Created by Foundation's Team 3470 days ago
This document reviews the laws and institutions concerning gender equality as well as the progress at a political level in Cyprus. The document mainly addresses the six following areas: women's economic independence, reconciliation of private and professional life, equal representation of women a...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: economic empowerment, equal decision-making, reconciliation of work and family life, sexual and reproductive health, stereotypes, violence against women, autonomisation éco...
Created by Foundation's Team 3477 days ago
Since the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (EMWF) has been launched, the Foundation is committed to monitoring progress in achieving commitments of the Union for the Mediterranean States on strengthening the role of women in the society. In 2014, the EMWF has selected to wo...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: access to education, access to employment, economic empowerment, women's rights, political participation, autonomisation économique, droits des femmes, participation politique, violenc...
Created by Foundation's Team 3497 days ago
The main objective of the practice is the improvement of economic empowerment and the respect of economic women’s rights in Jordan, through an advocacy campaign for the right to inheritance. JOHUD in collaboration with the Arab Women Legal Network (AWLN) conducted a lobbying meeti...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Tags : Tags: advocacy, civil rights, economic empowerment, gender discrimination, economic, social and cultural rights, autonomisation économique, discrimination de genre, droits civils, droits économiques, sociaux...
Created by Foundation's Team 3497 days ago
This successful practice aims to accompany women to integrate themselves to local economic activities, particularly in the area of the valuation of the rose fragrance. This action raised awareness to rural population, particularly to women. The challenges of the successful practice&rsqu...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Tags : Tags: economic empowerment, economic participation, economic, social and cultural rights, entrepreneurship, professional career, autonomisation économique, carrière professionnelle, droits...
Created by Foundation's Team 3533 days ago
Soroptimist International is the largest NGO of active and committed women in the world. The objectives of this NGO are to improve access to education for women and girls, to combat all forms of violence against women, to promote women’s economic autonomy, to contribute to the improveme...
Contenu type : Resources
Tags : Tags: access to education, gender-based violence, economic empowerment, women's rights, accès à l'éducation, violence basée sur le genre, autonomisation économique, droits des femmes, حقوق المرأة, عنف, الحصول على التعليم, تمكين اقتصادي, رعاية صحية
Created by Foundation's Team 3538 days ago
Enda Inter-Arab is a non-profit microcredit institution based in Tunisia. The mission of this institution is to participate in the fight against the exclusion and precariousness of young people and women, particularly in rural and peri-urban areas. It contributes to improving the incom...
Contenu type : Resources
Tags : Tags: access to credit, economic empowerment, microfinance, accès au crédit, autonomisation économique, microfinance, تمكين, شباب, نساء, مشاركة اقتصادية, الوصول إلى الإئتمان
Created by Foundation's Team 3554 days ago
Le projet a pour mission l' émancipation des femmes vivant en milieu rural dans la province de Berkane. Pour renforcer le rôle économique et les compétences des femmes, ADF propose des formations en « éco-tissage » et un accompagnement pour la cr&eacu...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Tags : Tags: income-generating activities, economic empowerment, cooperatives, rural women, activités génératrices de revenus, alphabétisation, autonomisation économique, coopératives, femmes rurales, نشاطات مدرة للدخل, تمكين إقتصادي, تعاونيات, نساء ريفيات
Created by Foundation's Team 3554 days ago
En partenariat avec OXFAM, avec le groupement féminin de développement et avec l’association de développement ASSAD, CAWTAR a lancé une pratique génératrice de revenus dans le domaine de l’environnement et de la sensibilisation des f...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Tags : Tags: income-generating activities, economic empowerment, women's rights, women's entrepreneurship, rural women, capacity-building, activités génératrices de revenus, autonomisation économiq...
Created by Foundation's Team 3560 days ago
This roadmap builds on the experience of the Framework Strategy for equality between women and men 2001-2005, which it assesses while emphasising the improvements needed. It describes six priority areas for the action of the European Union on equality for the period 2006-2010: equal economic inde...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: economic empowerment, development, equality in decision-making, pay, women's role, violence against women, autonomisation économique, développement, egalité dans la prise de décision, rémunération, rôle des femmes, violence contre les femmes
Created by Foundation's Team 3560 days ago
The report offers an overall view of the initiatives undertaken by UN Women in 2012 and 2013 to make gender equality advance in the world. The organization mainly works in 5 areas: women' s leadership and participation; violence against women; women' s participation in peace and security processe...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: economic empowerment, women's rights, leadership, peace and security, gender sensitive planning and budgeting, violence against women, autonomisation économique, droits des...
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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