

Foundation's Team

L'équité de genre dans et par l'éducation : quels leviers mobiliser? / المساواة بين الجنسين في التعليم ومن خلاله / Gender equity in and through education

Created by Foundation's Team 669 days ago

La table ronde organisée dans le cadre des activités du Consortium international pour l’Égalité Femmes-Hommes sur les campus de l’AUF a été l’occasion d’échanger avec notre panel d’invité.e.s des ini...

Andalib Adwan

Des réalisations qui dépassent le plan pour l'année 2022 du Centre des médias communautaires (CMC). / إنجازات ونجاحات تفوق الخطة لعام 2022 حققها مركز الإعلام المجتمعي CMC / Achievements that exceed the plan for the year 2022 by the Community Media Center (CMC).

Created by Andalib Adwan 743 days ago

Gaza - Centre des médias communautaires Le Centre des médias communautaires (CMC) a accompli des réalisations remarquables au cours de l’année 2022 en termes de promotion d’une culture des droits humains dans la société, en particul...

Mohamed Zaari

The Zakoura Foundation's 2020 annual report is online! / Le rapport annuel 2020 de la Fondation Zakoura est en ligne ! / التقرير السنوي لمؤسسة زاكورة 2020 متوفر الآن على الإنترنت

Created by Mohamed Zaari 1155 days ago

In a spirit of transparency and sharing, the Zakoura Foundation presents its 2020 activity report and reports on the results and objectives achieved despite a particular context of global health crisis. A new year which has consolidated the Foundation’s commitment for more than ...

Foundation's Team

Sommet mondial sur le mariage des enfants et l'éducation des filles / / Global Summit on child marriage and girls'education

Created by Foundation's Team 1303 days ago

Girls Not Brides Le mariage des enfants viole les droits des filles à la santé, à l’éducation et aux opportunités. Le maintien des filles à l’école - en particulier dans le secondaire - est l’un des meilleurs moyens de prévenir le...

Foundation's Team

Appel à contributions: Théorie féministe à l'université dans le monde arabe / / Call for Papers: Feminist Theory in University accross the Arab World

Created by Foundation's Team 1400 days ago

  Al-Raida souhaite la bienvenue aux spécialistes du genre MEPI TL de la LAU, ainsi qu’aux étudiants et professeurs d’autres universités du Liban et de la région arabe pour soumettre leurs réflexions sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de la th...

Foundation's Team

Evidence and experience: Adolescent Girls'Education in the Generation Equality Forum / / Expertises et témoignages : L'éducation des adolescentes au cœur du Forum Génération Égalité

Created by Foundation's Team 1474 days ago

To celebrate International Education Day, UN Women, France and Ireland are organizing a series of dialogues on the following topic: "Evidence and experience : Adolescent Girls’ Education in the Generation Equality Forum".   Organized in partnership with UNESCO, Plan Internat...

Mohamed Zaari

Fondation Zakoura presents its 2019 activity report / Le rapport annuel 2019 de la Fondation Zakoura est en ligne ! / مؤسسة زاكورة - التقرير السنوي لأنشطة عام 2019

Created by Mohamed Zaari 1577 days ago

In a spirit of transparency and sharing, the Fondation Zakoura presents its 2019 activity report. Thanks to the support of its partners and the commitment of its staff, the Foundation counted more than 13,000 direct beneficiaries in 2019. Present in 8 regions, the Foundation deployed it...

Foundation's Team

Harnessing the Power of Data for Gender Equality: Introducing the 2019 EM2030 SDG Gender Index / Tirer parti des données pour atteindre l'égalité de genre : présentation de l'Indice du genre dans les ODD 2019 d'EM2030 / تسخير قوة البيانات من أجل المساواة بين الجنسين: تقديم مؤشر النوع الاجتماعي في...

Created by Foundation's Team 1936 days ago

The index presented in this report is the most comprehensive tool available to explore the state of gender equality across 129 countries (covering 95% of the world’s girls and women), 14 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and 51 targets linked to issues inherent in th...

Foundation's Team

Free online course for educating young people on gender and GBV / Cours en ligne pour les jeunes sur le genre et la violence basée sur le genre / دورة مجانية للشباب والشابات حول الجندر والعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي

Created by Foundation's Team 1956 days ago

If you are an educator, teacher, trainer, youth leader... and are interested in promoting gender equality and working on the issue of gender-based violence (GBV) with young people, this course is a great opportunity! The Spanish NGO Cazalla Intercultural is organising the online course...

Foundation's Team

The Pursuit of Gender Equality: An uphill battle / السعي لتحقيق المساواة بين الجنسين: معركة شاقة / Atteindre l'égalité femmes-hommes: Un combat difficile

Created by Foundation's Team 1969 days ago

Gender inequalities persist in all areas of social and economic life and across countries. Young women in OECD countries generally obtain more years of schooling than young men, but women are less likely than men to engage in paid work. Gaps widen with age, as motherhood typically has m...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Ibtikar for Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship
Right and Democracy Organization
Syrian Women's Network
Oxfam Intermon Maroc
Development Association ‘Rawafed’
The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development - REFORM
The Arab Association for Human Rights
Forum on Festivals in the Arab Countries
Coalition for Tunisian Women and the International Network of Women
Alternative Movement for Individual Freedoms M.A.L.I.
European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Valencia University
European Observatory on Femicide
Jbail- Byblos Municipality
Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc (ADFM)
Association of Women in Green Economy (AFEV)
Cairo Center for Development (CCD)
MAAT for Peace, Development and Human Rights
Info-Com Jeunes de Guelma
University of Coimbra
Centre for Women's Legal Research &Counselling and Protection
Nelly Jazra
Istar Montull Mussach
Almidan Association for Development and Human Rights
Réseau Doustourna
Women's Network for Mentoring / Networking (RFMN)
EuroMed Rights
Maysa Hajjaj
Carmen Garraton
Community Development and Caring Children with Special Needs Association (SCDA)
Committee for the Follow-Up on women' s Issues (CFUWI)
Tunisian National League of Policewomen
Social Association for Media Profession
University of Manouba Tunisia
Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development

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Shared practices

Stories of Nihad: A TV program discussing women's issues

'Hikayat Nihad' is a TV program broadcast on Cairo and the people channel, presented by Nihad Abul-Qumsan in a simple and easy...

Women's voices Web radio

The web radio'Voix de Femmes” (Women’s Voices) is one of the largest projects of the FEC’s association with the...

'Let’s erase sexist prejudices'

A teaching DVD called « Let’s erase sexist prejudices » provides a serie of activities to promote non-sexist...

Awareness Day for journalists, filmmakers and TV animators

This is a common activity of Femmes En Communication (FEC) and Wassila Network to increase awareness of the media on their role...

Discrimination against women in the case of opening bank accounts for their children

In Palestine, according to the Act No. 8/2009, banks do not allow mothers to open bank accounts for their children, arguing...

Pioneer Women: daring, innovaton, entrepreneurship

Created 10 years ago, the Pioneers is a network of nearly 20 incubators and nurseries in the service of entrepreneurs and...

Success Stories following visits to companies run by women in Setif

As part of a field diagnosis on the development of female entrepreneurship in Setif (Algeria), the Women in Business of Algeria...

Grassroots Activists for Just Peace and Gender Equality

This successful practice targets activists and young university students in 30 locations in the West Bank and Gaza. The...

Functional Literacy Programme for Women of the Argan Cooperative

With a population of over 32 million, literacy rates in Morocco stand at an average of 56%, representing over 10 million people...

Inform, Educate, Debate. for a successful democratic transition!

This practice consisted of organising conferences, theatre performances and painting workshops with the aim of developing...