

Call for project proposals: Responding to anti-LGBTI forces in Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 1392 days ago

...ot of funding has been made available by funders for advocacy purposes it’s been challenging to find financial and human resources, time and energy to do the necessary work in c...


Foundation's Team

Twelve Small Actions with big impact for Generation Equality - UN Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1798 days ago

...imes more unpaid care and domestic work than men. That’s time and energy taken away from women to of femininity. Women are often expected to devote far more time, energy and money to their appearance...


Foundation's Team

High Level Conference Women for the Mediterranean 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 676 days ago

...alth, climate change, and more recently emerging needs (food, water and energy security), special efforts ar...Ministerial Declaration, in the face of the current sanitary, food and energy crises. December 2022...

Foundation's Team

EU Approach to Gender Equality in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region

Created by Foundation's Team 1566 days ago

...e. MEDRESET papers indicate that gender equality was notsystematically or effectively addressed in sectors of agriculture, migration, industry and energy.The mismatch between, on the...

Foundation's Team

Harnessing the Power of Data for Gender Equality: Introducing the 2019 EM2030 SDG Gender Index

Created by Foundation's Team 1931 days ago

...NA), the report concluded several interesting findings: for instance, the region scores particularly well on measures of access to basic services, energy, and infrastructure, wit...


Foundation's Team

Harnessing the Power of Data for Gender Equality: Introducing the 2019 EM2030 SDG Gender Index / Tirer parti des données pour atteindre l'égalité de genre : présentation de l'Indice du genre dans les ODD 2019 d'EM2030 / تسخير قوة البيانات من أجل المساواة بين الجنسين: تقديم مؤشر النوع الاجتماعي في...

Created by Foundation's Team 1931 days ago

The index presented in this report is the most comprehensive tool available to explore the state of gender equality across 129 countries (covering 95% of the world’s girls and women), 14 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and 51 targets linked to issues inherent in th...

Foundation's Team

Science, Technology and Gender: An international report / Science, technologie et genre : Rapport international / تقرير عن العلم و التكنولوجيا و البعد الجنساني

Created by Foundation's Team 2329 days ago

This report warns that gender discrimination practices truly limit the ability of many developing countries to grow and reduce poverty. It also notes that ‘differences between girls and boys in performance at school are more linked to home and school environments than dependent on...

Foundation's Team

Mainstreaming Gender in Green Climate Fund Projects / دمج مفهوم الجندر في مشاريع صندوق المناخ الأخضر / Intégration du concept du genre dans les projets du Fonds Vert pour le Climat

Created by Foundation's Team 2712 days ago

Climate change is not only one of the greatest environmental and development challenges facing the world today, it is one that will have critical impacts on human rights and inequalities, including gender inequality. That’s why the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and UN Women have collab...