

Foundation's Team

Public campaign to mark the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence (25 November - 10 December)

Created by Foundation's Team 860 days ago

...e protection and promotion of women’s rights in Algeria, acti...nd promotion of the Rights of Women and Girls planned by Djazairo...s, lawyers, forensic doctors, elected representatives and multi-s...imination of Violence against Women and the UN’s 16 Days of...

Foundation's Team

The Executive Committee of EMWF unanimously elects Ms. Bouraoui new President of the Foundation

Created by Foundation's Team 1094 days ago

...nd tables on equal rights between women and men in the Mediterranean re...sed including gender and climate, women’s economic empowerment,...sing of the Forum and unanimously elected Ms. Soukaina Bouraoui, Exec...irector of CAWTAR (Centre of Arab Women for Training and Research) ba...


Promoting parity, a necessary step towards achieving gender equality in Morocco

Created by Samira MUHEYA 1451 days ago

...held in 2021. This year, all elected national, local and Ever since the outbreak, women (who make up half of society),...ion, achieving parity between women and men when it comes to accessing higher and elected positions remains a challen...

Foundation's Team

Let's name March 8 every day and everywhere!

Created by Foundation's Team 1720 days ago

The Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation and the European Institut...ementation and coordination. Women in political activism Ahlem...n women in municipalities and elected positions, and has contribu...reiz works to involve refugee women in the initiatives of the Net...

Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

Soukaina Bouraoui in charge of a mission at the Francophone Network of Women Leaders in Higher Education and Research

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1803 days ago

...Soukaina Bouraoui has been elected President of the Scientific C...irector of the Centre of Arab Women for Training and Research (CA...romote the status and role of women in the development of the Ara...entific Network on Gender and Women (RUSEMEG)....

Foundation's Team

Policy dialogues on violence against girls in Guelma Province

Created by Foundation's Team 2091 days ago

...and sexual harassment against women and girls in public spaces. The...sity researcher and two young women’s football champions violence against girls and women. Stablishing internal regula...y dialogue and monitoring for women in society » funded by...

Foundation's Team

Policy dialogue in Ramallah to strengthen women's presence in public life

Created by Foundation's Team 2116 days ago

...9, Hiwar Center for Youth and Women’s Empowerment organi...o highlight the importance of women’s effective participati...General Union of Palestinian Women. The dialogue also included r...y dialogue and monitoring for women in society» funded by t...

Leandra Hettenbach

Women's Political Renaissance in Palestinian society in Israel

Created by Leandra Hettenbach 2134 days ago

...n Palestinian municipalities, women hold only 0.12% of local counci...was the first successful all-women political party list in Pales...sance.” Two women were elected to local council from group...increase the participation of women on local committees. Buildin...

Foundation's Team

Policy dialogue for more gender-sensitive municipal actions in Sfax

Created by Foundation's Team 2144 days ago

..., to increasing the number of elected women in Tunisia (48% of the elected officials in the 2018 municipal elections were women), the association Mouwatinet...Through hands-on exercises, elected officials have strengthened...y Dialogue and Monitoring for Women in Society’’ whic...

Noha El Khouly

Participation: A new ECWR radio show to promote women's political participation

Created by Noha El Khouly 2166 days ago

...DEF), the Egyptian Centre for Women’s Rights (ECWR) launched...tians celebrate International Women’s Day (March 8), Egypti...t and local councils, whether elected or executive. The program a...cess factors to inspire other women as well as men. This coopera...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Info-Com Jeunes de Guelma
Mouwatinet Association
iJMA3, The Arab ICT Organization
Volunteering association  Touiza  of the wilaya of Algiers
Intermediaries Changing Center for Sustainable Development
CREAD – Research center applied economics for development
Fundació Aroa
Association du Développement et des Études Stratégiques de Medenine (ADESM)
University Hassan II Casablanca
Almobadr Organization for Development and Capacity Building
Venus Association for the culture and arts
Mobilising for Rights Associates (MRA)
The Community Development and Media Center
Association Tahadi pour l'Environnement
Al-Mashreq for development and population
Association AGIR pour le Developpement et l'Epanouissement de la Jeunesse
Network of women artisans of Morocco
Women's Center AlThouri Silwan
Trajectorya noorteorganisatsioon MTÜ
Association Voix d'Ève (AVE)
Organization of Backing Liberal and Social Development (OBLSD)
Youth Capacities Development Association-Biskra (YCDB)
The Association of Women and Community for Comprehensive Development in Tiba
Cooperation Association
Asociación de Investigadores Extranjeros (AINVEX)
Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women
Psycho Social Counseling Center for Women (PSCCW)
Hope Village Society (HVS)
Benno pour reussir
Bulgarian School of Politics  Dimitry Panitza
Committee for the Follow-Up on women' s Issues (CFUWI)
Mafraq Youth Gathering for Civil Society Development
University of Mohammed V Rabat
Ankara University
Sarab Center for Culture and Community Arts
Mixité et Gouvernance en Méditerranée

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Shared practices

Girls’ Dreams Program

A research conducted by ADEW Chairperson, Dr. Iman Bibars, revealed that an alarming 30% of daughters of ADEW beneficiaries...

How to report a harassment, simplified guide to fight sexual harassment in Egypt

In the recent years, the magnitude of sexual violence in Egypt increased significantly, especially following the 2011 popular...

16 days of activism - Qanun Nashaz (wrong notes of the law)

The “16 days of activism”is an international campaign conducted by different organizations in different countries....

AFIF: Literacy, Training and Employment for Women in Algeria

In 1962, when Algeria became independent, it set up a huge literacy programme. More than 85 percent of the population was...

Partnership, advice, support and training services in domestic abuse and harmful practices

The successful practice promotes the safety of women suffering domestic abuse and harmful practices, such as forced marriage,...

Educational exhibition 'Women-men equality in the work place'

This new educational exhibition for the general public is meant to raise awareness and combat sexist stereotypes in professional...

Respect: "Gommons les préjugés sexistes"

Il nous est apparu important, dans ce dvd pédagogique “gommons les préjugés sexistes”, de développer une série d'activités qui...

Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence (GEAR against IPV)

The GEAR against IPV approach is a proposal for systematic intervention in the school (or other) setting, where girls and boys...

Call for social, cultural and health rights for young street mothers

The practice focuses on the case of young street mothers aged 14 to 22 who are often victims of violence and are pregnant after...

Manarat : Stories of inspiring women from the Middle East and North Africa

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2017, Oxfam Great Britain’s Regional Gender Justice Programme is launching...