

Aida Ridanovic

Center for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue

Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:11pm

Workshops, debates, research, analysis, policy recommendations Education plays a vital role in challenging the underlying stereotyping and discrimination, which fuels violence agains...

Luay Abojaish

Syria Algad Relief Foundation

Member since 15 December 2021 @ 4:26pm

...funded by IOM.  Safe Spaces project “al-Buyut al-Amina” which is an educational Project funded by with Plan International Egypt in 6th October and Feysal.  “Syria al-Gad Educational Centre”, Education Project...

Paloma Criado

EMUI_ EuroMed University

Member since 15 December 2021 @ 4:12pm

...professionals and interested citizens, through Cycles of Conferences, Seminars and Congresses on the basis of a Permanent Program of Continuing Education. The resulting Specialization...


Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center launches the Youth Academy to defend women's rights in society and academic institutions

Created by Andalib Adwan 607 days ago

...acticing and using communication skills, presentation, planning and organizing the training process and managing it, as well as methods of adult education and dealing with different gr...

Andalib Adwan

The Development and Community Media Center holds a series of orientation sessions for facilitators of digital security workshops

Created by Andalib Adwan 607 days ago security projects over the past two years, who led dozens of education and awareness workshops about...e to organize many workshops in a group of schools of the Ministry of Education in All governorates of the Ga...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center inaugurates the activities of the project: Guiding the community towards safe digital spaces by promoting digital literacy in the Gaza Strip

Created by Andalib Adwan 607 days ago

...hological counsellors of both sexes in the schools of the Ministry of Education and private schools, in addit...counselors of both sexes working in the schools of all principals of education in the Gaza Strip. In additi...



Gender equity in and through education: what levers to mobilize?

Created by Lamia BENHABIB 756 days ago

...ium for Gender Equality on the AUF campuses is an opportunity to discuss with our guest panel initiatives promoting gender equality in education and its role in the promotion...

Foundation's Team

Join the next Climate Refugees Ecodebate

Created by Foundation's Team 1051 days ago

...refugees? » Didier JOURDAN, Holder of the UNESCO Chair and WHO Education & Health Collaborating Center “Climate refugees: an educational and health issue” Is...

Foundation's Team

EMWF and CLUSTER participate in the Forum of Mediterranean Worlds in Marseille on 7 and 8 February 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 1124 days ago

...civil society actors from the Mediterranean basin around unifying and positive themes: Environment, biodiversity and sustainable development Education, training and mobility Emplo...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Bringing Young Mothers Back to Education in six European countries

Created by Foundation's Team 2021 days ago

...lem of young mothers dropping out of education and facing difficulties in going back to education or training or entering the l...rsquo;Bringing Young Mothers Back to Education – BYMBE’’....and 25 years old in re-entering education or training for a better acce...

Foundation's Team

Inspira STEAM: pioneer project from Spain for more girls in science and tech

Created by Foundation's Team 2080 days ago

...7 indicates that in 1991, 37% of computer science graduates were women, while this number went down to 26% in 2014 and to 18% in 2017. In higher education, only 35% of all students enr...

Foundation's Team

AFIF: Literacy, Training and Employment for Women in Algeria

Created by Foundation's Team 2577 days ago

...pite considerable investment and progress in education, low levels of literacy remai...teracy Decade, and having already made major educational reforms, the government est...nd information technology. The non-literacy education places a particular emphasis...

Calls and opportunities

Maria Àngels Roque

Technical support of project and communication for CLUSTER

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1248 days ago

...00 unemployed people, strengthening their skills in sustainable economies and increasing their employment opportunities. Employment services and education providers will boost their ca...

Maria Àngels Roque

Apply to become Project Manager for CLUSTER

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1248 days ago

...00 people unemployed, strengthening their skills in sustainable economies and increasing their employment opportunities. Employment services and education providers will boost their ca...

Maria Àngels Roque

Call for traineeships at the Gender Programme of the IEMed for the year 2022

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1249 days ago

...d internships (January-December 2021) for young people with high education degrees in the following fiel...The aim of the practical training grants is to complement university education and improve the theoretical-p...


Ghida Abdallah Anani

Mapping Gender-Based Violence programmes, services and policies in Lebanon

Created by Ghida Abdallah Anani 1299 days ago Despite this overwhelming number, and the usually severe long-lasting consequences of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) on the health, well-being, education, livelihoods, and safety of i...

Sana Afouaiz

Womenpreneur Digital Hub

Created by Sana Afouaiz 1373 days ago

...nect and grow. Womenpreneur Digital Hub is a knowledge and resource space that provides free access to entrepreneurship skills, financial education, tech literacy, series of eve...

Stephanie Willman Bordat

Promoting best practices in the state response to GBV in Morocco

Created by Stephanie Willman Bordat 1403 days ago

...In Morocco, gender-based violence (GBV) remains pervasive, affecting all segments of the population irrespective of their age, ethnicity, education level or economic status. Whi...


Monia Braham

Implementing the 2030 Agenda in the Arab Region with a Gender and Green Local Development perspective

Created by Monia Braham 1102 days ago

...f discrimination against women (CEDAW) and the Beijing platform for Action, women have made significant strides in achieving equality in health, education and employment in the Arab re...

Foundation's Team

Rapid Gender Analysis: COVID-19 Middle East and North Africa Region

Created by Foundation's Team 1229 days ago makes preventative measures even more challenging. Women and girls in MENA, already facing discrimination, now face additional barriers to education, mobility, access to financin...

Foundation's Team

Child marriage and girls'education advocacy brief

Created by Foundation's Team 1303 days ago

The Girls Not Brides Education Advocacy Brief is a concise resou...use in your local advocacy around the World Education Summit in July 2021 to encour...ures to address child marriage into national education plans. It contains a brief su...


Foundation's Team

L'équité de genre dans et par l'éducation : quels leviers mobiliser? / المساواة بين الجنسين في التعليم ومن خلاله / Gender equity in and through education

Created by Foundation's Team 669 days ago

La table ronde organisée dans le cadre des activités du Consortium international pour l’Égalité Femmes-Hommes sur les campus de l’AUF a été l’occasion d’échanger avec notre panel d’invité.e.s des ini...

Andalib Adwan

Des réalisations qui dépassent le plan pour l'année 2022 du Centre des médias communautaires (CMC). / إنجازات ونجاحات تفوق الخطة لعام 2022 حققها مركز الإعلام المجتمعي CMC / Achievements that exceed the plan for the year 2022 by the Community Media Center (CMC).

Created by Andalib Adwan 743 days ago

Gaza - Centre des médias communautaires Le Centre des médias communautaires (CMC) a accompli des réalisations remarquables au cours de l’année 2022 en termes de promotion d’une culture des droits humains dans la société, en particul...

Mohamed Zaari

The Zakoura Foundation's 2020 annual report is online! / Le rapport annuel 2020 de la Fondation Zakoura est en ligne ! / التقرير السنوي لمؤسسة زاكورة 2020 متوفر الآن على الإنترنت

Created by Mohamed Zaari 1156 days ago

In a spirit of transparency and sharing, the Zakoura Foundation presents its 2020 activity report and reports on the results and objectives achieved despite a particular context of global health crisis. A new year which has consolidated the Foundation’s commitment for more than ...