

Aida Ridanovic

Center for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue

Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:11pm

Workshops, debates, research, analysis, policy recommendations Education plays a vital role in challenging the underlying stereotyping and discrimination, which fuels violence agains...

Luay Abojaish

Syria Algad Relief Foundation

Member since 15 December 2021 @ 4:26pm

...funded by IOM.  Safe Spaces project “al-Buyut al-Amina” which is an educational Project funded by with Plan International Egypt in 6th October and Feysal.  “Syria al-Gad Educational Centre”, Education Project...

Paloma Criado

EMUI_ EuroMed University

Member since 15 December 2021 @ 4:12pm

...professionals and interested citizens, through Cycles of Conferences, Seminars and Congresses on the basis of a Permanent Program of Continuing Education. The resulting Specialization...

Ayman Elshahed

Fadilia Foundation

Member since 15 December 2021 @ 4:11pm

...nmental life aspects, social life aspects and comprehensive life aspects through 7 sectors and 13 fields 1. Fadilia Continuing Education Academy 2. Fadilia Education Advising Center 3. Fadilia S...

Sofiane Khoukhi

Volunteering association "Touiza" of the wilaya of Algiers

Member since 9 December 2019 @ 4:55pm women's associations (urban planning and management, development of a territory, environment, water and waste management). - Environmental education program for children. - Lite...

مولاى عبدالله أسباعى

Wafa Association for Awareness

Member since 21 October 2019 @ 12:41pm

...hropological dimensions of this phenomenon, and its effects on girls' education. - Training workshops for a...parents ‘associations, representatives of local administrations, the education sector, and women, children a...


Association of Innovation, Training and Employment for Sustainable Development (AIFED)

Member since 21 October 2019 @ 12:29pm

...der Equality) by creating a platform which includes content on gender education addressed to primary school s...fessional orientation program to support young migrant women. - The educational programme ´´Europarents´´ o...

نصاف عاتي

Development Association ‘Rawafed’

Member since 21 October 2019 @ 12:19pm

...oving the living conditions of vulnerable social groups. - Organization of joint fairs at regional and national levels. - Provide training and education opportunities for women. - E...

Wedad Sourani

Society of Women Graduates (SWG) in the Gaza Strip

Member since 15 October 2019 @ 5:36pm

...omen Graduates have established a forum with the local universities which called universities forum that contributes in improving the quality of education at these universities.

Neus Pociello Cayuela

Fundació Aroa

Member since 15 May 2019 @ 10:25am

...tims of Gender based Violence (GBV) and their children, promoting awareness raising and prevention actions in the community and providing formal education frameworks, and professional...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Albanian Forum for the Alliance of Civilisations
Portuguese Platform for Women'   s Rights - PpDM (Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres)
Ecological Universe for Development and Climate Association
Sami Zouari
RUSEMEG - Réseau Universitaire et Scientifique Euro-Méditerranéen
European Observatory on Femicide
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies: Contemporary Medusa
The committee of vigilance for democracy in Tunisia (CDVT)
Department of Gender Studies, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta
Association of Continuity of Generations - ACG
Civil Coalition for the development of Solidarity action (CCDAS)
Thenextwomen tunisie
Psycho Social Counseling Center for Women (PSCCW)
Mediterranean Observatory of Communication (OMEC)
Ibn Battuta Foundation
Associació Catalana de Dones Directives i Empresaries
Right and Democracy Organization
Nelly Jazra
Center for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue
University of Naples  L'Orientale
The Union of Feminist Action
AWSA-Be, Arab Women's Solidarity Association-Belgium
University of Manouba Tunisia
Association AGIR pour le Developpement et l'Epanouissement de la Jeunesse
KAFA (enough) Violence and Exploitation
Forsaan Al-Ghad Youth Association
Trajectorya noorteorganisatsioon MTÜ
Women'    s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC)
Hassine Karim Glaied
Centre de Recherches, d'Etude de Documentation et d'Information sur la Femme, CREDIF
Center for Women's Studies in Islam (CERFI)
Association Anaouat pour la femme et l'enfant
Horus Foundation for Development and Training
Amel Association International
Center for Study and Research on Human Rights and Migration

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Invitation: Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on Female Entrepreneurs in the MENA region

We are very happy to announce that Womenpreneur-Initiative and SANAD Entrepreneurship Academy are conducting a survey to assess...

The Platform on Gender Mainstreaming in youth work

http://www. trajectorya. ee/tools-for-mainstreaming-gender-in-youth-work/Trajectorya has reached a point to finalize the...

Selection of 12 successful practices in advocacy and political dialogue

The call for successful practices of advocacy in order to strengthen the role of women in society was launched in March 2015 and...

Check out our May's Newsletter!

Our Newsletter N. 10 is now available!It includes news about the CSO WINS advocacy campaigns in Libya and...

Our Illustration Exhibition Drawing 4 Equality at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

From the Ateneu L’Harmonia, our illustration Exhibition Drawing 4 Equality: Challenging gender roles on both sides of...

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Vilafranca del Penedès: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

From 18 April to 2 May 2023, Espai L’Escorxador hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation...

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development supports Tunisian women entrepreneurs

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is organising free online training workshops from September to...

Member in the Spotlight: Building Bridges Association

The Foundation met Wahida Haidar, president of the Building Bridge Association (BBA) that joined the Foundation’s Network...

VFJ raises women's capacities to have an active role in politics in Monastir

The Tunisian association Voix de la Femme à Jemmel – VFJ undertook a project which seeks to enhance women’s...

The Euromed Feminist Initiative calls for a stop in the killing and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

The Euromed Feminist Initiative hast just released the following statement: Stop the Killing and Ethnic Cleansing of...