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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

University Hassan II Casablanca
Egyptian Female Lawyers
Palestinian Businesswomen's Association ASALA
Al-Mashreq for development and population
Badr Eltawayel
Trajectorya noorteorganisatsioon MTÜ
University of Sousse
Réseau Doustourna
Center of Women'  s Studies and Policies (CWSP)
SEMNID Association for Social Development
Association de Développement Local Méditerranéen (ADELMA)
Tunisian Mediterranean Center - TUMED
Association Tazghart
KAFA (enough) Violence and Exploitation
Libyan Women ORG
Association of Continuity of Generations - ACG
Albanian Journalists Group (AJG)
Morocco Volunteers
MSA University
Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation
Association Neama for Development
The Libyan Network to Support and Empower Women
The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH)
Valencia University
Mother's School Association
Oxfam Intermon Maroc
Master genre et droits des femmes des deux rives de la meditérranée
Seed of Peace - Oran
Association BALODIREN
União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta
Future Pioneers for Empowering Communities (FPEC)
Egyptian Center for Women'  s Rights (ECWR)
Amal Association for the family and the child
The Entrepreneurs Forum (FCE)
Blanquerna Observatory on Media, Religion and Culture
Forum on Festivals in the Arab Countries

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Shared practices

Because they are my children, my nationality is their right

The campaign targeted 18,000 Lebanese women married to foreigners. The majority of them live in Lebanon and they have problems...

Campagne de lutte contre le harcèlement sexuel dans les espaces publics

L’Espace pour l’Avenir (EPA) agit depuis 2011 dans une campagne de lutte contre le harcèlement sexuel...

Sharing a culture of women-men equality the collection “Egal à egal” (equal to equal)

The “Laboratoire de l’égalité” (equality laboratory) has three main aims: to bring together...

Excision - Let's talk about it!

The excision of women’s external sexual organ is a violation of their rights and has serious physical and psychological...

Promotion of sustainable water management among Bedouin women in Jordan

Women have an important role in the household management within the Bedouin community of Qatrana (Jordan); however, they have...

Palestinian women through the eyes of their youth

Gender based violence (GBV) is still considered a taboo in Palestinian society. This topic needs to be in everyday...

Family Status Laws'Campaign

This practice was conducted to counter the rising demands from opponents to repeal the family laws tackling custody and...

Valuation of our intangible heritage, the rose fragrance, as a tool to combat discrimination against women in the valleys of Dadès and Mgoun.

This successful practice aims to accompany women to integrate themselves to local economic activities, particularly in the area...

Empowering Nefta's women artisans through cloth recycling

Co-founded in 2016, SHANTI is a social enterprise whose mission is to promote the design of innovative and creative solutions to...

Solar mamas: It takes one woman to light a village!

Jordan’s poorest desert villages on the Iraqi border, was given a chance to travel to India to attend the Barefoot College, where...